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Welcome!. Julie Brock 2-248 Yearbook, AP Lit and Comp, Speech. My Family. Randy and Owen sit on the stoop after a long, hot walk through the White fence Farm. After seeing the real farm animals, Drew found a pig statue to ride. Who matters to you?. On a notecard, write the following:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome! Julie Brock 2-248 Yearbook, AP Lit and Comp, Speech

  2. My Family Randy and Owen sit on the stoop after a long, hot walk through the White fence Farm. After seeing the real farm animals, Drew found a pig statue to ride.

  3. Who matters to you? • On a notecard, write the following: • First (what you go by) and last name • Best way to contact you: Phone, email, etc. • With whom do you live (list ‘em all) – next to your guardian, include phone, email, and star the preferred method of contact. • 3 people that have made an impact on your life and why Go to the backside:

  4. Goals • Vision and revision – that is what this class is about, so what is your vision and revision? • Personal goal for school • Personal goal for this class (no grade goals – it is a skill-based class) • Strength and weakness for English classes? • What animal would you be and why? • What else does Brock need to know?

  5. Vision

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