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Languages, grammars, and regular expressions

Languages, grammars, and regular expressions. LING 570 Fei Xia Week 2: 10/03/07. TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: A. Today. Hw1 is due: 1% penalty per hour after 3pm. Probability Theory (from last time)

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Languages, grammars, and regular expressions

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  1. Languages, grammars, and regular expressions LING 570 Fei Xia Week 2: 10/03/07 TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: A

  2. Today • Hw1 is due: 1% penalty per hour after 3pm. • Probability Theory (from last time) • Formal languages, formal grammars, and regular expression  J&M 2 • Hw2

  3. Coming up • Next Monday • Finite-state automaton: J&M Chapter 2 • Next Wed • Finite-state transducer: J&M Section 3.4 • Hw2 is due

  4. Probability theory(from last time)

  5. Common trick #1: Maximum likelihood estimation • An example: toss a coin 3 times, and got two heads. What is the probability of getting a head with one toss? • Maximum likelihood: (ML) * = arg max P(data | ) • In the example, • P(X=2) = 3 * p * p * (1-p)  when p=2/3, P(X=2) reaches the maximum.

  6. Common trick #2:Chain rule

  7. Common trick #3:joint prob Marginal prob

  8. Common trick #4:Bayes’ rule

  9. Independent random variables • Two random variables X and Y are independent iff the value of X has no influence on the value of Y and vice versa. • P(X,Y) = P(X) P(Y) • P(Y|X) = P(Y) • P(X|Y) = P(X) • Our previous coin examples: P(X, C) != P(X) P(C)

  10. Conditional independence Once we know the value of Z, knowing the value of Y does not help us predict the value of X, and vice versa. • P(X,Y | Z) = P(X|Z) P(Y|Z) • P(X|Y,Z) = P(X | Z) • P(Y|X, Z) = P(Y |Z)

  11. Independence and conditional independence • If A and B are independent, are they conditional independent? • Example: • Burglar, Earthquake • Alarm

  12. Common trick #5:Independence assumption

  13. An example • P(w1 w2 … wn) = P(w1) P(w2 | w1) P(w3 | w1 w2) * … * P(wn | w1 …, wn-1) ¼ P(w1) P(w2 | w1) …. P(wn | wn-1) • Why do we make independence assumption which we know are not true?

  14. Summary of elementaryprobability theory • Basic concepts: sample space, event space, random variable, random vector • Joint / conditional /marginal probability • Independence and conditional independence • Five common tricks: • Max likelihood estimation • Chain rule • Calculating marginal probability from joint probability • Bayes’ rule • Independence assumption

  15. Formal languages, formal grammars andregular languages

  16. Unit #1 • Formal grammar, language and regular expression • Finite-state automaton (FSA) • Finite-state transducer (FST) • Morphological analysis using FST

  17. Other units in ling570 • Unit #2: LM and smoothing • Unit #3: HMM and POS tagging • Unit #4: Classification and sequence labeling • Unit #5: Introduction to other common tasks (e.g., IR/IE/WSD)

  18. Regular expression • Two concepts: • Regular expression in formal language theory • Regular expression (or pattern) in pattern matching: it is a way of expressing a pattern for the purpose of matching a string • Both concepts describe a set of strings. • The two concepts are closely related, but the latter is often more expressive than the former.

  19. Outline • Formal language • Regular language • Regular expression in formal language theory • Formal grammars • Regular grammars • Regular expression in pattern matching

  20. Formal languages

  21. Definition of formal language • An alphabet is a finite set of symbols: • Ex: § = {a, b, c} • A string is a finite sequence of symbols from a particular alphabet juxtaposed: • Ex: the string “baccab” • Ex: empty string ² • A formal languageis a set of strings defined over some alphabet. • Ex1: {aa, bb, cc, aaaa, abba, acca, baab, bbbb, ….} • Ex2: {an bn | n > 0} • Ex3: the empty set Á

  22. Definition of regular languages • The class of regular languages over an alphabet § is formally defined as: • The empty set, Á, is a regular language • 8 a 2§[², {a} is a regular language. • If L1 and L2 are regular languages, then so are: (a) L1² L2 = {xy | x 2 L1; y 2 L2} (concatenation) (b) L1 L2 (union or disjunction) (c) L1* = {x1 x2 …, xn | xi2 L1 , n 2 N} (Kleene closure) • There are no other regular languages

  23. Kleene star Another way to define L*: • L2 = L ² L • Ln = Ln-1² L • L* = { ²}  L1 L2 … Examples: • L = {a, bc} • L2 = {aa, abc, bca, bcbc} • L* = {abcbca, ….} = { (a|bc)*}

