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INVESTMENT STRATEGY OF VINNITSA REGION. THE DYNAMICS, DEVELOPMENT, EFFICIENCY (plans, prognosis, trends) . Development prospects of the logistic infrastructure of Vinnitsa region. Geo-strategic location.
Development prospects of the logistic infrastructure of Vinnitsa region Geo-strategic location • Looking at the map of Europe one can easily notice that comfortable transporting highways from Scandinavia to Caucasus, from Germany to Russia and Middle Asia cross the territory of Vinnitsa region. • There is insignificant distance to the sea ports, which have an outlet to Mediterranean (Odesa - 430 km, Mykolayv - 465 km, Kherson - 533 km). • Vinnitsa regionis equidistant from the Eastern and Western bounds of the State. (Russian Federation is situated at distance of 450 km. EU countries - 420 km. The length of the state border with the Republic of Moldova is 202 km). RUSSIA Significant raw material resources KAZAKHSTAN Energy and raw material resources EU CHINA the region, which is developed in the most powerful way THE MIDDLE EAST Significant supplies of energy resources’ great market
Development prospects of the logistic infrastructure of Vinnitsa region The region has the ramified network of railways (1124 km) and motor-car ways of the national and local value 9524. Such factors as the state boundary with Moldova ( length - 202 kilometres) and the neighbourhood with the 7 regions of Ukraine create the favourable terms for development of the region economy. The 3 main trunk gas pipelines cross the territory of the region: Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod, "Union", Dashava-Kiev -9300 km of the gas-distributing networks are being exploited as well as the oil trunk pipeline “Odessa - Brody” DEVELOPMENT OF THE TRANSPORT NETWORK OF VINNITSA REGION The length of region highways of the common use amounts to 9520 km. In terms of the roads’ length Vinnitsa region takes the second place in Ukraine. In addition there are 856 bridges on the roads of the common use with the total length of 14115 m and 1415 autopavilions. The roads of the common use with the hard-surface amount to 93,9%, the rest of the roads are of the earth kind. The density of the common use highways with the hard-surface per 1000 k.m. amounts to 273 km on the average in Ukraine . As to Vinnitsa region, this figure stands at 338 km (the fifth place in the state).
The nearest sea ports, which have an outlet to Mediterranean • There is insignificant distance to the sea ports, which have an outlet to Mediterranean (Odesa - 430 km, Mykolayv - 465 km, Kherson - 533 km) 465 км. 533 км. 430 км.
Development prospects of the logistic infrastructure of Vinnitsa region 1) Development of the transport infrastructure is the effective use of the transit potential. 2) Activity resumption of the Vinnitsa air-port. 3) Enlargement of the service infrastructure along the transport highways. 4) Enlargement of services’ sphere in the transportation of freights and passengers. 5)Processing of oil in the places of technological breaks of oil pipeline “Odessa - Brody” (Zhmerinskiy district). Development of a transport network
Development prospects of the logistic infrastructure of Vinnitsa region Perspective directions of the international transport corridors which will cross Vinnitsa region
Development prospects of the logistic infrastructure of Vinnitsa region БЕЛЬЦИ ЯССИ БУХАРЕСТ IТC «Europe – the Caucasus - Аsіa» IТC «Baltic sea – Black sea» IТC «Коsiny - Кiev» International transport corridors on the territory of Uraine: ITC « Balkans - North»
Development prospects of the logistic infrastructure of Vinnitsa region The scheme of basic motor- and railways which cross the territory of Vinnitsa region and their junction to ITCs IТC «Balkans - North» IТC «Коsiny - Кiev» IТC «Коsiny - Кiev» IТC «Baltic sea – Black sea» IТC «Europe – the Caucasus - Аsіa» IТC «Baltic sea – Black sea» IТC «Europe – the Caucasus - Аsіa» Motorways Railways ІТС №5 ITC №5 IТC «Balkans - North»
