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Pronouns vs. Contractions

Pronouns vs. Contractions. Today’s Objective: We will identify the difference between possessive pronouns and contractions . Possessive pronouns are used to replace a possessive noun that shows ownership or relationship. Possessive Pronouns.

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Pronouns vs. Contractions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pronouns vs. Contractions

  2. Today’s Objective:We will identify the difference between possessive pronouns andcontractions.

  3. Possessive pronouns are used to replace a possessive noun that shows ownership or relationship. Possessive Pronouns

  4. Possessive pronouns can replace a singular noun and be singular: My, mine, you, yours, her, hers, his, its Or replace a plural noun and be plural: Our, ours, your, yours, their, theirs Possessive pronouns NEVER use an apostrophe! Possessive Pronouns

  5. Some possessive pronouns sound exactly like contractions. A contraction combines two words into one by taking out a letter and replacing it with an apostrophe. Contractions ALWAYS use an apostrophe! Contractions

  6. Imagine (your, you’re) visiting a museum in China. Practice- Which is correct? Imagine you’re visiting a museum in China. (you are)

  7. In one room, you find remarkable mummies in (their, they’re) cases. Practice- Which is correct? In one room, you find remarkable mummies in their cases. (belongs to them)

  8. The leggings, shirts, and cloaks on the mummies are as colorful as (your, you’re) clothes. Practice- Which is correct? The leggings, shirts, and cloaks on the mummies are as colorful as your clothes. (belongs to you)

  9. If several people make up rules, (who’s, whose) will you follow? Practice- Which is correct? If several people make up rules, whosewill you follow?(belongs to who?)

  10. Today’s Objective:We will identify the difference between possessive pronouns andcontractions.

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