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Wisdom Teeth Removals: All The Truth About Your Wisdom Teeth

Taking care of your oral health is a good habit for overall health. Dental visits can make it easier for you. To have more information about wisdom teeth removal.

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Wisdom Teeth Removals: All The Truth About Your Wisdom Teeth

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Wisdom Teeth Facts : All The Truth About Your Wisdom Teeth 1.Wisdom tooth 2.Why humans have wisdom teeth? 3.Why it is troublesome to have wisdom teeth? 4.Wisdom teeth removal: things to know.

  2. Wisdom tooth: facts to know What is wisdom tooth and why it is named so? Wisdom teeth are generally third molars. They called as “wisdom teeth” because they generally come up between ages 17-25,an age of in which people attains their maturity. Everyone has to deal with coming up of wisdom teeth, so let’s gather knowledge about these troublesome teeth. Why humans have wisdom teeth? Wisdom teeth now vestigial organs ( not of use now) . They are useful in early men. Usually they eat uncooked and raw food, so they have to chew it more. So third molar is needed. Gradually we started eating cooked soft food this wisdom tooth not necessary now. Due to evolution some people don't grow wisdom teeth but some shows' wisdom teeth with a difficulty. Mostly, humans opt for wisdom tooth removal. These wisdom teeth are in research. The interesting fact is, they are known to have stem cells. Why it is troublesome to have wisdom teeth? Evolution made our line small so due to this, we generally don’t have space in our mouth to adjust extra tooth. When they grow ,it pushes other tooth and make them crooked. It causes swelling of gums, infection and pain. Misalignment of other teeth doesn't give space to wisdom teeth to come out of surface and thus get impacted causing little discomfort. One more problem is they are difficult to clean because they very inside of jawline. It causes tooth decay, bad breath and infection. If you notice that wisdom teeth are causing the above problems. So, book an appointment to affordable dental clinic to get wisdom teeth removal. Do I have to get my wisdom tooth pulled out? If you are in New Zealand you can make an appointment with a dentist Wellington. Your dentist will help you in taking decision for wisdom tooth removal. X-rays can make decision easy by visualizing the impacted wisdom tooth.

  3. Wisdom teeth removal: things to know To get your wisdom teeth removed it should be done as early as possible because it's roots are not developed in youngsters and teenager. And it gets more time to heal. Procedure is outpatient department. Done under local or general anesthesia. You may have pain in jaw after surgery so pain medication can be prescribed. Slight bleeding can be noticed by you. Your cheeks may swell and it can persist for few days. You are advised to avoid sticky, chewy and hard foods. Liquid and blend foods are advised. Taking care of your oral health is a good habit for overall health. Dental visits can make it easier for you. To have more information about wisdom teeth removal. https://gilldental.co.nz/

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