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What is Structural Lining?

City of Greater Sudbury Lining Program Overview Brittany Hallam, P.Eng. D&C Operations Engineer City of Greater Sudbury May 16, 2018. What is Structural Lining?. Cured-in-Place Pipe (CIPP) Gravity and pressure pipe Resin impregnated fabric Cured by hot water or steam Fully structural

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What is Structural Lining?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. City of Greater Sudbury Lining Program OverviewBrittany Hallam, P.Eng.D&C Operations Engineer City of Greater Sudbury May 16, 2018

  2. What is Structural Lining? • Cured-in-Place Pipe (CIPP) • Gravity and pressure pipe • Resin impregnated fabric • Cured by hot water or steam • Fully structural • Smoother surface • Minimum Design Life: 50 Years

  3. Trenchless Rehabilitation - Benefits • Limit Traffic Disruptions:

  4. Trenchless Rehabilitation - Benefits • Hard to Reach Areas:

  5. Trenchless Rehabilitation - Benefits • Cost and Time:

  6. CGS Background • 942 km of water mains and 778 km of sanitary sewer mains • Increasing age of infrastructure • Current average age: 48 yrs • Large infrastructure funding gap

  7. CGS Watermain Lining Program • 2011 - Test project • 2015 - First 3 Year Contract • 2018 - ~$6 Million

  8. CGS Watermain Lining Program • Choosing locations for lining: • Break frequency • Operational concerns (ie. Discoloured water, low pressure) • Resurfacing projects • Access restrictions

  9. When to Line vs. Replace a Watermain • Adequate flow • No significant growth projections • Limited bends and fittings • Sanitary in good or linable condition • High traffic areas or inaccessible areas

  10. Watermain Lining • Access pits at hydrants, valves, fittings, and bends • 175 meter runs on most mains • 200 meter runs on 6’’ mains • 4’’ to 24’’ diameter mains • Successfully completed projects to line 30’’, 36’’ and 48’’ mains • Line through 22 ½º and some 45º bends • ~$900 to $1,000 per meter on 200mm

  11. Watermain Lining • Steps: • Temporary By-pass • Access Pits • Perimeter Valve Installation • Pipe Cleaning • CCTV Inspection – pre lining • Liner Installation • Reinstatement of Services • CCTV Inspection – post lining • Disinfection • Reconnection & Restoration

  12. CGS Sanitary Sewer Lining Program • 2015 – First 3 Year Contract • 2016 – 5.6 km Lined • 2017 – 11 km Lined

  13. CGS Sanitary Sewer Lining Program • Choosing locations for lining: • Condition Assessment Program • I&I Studies • Watermain Projects • Operational Priority (ie. Multiple spot repairs) • Resurfacing Projects • Access Restrictions

  14. Sanitary Sewer Lining • Manhole to Manhole • No excavation • Cracks, fractures, holes, minor offsets • 150mm to 500mm • ~$170 per meter on 200mm

  15. Sanitary Sewer Lining • Cautionary Tale: • Main collapse in the process of liner curing

  16. Pros and Cons of a Multi Year Lining Contract • Pros: • Early Project Start-up • Ability to Add Locations • Time Saved not Tendering • Building Relationship with Contractor

  17. Pros and Cons of a Multi Year Lining Contract • Cons: • Difficulty with Contract Structure • Unforeseen Added Costs • Less Control Over Contract Schedule

  18. Overview • CGS lining programs are growing exponentially • Multi-year contracts are one of many tools to accelerate these programs • Familiarize yourself with the process before putting out a contract

  19. Questions?

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