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Explore Bangladesh: Crops, Fruits, and Rivers

Engage students in learning about Bangladesh's main crops, fruits, and rivers. Enhance pronunciation skills and knowledge about the country's agriculture. Interactive group activities included.

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Explore Bangladesh: Crops, Fruits, and Rivers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. welcome

  2. Presented by BisnuSarkarAssistant teacher5no kp model Govt. primary schoolKotalipara. Gopalgonj

  3. Class: five Lesson:20 Lesson unit: My country

  4. Learning outcome :The students will be able to 1.Read the lesson loudly and correct pronunciation. 2.What are the main crops of Bangladesh. 3.What are the main fruits of Bangladesh. .

  5. Today we will learn about our country.

  6. Rice

  7. jute

  8. Sugar-cane

  9. Tea

  10. tea rice Main crops jute Sugar-cane

  11. Jack-fruits

  12. Mangoes

  13. Bananas

  14. Pine -apple

  15. guavas

  16. Water melon

  17. Watermelon m mangoes Jack fruits main fruits guavas bananas Pine-apples

  18. Padma

  19. fish

  20. tiger

  21. Cox,sbazer

  22. deer

  23. Make sentences Country Capital Agricultural Crops River

  24. Group work Lily: write the name of the main crops of Bangladesh Bely: write the name of the main fruits of Bangladesh Rose: Write the name of the main rivers of Bangladesh

  25. Answer to the question 1.What is the name of our country? 2.What is the capital of Bangladesh? 3.What are the main crops of Bangladesh?

  26. Goodbye

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