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OFFICE OF SCIENCE. Report from DOE. LARP/CERN Hi-Lumi Joint Meeting November 18, 2011. Bruce Strauss Program Manager Office of High Energy Physics Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy. Outline. Budgets Program Highlights Cosmic Frontier Intensity Frontier Energy Frontier
OFFICE OFSCIENCE Report from DOE LARP/CERN Hi-Lumi Joint Meeting November 18, 2011 Bruce Strauss Program Manager Office of High Energy Physics Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy
Outline • Budgets • Program Highlights • Cosmic Frontier • Intensity Frontier • Energy Frontier • LHC Program
Context: HEP Strategic Plan Plan is based on High Energy Physics Advisory Panel “P5” report This is still the plan. Implementation at the Energy and Cosmic Frontiers is clear • End of Tevatron • LHC (+upgrades) • Dark Matter + Dark Energy Implementation at the Intensity Frontier has been more challenging • Funding levels at lower end of P5 Scenarios • CR uncertainties + “no new starts” • DUSEL difficulties
DOE HEP Budget Status • The FY 2012 DOE Request has been passed by both House and Senate • Overall SC funding approx. $4.8B • House provides HEP funding at Request level, -7% for projects (reductions restored in Research budgets to match Request) • Senate provides HEP funding at Request level but no funds for LBNE construction (-$17M) : “project is not mature enough” • However, currently under FY12 Continuing Resolution until Nov 18. • No new starts for LBNE, Mu2e, and MicroBooNE. • Small amounts of funding were supplied to keep making progress towards CD-1 for LBNE and Mu2e and CD-2/3 for MicroBooNE.
FY 2012 HEP Budget Request *Note: FY 2010 appropriation including SBIR/STTR was $810 million, so the total FY 2012 request is a reduction of $13 million from comparable FY 2010 funding
FY 2012 Budget Impacts • Lack of conceptual design funding for LBNE is the most serious issue • Schedule for LBNE CD-1 is at risk if • FY 2012 CR is not lifted before calendar 2012, and/or • FY 2012 Senate language prevails in final Appropriation • Both House and Senate bills support DOE request for $15M to maintain de-watering and safe operations at Homestake Mine previously supported by NSF • DOE and NSF are working together to keep minimal Homestake operations going during FY12 CR – “new starts” complication. • If supported in final FY12 Appropriation, DOE will take over support for minimal Homestake operations for the rest of FY2012, pending DOE decisions on cost-effective options for underground science. • FY12 CR has contributed to delay in processing of DOE grant actions, waiting for budget approval. Grants up for renewal are receiving priority.
Congressional Language – SC Priorities Office of Science Priorities.—The Committee commends the Office of Science for identifying three clear priorities for basic scientific research: —the discovery and design of new materials for the generation, storage, and use of energy, —better understanding of microorganisms and plants for improved biofuels production, and —the development and deployment of more powerful computing capabilities to take advantage of modeling and simulation to advance energy technologies and maintain U.S. economic competitiveness. FY 2012 Senate Appropriations Bill:
Congressional Language – HEP Accelerator R&D: “The Committee directs the Department to submit a 10-year strategic plan by June 1, 2012 for accelerator technology research and development to advance accelerator applications in energy and the environment, medicine, industry, national security, and discovery science.” Intensity Frontier: “...the United States has unique capabilities that should be exploited to develop a world-leading program of neutrino science…The Committee directs the Office of Science to submit a report not later than 180 days of enactment that lays out —the expected benefits of intensity frontier science, —a strategy for maintaining the U.S. lead, and —the funding needs over the next 10 years, including construction activities, of implementing the proposed strategy.
SC and HEP Funding Trends • General, bipartisan support for Science • Administration has also made this a priority • However, Administration priorities within Science are elsewhere • Budget climate not conducive to increases in any discretionary spending area.
Energy Frontier: Tevatron • Tevatron shut down on September 30, 2011 after 28 years of service • Delivered ~12/fb to D0 and CDF • CDF and D-Zero analyses will continue for the next few years • Focused on legacy analyses, including Higgs • Will be high priority for DOE-HEP • Still a lot to do! September 30, 2011
Energy Frontier: LHC • The LHC has delivered over 5/fbof integrated luminosity • Expectations are high • Need I say more? We knew this was coming … still very cool to see ATLAS Zmm event with 20 reconstructed vertices September 30, 2011
Intensity Frontier Workshop • As part of our response to Congress, and with community input, the Office will identify the full scope of science opportunities at the Intensity Frontier. • The ENTIRE community needs to be engaged in defining the Intensity Frontier program. • We expect good representation from the community at the workshop, and good dissemination of the results to the community. We expect discussion and feedback from the community in the spring, in time to influence the Intensity Plan due to Congress. • Important that the U.S. LHC community is engaged in this process • While the LHC is very exciting right now, this is about the future of HEP in the U.S. – it is your chance to shape it! Nov 30 – Dec 2, Rockville Hilton, MD www.intensityfrontier.org. Folks at CERN can join workshop from Room 42-3-032 on Friday, Dec. 2nd Video connection will be available
Cosmic Frontier – Recent DOE Highlights AMS - 42 GeV/c Carbon • AMS was launched on the space shuttle on May 16, 2011 and installed on the International Space Station. It is performing as expected and has collected more than 7 billion cosmic ray events • The DES imager is complete; DOE deliverables for CD-4 on schedule for completion by January 2012 • BOSS has completed 2 of 5 years of operations. Dark Energy results are planned to be shown at the AAS in January 2012 (Austin) – using spectroscopy measurements of galaxies and quasars • The Mission Need and CD-0 approval for a new ground based dark energy experiment was signed in June 2011. • We are funding a number of Generation-1 direct-detection dark matter experiments: ADMX-2a, COUPP-60, DarkSide, LUX, SuperCDMS-Soudan • Nobel Prize Perlmutter, Riess, Schmidt; “acceleration of the expansion of the universe” DES Imager