The perspectives of logistics infrastructure develoment in Vinnitsa region The Ukrainian branch of international data centre Database in education Database in science ІС-ІІ GRID infrastructure The centre of super computer computation and data URAN Electronic libraries The academical institutions' resource Virtual centres of educational researchs Universities' information resources and the remote education systems Мережа URAN
The perspectives of logistics infrastructure develoment in Vinnitsa region 2 3 2 1 2 4 2 5 2 3 1 3 1 3 2 2 4 2 3 3 3 4 URAN optic backbone (2007-2009) Gomel (Belarus) Chernigiv Volgograd (Russia) Lublin (Poland) Sumy Lutsk Rivne 220 Kyiv 190 85 170 Zhitomyr Kharkiv 55/41 27/5 75 115 345 Ternopil Poltava Lugansk 15/4 Lviv 90 250 140 155 240 90 Koshitsy (Slovakia) 250 125 145 Cherkasy Vinnitsa Dnipropetrovsk Donetsk Khmelnitskiy 11/5 145 12/3 Ivano-Frankivsk 280 185 130 Kirovograd Uzhgorod Chernivtsi 130 130 385 Kriviy Rig Zaporizhe Mariupol Mikolayiv Fiber optic cities segments, 3 universities with high level accreditation 215 70 Kishinev (Moldova) Fiber optic cities networks, supported from NATO infrastructure grant: 41 S&R institutions, 55 total S&R + universities with high level accreditation 15/2 55/41 300 Kherson Odesa Simferopol 75 fiber optic dark lines for GEANT connection Yalta 4/2 250 fiber optic dark lines for long distance connections (3000 km) according state program “Information and telecommunication technologies in science and education” (2006-2009). 250 – Line length in km. Sevastopol Prospective fiber optic dark lines (after 2009)
The perspectives of logistics infrastructure develoment in Vinnitsa region THE MAIN TASK - to change the region economics' structure on the base of іnnovation and investment development model
Basic priorities of Vinnitsa region The creation hi-tech industrial and innovation zones The further development of agriculture and processing industry The creation of scientific -technological park Development of construction and building industry The use of transit potential of region with the help of international logistic centres' creation within the frames of international transport corridors Development of sanatorium-resort, re-creation, health- improvingcomplexes on the base of Khmelnyk and other resort centres of the region Development of mineral and raw matwrial base of the region Еnergy saving and alternative powereengineering
INVESTMENT STRATEGY OF VINNITSA REGION Famous brands in food industry of Vinnitsa region Company „Nemiroff” - the leader of Ukrainian vodka market. According to the production volume in 2004 the company holds the leader's positions, having passed ahead of all the tipple manufacturers LLC „Barlinek-Ukraine" is the enterprise with foreign investments (Poland). The main product of the companyis a three-layer plaque, which is exported to the 30 countries worldwide, at present the enterprise processes 3,5 thousand of cubic metres of wood, annually it can process more than 100 thousand of cubic metres of wood. Vinnitsa region – your business in the heart of Ukraine!
The perspectives of logistics infrastructure develoment in Vinnitsa region The proposals, which concern the plots of land, alloted for the industrial and investment zones within the precincts and around the town of Vinnitsa The plot of land №3 123 hectares The plot of land №1 230 hectares The plot of land №2 160 hectares
Development prospects of the logistic infrastructure of Vinnitsa region The proposals of Vinnitsa region concerning the development of logistic infrastructure
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Development prospects of the logistic infrastructure of Vinnitsa region THE PLOT OF LAND DESCRIPTION 1. The plot of land’s square – 123 hectares The plot of land is located at the distance of 3 km from the town boundaries and borders upon the airport of “Gavrishyvka”. 2. Engineer communications’ availability: Gas pipeline - 500 m; Power supply lines – 10 kwt. for 200 m. The plot of land is supplied with the roads of asphalt cover. 3.The plot of land is directly located near the circle road around the town of Vinnitsa and joins the following directions: southern (Odesa, Uman’, sea ports), central (Zhytomir, Kiev), western (Khmelnitskiy, L’viv, the EU borders), south-western (Moghyliv-Podyl’skiy, the borders with Moldova).
