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How to Use this Presentation

This presentation provides schools with necessary information and guidelines for implementing the mandated Gr 11 and 12 Physical Education and Health Education curriculum. It covers topics such as credit requirements, curriculum design, safety measures, and the role of students and parents.

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How to Use this Presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How to Use this Presentation • Schools can use the slides included in this presentation to inform staff members, students and their school community as to their plans for implementing the mandated Gr. 11 & 12 PE/HE. • Please feel free to insert, modify, change the order to meet your needs. • IMPORTANT NOTE: on a number of slides there are Speaking Notes included to assist the presenter with additional information and not make the slides too “busy” with text. • Slides 5-17, are a summary of the Policy Document: Implementing Gr.11 and 12 Physical Education/Health Education. You may want to direct parents to the following website to view Responses to Frequently Asked Questions (December 2007) for Implementation of Grades 11 and 12 Physical Education/Health Education: A Policy Document -http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/cur/physhlth/curriculum.html#grades11to12 • This website will also be a source to refer to for the Healthy Kids, Healthy Futures Task Force Report as well as other pertinent documents. You may want to consider having copies available at your presentation. More instructions

  2. How to: cont’d • If Schools/divisions have created a similar FAQ document this information should also be shared as to where it can be found. • Slides 18 & 19 Are intended for schools to provide specific information as to how they are going to implement the Gr. 11 & 12 PE/HE curricula. Schools/divisions can also add specific information about insurance, policies (I.e. prohibited activities) • Length of Presentation- to estimate the time required to present, it usually takes 1-2 minutes per slide. This presentation has been designed to take approximately 40 minutes to present and then allow 30 minutes for Q and A.

  3. Implementing Gr. 11 and Gr. 12 Physical Education/Health Education Presented by:

  4. Purpose of Presentation: • Provide information on: • Background to Healthy Kids, Healthy Futures Task Force Report • Common Terminology • Implementation Timelines • Credit Requirements for Graduation • Curriculum Design • Evaluation • Safety • Role of student and parents • School/Divisional Plan

  5. Background • The Healthy Kids, Healthy Futures Task Force Report was released in June 2005, which contained 47 recommendations. The Manitoba Government has pledged to implement all 47 of its recommendations. • Of these 47 recommendations, eight involve the school system in the areas of nutrition in schools, and physical activity in schools.

  6. Implementation Timelines • Grade 11- as of September 2008, system-wide implementation • Grade 12- as of September 2008, system-wide implementation.

  7. Credit Requirements for Graduation • Students entering Grade 11 in the 2008-09 school year will be required to earn 2 additional PE/HE credits to graduate with a minimum of 30 credits. • Students entering Grade 12 in the 2008-09 school year will be required to earn 1 additional PE/HE credit to graduate with a minimum of 29 credits.

  8. Curriculum Design: Guiding Principles • align with K-12 PE/HE Framework • encourage youth to take more ownership • involve parent/community • provide flexibility for schools re delivery model • provide variety and choice of activities for students • provide choice of delivery for students (e.g. % of IN/OUT time; topic or interest areas) • Focus on health and personal planning

  9. Implementation Model

  10. Evaluation • As part of earning a credit, students will be required to submit a personal fitness portfolio containing elements such as: • a fitness plan • physical activity log • journal entries • Students will be graded for completion of the course with a Complete or Incomplete designation. The Complete/Incomplete will not affect a student’s grade point average.

  11. Safety Schools and school divisions are required to: • develop a risk management policy related to the OUT-of-class physical activity practicum • provide risk management measures and safety information, and • Provide a teacher and parent/guardian sign-off process that aligns with government policy. Implementation of Grades 11 and 12 Physical Education/Health Education: A Policy Document (p.13)

  12. Safety Out-of-class Activities: 2 Categories • School–based activities (e.g., sports teams, intramurals and clubs): school board & staff are responsible for safety • Non-school based activities (e.g., community sports teams, dance classes at local studio, working out at home): parents (student under 18) and students are responsible for safety

  13. Safety Handbook • The Out-of-Class Safety Handbook: A Resource Guide for Grade 9 to Grade 12 has been developed to assist schools/divisions. • This Handbook (Draft version-Jan 21/08-Feb 29/08) can be found online at: • http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/cur/physhlth/ Or • School/Division website address • It contains information regarding: • Effective Risk Management planning • Safety, liability, and insurance • Developing local policy

  14. Safety Handbook (cont’d) • Appendices • Sample Policy and Regulations • Consent and Declaration forms • General Safety Guidelines • Physical Activity Safety Checklists

  15. Parent Declaration and Consent form • The Department, as part of the Safety Handbook, has developed sample Parent Declaration and Consent form as well as a sample Student Consent form. • These forms must be signed by parent* and student.

  16. Role of Student • Must develop a physical activity plan that meets the criteria set out by their teacher • Identify the inherent risks and how they plan to address these risks. i.e. Wear a helmet when skateboarding. • Share the proposed plan with their teacher and then parent(s). When sharing with parent(s), students will also be able to identify where they can get further safety information. • Once the student’s plan has been accepted/approved by appropriate parties, the student will implement and log the activity time as they participate. Implementation of Grades 11 and 12 PE/HE: A Policy Document-Pg. 15

  17. Role of Parent - Review the student’s plan, exercise discretion and be aware of the safety issues of the activities chosen • Assume responsibility for safety and supervision of the chosen activities • Approve the student’s physical activity plan by signing the Parent Declaration and Consent form. • Monitor the student’s progress and complete the appropriate forms. Implementation of Grades 11 and 12 PE/HE: A Policy Document-Pg16

  18. Divisional Information • Out-of-Class Safety Policy update • Eligible/ineligible activities • Insurance- Universal Student Accident

  19. School Information • Implementation model- 100%, 75/25, 50/50, 25/75 • Streams or pathways- general, academy, male/female

  20. Questions?

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