High Resolution Full HD Box Cameras in UAE
Why Box Cameras are still Cool
1. Box cameras are of many types with features that range from smart IP surveillance technology to multiple HD secure output support.
2. These cameras have been at the forefront of home and facility surveillance, aiding in effective monitoring, security and control.
3. Today, Box Cameras are available encases in cases that are (almost) indestructible. These cameras also incorporate the latest in surveillance technology, with cutting edge features.
4. A few but important features that these cameras incorporate include:
a. 3D noise reduction,
b. Night vision and heat sensors,
c. Audio & motion detection,
d. Smart focus,
e. Progressive scanning
f. Image stabilization, and much more.
5. 3D Noise Reduction:
Noise in a major problem, especially in surveillance media. It is caused due to low light and affects the quality of media, rendering it useless (or less useful).
3D Noise Reduction adjusts pixels and enhances fidelity, resulting in better reduction in noise than the 2D alternative technology.
6. Night Vision & Heat sensors:
Equipped with night vision and heat sensors, these cameras can detect the presence of persons and fires, and control connected emergency systems when needed.
7. Audio & Motion Sensors:
These cameras can detect motion and sound using sound and motion sensors to help improve building automation and promote surveillance.
8. Smart Focus:
The smart focus technology allows easy adjustment of ip and CCTV cameras. This technology functions using a motorized lens module that can be remotely controlled.
9. Progressive Scanning:
Unlike the interlaced types, progressive scanning scans every line of an image frame, producing a clearer image or video as an end result.
10. Image stabilization:
Image instability is one of the most common problems associated with surveillance cameras installed outdoors that are subject to movement.
Image stabilization helps provide a clearer and more stable image, which can be used to identify criminals and maintain proper surveillance and security.
Visit Oasisppd Official Website for High Resolution Full HD Box Cameras in UAE i.e. at http://www.oasisppd.com/estore/index.php?module=view/category&MsID=1
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