Development prospects of the logistic infrastructure of Vinnitsa region Vinnytsya regional communal enterprise “Air-port Vinnytsya” Air-port Vinnytsya (Gavryshovka) is located at the distance of 7,5 km from the east of the railhead Vinnytsya and 1 km to the south-west from the settlement of Gavryshovka. The air-port occupies the suitable geographical location and can be engaged to the passengers and freight transportations from China, Russia and Near East. Investment prospects of “Airport Vinnytsya” is extraordinary high if taking into account the fact of the state enterprise “Vinntsa aircraft-repairing factory” location in Vinnitsa and possibility of its use as the reserve and most closely situated airport to the capital of Ukraine, which is located in the center of Ukraine, where the further comfortable transporting road junction for freight transportation is available.
Development prospects of the logistic infrastructure of Vinnitsa region Information concerning the passangers- and freight flow in Vinnitsa regional communal enterprise “Аirport Vinnitsa” in the period from 1985 to 1989. • on the average - 220 thousand of passengers went through per year; • on the average - 5 thousand tonns of loads and post stuff was sent per year; • during the summer seasonthe amount of flights per 1 day amounted to 40 takeoffs and landings; • during the winter seasonthe amount of flights per 1 day amounted to 20 takeoffs and landings; • the amount of the air-port staffmembers was 800 persons.
Development prospects of the logistic infrastructure of Vinnitsa region Prospects of development of air-port • In 2006 the regional council made the decision of the air-port privatization. • It is worth pointing out the 4 basic directions of theair-port development: • Transit for passengers - freight transportations - advantageous location in the center of Ukraine; the international transport corridors “Kosiny - Kiev”, ”Baltic sea - Black sea”, “Balkans - North” cross the territory of the region. • Freight - air-port ability of landing the air-freighters Boeing - 737. • Reserve air-port - taking into account the closeness to the air-ports „Boryspil” and „Kyshyniv” the air-portcan be used as the reserve one in case of unsatisfactory weather conditions or other circumstances. • Stand, technical and controller's service for private aviation - the amount of the private airplanes in Ukraine as well as in the region is multiplied from year to year, and in this case the air-port can be also used as their stand base or the base for technical and controller's service.
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Future trends of development of “Аirport of Vinnitsa” to championship “Euro – 2012” Київ L'viv Дніпропетровськ Донецьк Одеса www.vininvest.com.ua www.vininvest.com.ua 258 км 358 км 551 км 796 км 424 км
Development prospects of the logistic infrastructure of Vinnitsa region The town of Moghyliv-Podil’skiy The length of the state border with the Republic of Moldova is 202 km. The town of Moghyliv-Podil’skiy is located at the border with Moldova. The town possesses quite a developed transport infrastructure. The length of the motorways with asphalt coverage amounts to 35 km. Such important routes as Nemirov - Brychany and Vystupovychi - Mozyr - Ovruch cross the town. The ramified network of railway connects the town with all the industrial centres of Ukraine, CIS and Europe. The Dnister river may play a significant role in the transporting system of the town.
TECHNO PARK Electronics Energy Geo IT Aviation Medical
4- VINNITSA TECHNO PARK • Vinnitsa is known for its technical capabilities in engineering • and in medical perormances. • The Techno Park location is eccentric vis-à-vis the city agglomeration. • Its implementation shall have the following impact: • Maintain locally the brain making. • Ensure new job oppurtunities. • Participate in the development of the new energies and development over Ukraine. • Attract the agglomeration towards Vinnitsa peripheries.
INVESTMENT STRATEGY OF VINNITSA REGION Investments in enegry-saving and alternative sources of energy The change of boilers and installing the boilers with coefficient of efficiency 0,91 Enhancement of the existing boiler plants Converting the boiler plants to the аlternative sources of energy Investments in enegry-saving technologies Converting to electro-heating Bio-diesel Law-temperature pumps Bio - ethanol Co - generation Vinnitsa region – your business in the heart of Ukraine!
INVESTMENT STRATEGY OF VINNITSA REGION Converting the boiler plants to the аlternative sources of energy Type of setting Characteristics RAU 2-181 RAU 2-301 RAU 2-331 RAU 2-600 Heat capacity with 5feedings per day, kilowatt 150 250 300 600 ККД, % 82 82 82 82 Electroenergy use,kilowatt-hour 3,0-5,0 6-10 6-10 6-10 Substitutes for the volume of gas, нм3/per year 124000 186000 310000 620000 Boiler plants, which work on straw are the modern heat-generators, wich work with the help of the reliable in service gearing secure the process of heating and hot water supply. The waste products of wood-processing, peats, pressed sawdust, cutting, straw etc. Technical parameters of the heat-generator: Vinnitsa region – your business in the heart of Ukraine!
