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Complete Solutions for your Technical, Safety and Compliance Needs!

Complete Solutions for your Technical, Safety and Compliance Needs!. Hazard Assessments. There are several reasons to perform hazard assessments at telecommunications sites including: Ensure safe conditions for employees or the general public who may be at the site.

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Complete Solutions for your Technical, Safety and Compliance Needs!

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  1. Complete Solutions for your Technical,Safety and Compliance Needs!

  2. Hazard Assessments There are several reasons to perform hazard assessments at telecommunications sites including: • Ensure safe conditions for employees or the general public who may be at the site. • Compile up-to-date data about rooftop hazards. • Ensure FCC & OSHA Compliance.

  3. Live Safety Training We hold several of our most popular live classes throughout the year across the United States. Visit www.rsicorp.com to see when and where the next classes are being held. With In-House training an RSI trainer will come to you. All of our live classes can be held in-house and customized to meet your company's needs. For more information or to arrange an In-House class call us at 888-830-5648. OSHA Authorized / CUSA Certified Instructors

  4. Online Safety Training We offer an assortment of online safety training options for you and your employees through RSI Virtual University. Please visit www.rsicorp.com to learn more about the courses currently being offered. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact a customer service representative at 888-830-5648. RSI Virtual University classes are available 24/7 so can fit in with even the busiest of schedules!

  5. Online Safety Plan RSI Corp has developed an online RF Safety Plan. This customizable solution helps organizations achieve OSHA compliance by formulating a company specific plan that can be saved or printed. This plan will act as the base of a RF program. OSHA requires a comprehensive RF program, to include training and this customized document will provide you with the requirementsnecessary to achieve thecomplete program. Contact an RSI Technical Sales Representative at888-830-5648to establishyour customRF Safety Plan!

  6. RF Safety Products RSI offers a new line of RF safety products including two new RF Monitors: • EME Guard A broadband isotropic RF safety monitor that continuously measures electromagnetic fields and alerts the user when pre-set thresholds are exceeded. This unit also performs time-weighted averaging. • EME Guard XS An EMF measuring device to alert workers near antennas. It constantly scans for electromagnetic waves and, via its built-in alarm and visual system, alerts users whenever the acceptable limits have been exceeded.

  7. Safety Signage Many wireless operators, tower sites and even state entities have begun to utilize specific policies when installing RFR safety signs on their sites. These policies are based on the OSHA 1910.145 standard and recent FCC and OSHA enforcements. RSI offers a wide range of safety signage to help keep your site compliant and workers safe! Visit www.rsicorp to see the signagewe currently offer.

  8. Environmental Safety RSI has performed thousands of assessments at various types of sites for independent verification Including: • Noise Analysis • Cathodic Protection • Oil & Gas • Carbon Credit Call us today to arrange an Environmental assessment! 888-830-5648 RSI is proud to be a green company. We are committed to reducing our footprint on the environment by recycling, buying environmentally safe brands, and through energy efficiency

  9. Other Services • Site Compliance Plus • Communications & Security • Turnkey Business Management Solutions • DTIC • Customized Locking Device • AM Detuning Integrity, creativity, flexibility, and responsiveness: these are the hallmarks of RSI. Through centuries of collective experience we accomplish our missions of “Helping Clients succeed” and ‘safety through education’ by acting as a partner and providing the most cost effective long term solutions to your individual telecomm safety needs!

  10. Looking for REALSolutions to your Safety needs?RSI is here to help! Contact Us Today! 888-830-5648 www.rsicorp.com

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