  24. Properties • Regular languages are closed under • Concatenation • Union • Kleene closure • Regular languages are also closed under: • Intersection: L1Å L2 • Difference: L1 – L2 • Complementation: §* - L1 • Reversal

  25. Are the following languages regular? • {a, aa, aaa, ….} • Any finite set of strings • {xy | x2§*, and y is the reverse of x} • {xx | x 2§*} • {an bn | n 2 N} • {an bn cn | n 2 N}

  26. Regular expression

  27. Definition of Regular expression(as in formal language theory) • The set of regular expressions is defined as follows: (1) Every symbol of is a regular expression (2) ² is a regular expression (3) If r1and r2are regular expressions, so are (r1), r1 r2, r1| r2 , r1* (4) Nothing else is a regular expression.

  28. Examples • ab*c • a (0|1|2|..|9)* b • (CV | CCV)+ C?C?: C is a consonant, V is a vowel Other operations that we can use: • a+ = a a* • a? = (a | ²)

  29. Relation between regular language and Regex • With every regular expression we can associate a regular language. • Conversely, every regular language can be obtained from a regular expression. • Examples: • Regex = ab*c • Regular language = {ac, abc, abbc, ….}

  30. Formal grammar

  31. Definition of formal grammar A formal grammar is a concise description of a formal language. It is a (N, §, P, S) tuple: • A finite set N of nonterminal symbols • A finite set Σ of terminal symbols that is disjoint from N • A finite set P of production rules, each of the form: (§ N)* N (§ N)* ! (§ N)* • A distinguished symbol S 2 N that is the start symbol

  32. Chomsky hierarchy The left-hand side of a rule must contain at least one non-terminal. ®, ¯, °2 (N §)*, A,B 2 N, a 2§ • Type 0: unrestricted grammar: no other constraints. • Type 1: Context-sensitive grammar: The rules must be of the form: ® A ¯!®°¯ • Type 2: Context-free grammar (CFGs): The rules must be of the form: A !® • Type 3: Regular grammar: The rules are of the forms: right regular grammar: A ! a, A ! aB, or A !² left regular grammar: A ! a, A ! Ba, or A !² Are there other kinds of grammars?

  33. Strings generated from a grammar • The rules are: S → x | y | z | S + S | S - S | S * S | S/S | (S) • What strings can be generated? • A grammar is ambiguous if there exists at least one string which has multiple parse trees. • Is this grammar ambiguous?

  34. Languages generated by grammars • Given a grammar G, L(G) is the set of strings that can be generated from G. • Ex: G = (N, §, P, S) N = {S}, § = {a, b, c} P = { S ! a S b, S ! c } What is L(G)?

  35. The relation between regular grammars and regular languages • The regular grammars describe exactly all regular languages. • All the following are equivalent: • Regular languages • Regular grammars • Regular expression • Finite state automaton (FSA)

  36. Relation between grammars and languages (from wikipedia page)

  37. How about human languages? • Are they formal languages? • What is alphabet? • What is string? • What type of formal languages are they?

  38. Outline • Formal language • Regular language • Regular expression in formal language theory • Formal grammar • Regular grammar • Patterns in pattern matching  J&M 2.1

  39. Patterns in Perl [ab] a|b . match any character ^ the starting position in a string $ the ending position in a string (..) defines a marked subexpression a* match “a” zero or more times a+ match “a” one or more time a? match “a” zero or one time a{n,m} “a” appears n to m times

  40. Special symbols in the patterns \s match any whitespace char \d match any digit \w match any letter or digit \S match any non-whitespace char … \+, \-, \., \?, \*, …

  41. Examples Integer: (\+|\-)?\d+ Real: (\+|\-)?\d+\.\d+ Scientific notation: (\+|\-)? \d+ (\.\d+)?e (\+|\-)?\d+ Any of the three: (\+|\-)? \d+ (\.\d+)? (e (\+|\-)?\d+)?

  42. Patterns in Perl and Regex /^(.*)\1$/  { xx | x 2§*} /^(.+)a(.+)\1\2$/  {xayxy | x, y 2§*}  The extra power comes from the ability to refer to marked subexpression.

  43. Outline • Formal language • Regular language • Regular expression in formal language theory • Formal grammars • Regular grammars • Regex patterns in pattern matching

  44. Homework #2

  45. Part I: probability • Part II: formal grammar • Part III: regular expression

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