INVESTMENT STRATEGY OF VINNITSA REGION • Bio-diesel fuel (bio-diesel) – green kind of fuel, serves as alternative to the mineral kinds оf fuel, and is produced with the help of plant oils and is used for the substitution (saving) of the diesel fuel. From the chemical point of view bio-diesel is represented as methyl ether. Eterification reaction Diesel Bio-diesel rape оil sunflower oil soy олія Вінницька область – твій бізнес в серці України! BIO-DIESEL EU bio-diesel production (in tonns)
INVESTMENT STRATEGY OF VINNITSA REGION • Bio-ethanol is a kind of ethylic waterless alcohol, which is produced from the biologically renewed raw material (starch- and sugarcontaining, with the help of special technologies). Fuel bio-ethanol is basically biotechnologically produced — with the help of fermentation (leaven), kinds of sugar (sugar-cane and sugar-beet) оr starchcontaining raw material (corn basically). Sugar- beet Sugar-cane Fermentation Stratch Ethanol Corn Wheat Potato BIO-ETHANOL Sucrose Benzine Vinnitsa region – your business in the heart of Ukraine!
INVESTMENT STRATEGY OF VINNITSA REGION Виробництво біоетанолу The alcoholproducing plant of Bar, Gaysyn, Trostyanets alcoholproducing factories are able to produce up to 26 th. Of tons of ВКД per year, in its turn this production can grant 16 mln. hrn. UA to the state budget, 3 mln. hrn. UA to the pension fund, 0,3 mln. hrn. UA to the fund of social insurance, 0,2 до фонду зайнятості 0,2 mln. hrn. UA to labour fund, it will increase the quantity of work places in rural area up to 1 th. of persons, that will result in the taxes' increase in 9 mln. hrn. UA due to the paid salaries. The needs of Ukraine in ВКД 250-300 th. of tons At present the enterprises of Vinnitsa region can produce50- 55 th. Of tons ВКД per year. EU bio-diesel production (in tons) Vinnitsa region – your business in the heart of Ukraine!
INVESTMENT STRATEGY OF VINNITSA REGION Investment project of development of the resort - town of Khmelnyk Vinnitsa region has a complex of re-creation resources, which are unique for Europe.. Among all the resort centres in Ukraine only 7-9 resort centres can take on special significance. The matter of the first stage of the project • The building of entertainment and sanatorium – healthcaring institutions on the base of the resort - town of Khmelnyk, which uses the radon and mineral waters, healthcaring mud, is planned to be consisted of the following parts: - hotel 4 stars for apartments, - aqua park, 4 stars the total area 13 th.square metres, the square of the plot of land 7 hectares. • - rest home, 4 stars with the resort clinics, planned for 200 visitings per day, 5 houses of VIP-class, the total area ьна площа 4 th.square metres, the square of the plot of land 2,1 hectares. The existing health- improving base allows to effectively treat the folowing: • locomotorium • heart and lymphatic system; • nervous system; • organs ofbreathing; • gynaecological diseases; • disease of the sexual male kind; • skin diseases; • disease of the endocrine system. The amount of holiday-makers on a resort amounts to 65 thousand of persons per year. The needs of the population of Ukraine in treatment in the resort-centre amounts to 7 mln. per year. The project forsees the investment in:
INVESTMENT STRATEGY OF VINNITSA REGION Земельні ділянки створення туристично-рекреаційних центрів у м. Хмільник та Хмельницькому районі The plot of land 12,5 hectares Hectares 10,3 hectares The plot of land 52,1hectares The plot of land 34,2 hectares The plot of land 9,9 hectares The plot of land 39,7hectares The plot of land15,4 hectares Vinnitsa region – your business in the heart of Ukraine!
Development prospects of the logistic infrastructure of Vinnitsa region Vinnitsa region invites to cooperate! Іnvestment portal of Vinnitsa region www.vininvest.com.ua