Cosmic Frontier – AMS AMS on the ISS STS-134
Brief History: U.S. at CERN Washington DC, December 8, 1997 CERN, December 19, 1997 A U.S.-CERN cooperation agreement was signed by the Secretary of Energy, the Director of NSF, Director General of CERN, and the President of CERN Council. The U.S. was granted Observer Status at CERN. Experiments and Accelerator protocols were also signed by the Director of the Office of Energy Research, DOE, the Assistant Director of MPS, NSF, and the CERN DG. The scope of the agreement is limited to LHC activities The accelerator portion of the agreement concluded in 2007, the detector portion remains in force until 2017. A new instrument for LHC cooperation will have to be negotiated so that it can be in place in 2017 20
U.S. Contributions to the LHC 21 • The cooperation agreement set the overall scale of U.S. contributions to the LHC project at $531M ($450M for DOE, $81M for NSF); The protocols defined the U.S. participation • DOE Contributions to the LHC Accelerator: $200M (~3% of LHC) • DOE and NSF Contributions to ATLAS and CMS: $331M (~25% of each detector) • DOE and NSF then set up a joint LHC Detector Operations Program to coordinate U.S. contributions • Manage the common fund contributions for U.S. physicists working on CMS and ATLAS. • Maintain detector systems and subsystems that are U.S. responsibility. • Carry out directed R&D needed to maintain and eventually upgrade the detectors. • Provide computing and data storage needed for physics analysis. • Research support (salaries for physicists, student support, travel, etc.) is handled separately through our peer review funding process • The main goal is to enable U.S. physicists to fully and successfully participate in LHC physics.
DOE HEP Funding for LHC Funding / FY (in $M) DOE-HEP provides research support ($80M in FY 2011) to about 1,200 scientists and students at five national labs and over 60 universities DOE-HEP funding for all LHC-related activities total about $160M/year in FY 2011 22
U.S. LHC Program: View From HQ • The LHC is a real success story • Technical: Machine and detectors performing exceptionally well • Scientific : Paper factory • True international endeavor: U.S. fully integrated at all levels in the collaborations • All advisory groups, panels, and studies have stated that the LHC is a high priority activity for the U.S. • DOE-HEP is committed to maximal exploitation of U.S. investment • Level of DOE funding for LHC activities reflect the high priority, especially in tight budget times • The U.S. is no longer the steward of the Energy Frontier • However, we follow the science opportunities, and the LHC program is and will remain a high priority within the Office of Science • We should be mindful that the long-term health of HEP in the U.S. depends on whether we can build a diverse portfolio of science investments that include world-leading particle physics facilities in the U.S. • We must therefore strike the right balance between offshore investments and a domestic program built around the intensity frontier.
A Healthy U.S. LHC Program • We are entering a 20-year program and we need to make it robust and fiscally defensible • We now have experience through all stages of the program • R&D, fabrication, commissioning • Operations, computing, analysis • Activities both at CERN and in the US • What can we do better? • Manage exposure to exchange rate • COLAs – need to build COLA into cost of doing business • Develop ways to be as effective as possible while working in the US – whether at the LPC or at the home institution • Recognizing contributions from individuals – if the best can be promoted, it helps the experiments • We are in the process of clarifying program roles and responsibilities along research, operational, and project lines – stay tuned for policies on • “Category A” -- evolving • Upgrades – just sent out • Others (COLA, etc.)
Upgrades • The detector collaborations are developing plans for LS1-LS2 detector upgrades that • Enhance capabilities, including dealing with increasing luminosities • Address current performance issues • We are interested in participating in the proposed LS1-LS2 upgrades, pending the proper reviews, availability of funding, and the following necessary but not sufficient conditions: • Collaboration approval and buy-in • LHCC approval; CERN approval in terms of schedule/run plan • Solid science case to support a DOE CD-0 • Must be able to answer crisply: What is the science case? In which direction is the LHC science pointing? What is the incremental science return on investment? “Detector won’t survive” will not be good enough • Hi-luminosity LHC (LS3) upgrades go beyond current US-CERN agreement • Will likely be part of US-CERN discussions • Long lead times might be an issue • Will need a very strong science case, especially with likely large scale of LS3 upgrades • Must plan carefully as upgrades will take place concurrently with operations and analysis extra strain on budgets and workforce
Comments on Future Relations with CERN 26 • We have 5 years to develop and sign a new cooperation agreement • While we can plan, we must have a good idea of what future US-CERN relationship will look like before we negotiate post-2017 commitments • CERN Council is phasing out the Observer State status, which was granted as part of the US-CERN agreement for the LHC • Through 2017, we see no need to alter the U.S.-CERN Observer relationship. • As new initiatives of mutual interest are considered and initiated, we favor the institution of stakeholder and collaborative approach on a project-by-project basis • We welcome CERN participation in future global projects both at CERN and elsewhere that will leverage global resources to obtain the best overall science • Care must be taken to balance the location and leadership of these global projects so that regional programs remain healthy, vital, and can support one another • Stay tuned.
Conclusions • Budgets are tight so we need to invest wisely • Build a world-class domestic program centered on the intensity frontier • Many opportunities in particle physics • Cosmic • Neutrino experiments • LHC • Although the LHC is very exciting right now, it is important to remain engaged with the domestic program – a healthy US LHC program needs a diverse US HEP program • We are developing and implementing policies aimed at strengthening the US LHC program • Congratulations on the excellent performance of the LHC, the experiments, and the computing infrastructure • Now let’s find something new! (but only if it’s there)