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Fingal County Council Visitor/User Survey of Malahide Estuary - Survey Extension (Wave 2). Report of Findings 26 August 2009. Contents. Introduction Research Background, Objectives & Methodology Survey Locations Sample Size & Statistical Reliability Results of User Counts
Fingal County Council Visitor/User Survey of Malahide Estuary- Survey Extension (Wave 2) Report of Findings 26 August 2009
Contents • Introduction • Research Background, Objectives & Methodology • Survey Locations • Sample Size & Statistical Reliability • Results of User Counts • Results of User Survey • Demographic profile • Reasons for visiting the Malahide Estuary • Means of transportation • Time and frequency of visit • Likes and dislikes • Perceived importance of the Malahide Estuary as an area • Summary of Key Findings • Appendices
Research Background • Fingal County Council is required to conduct an environmental assessment of the Estuary as part of the preparation of the new County Development Plan and Local Area Plans, in particular to examine the impact of visitor use on the Estuary’s conservation objectives. • Robust data is required on user numbers and the nature of current use, to provide a baseline measure from which existing use patterns can be extrapolated into the future, to help inform future policy and decision-making. • Ipsos MORI was commissioned by Fingal County Council to conduct research with people using the Estuary across a range of weekdays and weekends, using seven pre-identified locations around the Estuary as sampling points. • This report focuses primarily on the second wave extension to the survey, but also includes comparative data to the initial wave.
Objectives & Methodology • The main objective of the research was to measure the number of visitors using the Estuary at different times of the week and to provide a profile of these users, determine their behaviours and gain feedback about their attitudes towards the Estuary generally. • In wave 2 (the survey extension), a total of 296 face to face interviews were conducted at 7 different locations around the Malahide Estuary over 14 days • In wave 1, a total of 263 interviews were conducted. • Both waves were conducted over 7 weekdays and 7 weekend days. • Fieldwork dates were as follows; • First wave (incl. pilot stage): February/March ’09, (22/02/09-23/02/09, 04/03/09-15/03/09) • Second wave: July ’09, (on days from 11/07/09-01/08/09). • Note that the collapse of the Malahide Estuary viaduct on 21/08/09 occurred outside of the fieldwork. • ‘Intercept’ interviews were conducted with users, therefore no quota controls were applied • Counting of pedestrians/users took place simultaneously.
Sample Size & Statistical Reliability • The project required several factors to be balanced; • The cumulative time spent at each of the seven sampling points needed to be broadly similar. • Each point was covered on a mix of weekdays and weekend days to ensure good coverage. • Trying to achieve a robust sample size, while balancing the other objectives and also taking potential budgetary constraints into account. • The survey is designed to generally be representative of users; • People who are more likely to use the Estuary and go more frequently are more likely to be picked up in the survey. • Therefore, the results are naturally skewed towards these people, in that their probability of selection would be proportional to their usage. • However, this is acceptable as the desire would be for the results and opinions of users to carry more weight. • Ultimately, the overall ‘universe’ of users of the Estuary is unknown and cannot be defined (there is no defined entry/exit point).
Survey Locations: 7 Interviewing/Count Points Point 7: Martello Tower car park Point 5: End of Kilcrea Road Point 6: Beside Island Golf Club Point 4: Beside where the swans gather Point 3: 1st Layby after Malahide Rugby Club Point 2: Layby near Yacht Club Point 1: Car Park opposite Oscar Traynors Restaurant
Pedestrian Counts • Given a total of fourteen ‘shifts’ to cover 7 locations points, it was not possible to achieve coverage for every hour across every point. • The shift patterns were designed with the aim of ensuring; • Broadly equal coverage of all seven points • Weekday and weekend coverage at all seven points. • Counts were collated in 15 minute segments • Therefore, these results have been extrapolated to produce hourly averages. • Other factors, such as inclement weather and seasonal factors, may affect the numbers using the Estuary at different times. • The results should be used as a guide to assess; • Locations that are more/less popular • Times of day that are more/less popular.
Users – Weekday Hourly Averages (Mon-Fri)Wave 2 • Location 1 achieves the highest average footfall, with a peak of c. 50 per hour over lunchtime (12h-14h). • Location 7 is also popular, particularly at lunchtime (12h-14h). • Locations 2, 3 & 4 show lower numbers, averaging c. 10-20 per hour. • Locations 5 & 6 are the least popular, with less than 5 users per hour across the day. • However, while these points were also quieter in the past wave, it is worth noting that poor weather may have affected counts at these points also.
Users – Weekend Hourly Averages (Sat-Sun)Wave 2 • Locations 1 & 7 are the most popular at the weekend, with an average hourly footfall of c. 50, peaking at almost 100 per hour over lunchtime. • Location 2 is also popular, with close to 50 users on average in the morning (09h-12h). • All other locations (3, 4, 5 & 6) show variables user numbers throughout the day, averaging at 15-25 per hour.
Users – Weekday and Weekend dayHourly Averages – Wave1 vs Wave 2 Weekday Hourly averages Weekend Hourly averages
Demographic Profile of Users – Gender & Age – Wave 1 vs Wave 2 The gender balance remains consistent across waves, with a very slight male skew. Across both waves, one third of users are aged 55+. Age Gender Base: All respondents, Wave 1 (n=263) and Wave 2 (n=296)
Demographic Profile of Users – Age by Gender – Wave 1 vs Wave 2 Age by Gender: Wave 1 Age by Gender: Wave 2 16-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+ In wave 1, female users tended to be younger while male users tended to be older. In wave 2, the age spread is almost identical in both genders. Base: All respondents Wave 1 (n=263) Base: All respondents Wave 2 (n=296)
Demographic Profile of Users - Wave 1 vs Wave 2– Age Profile of Malahide/Swords respondents In both waves, Malahide users tended to be older (60%/61% aged 45+),while Swords users were younger (28%/35% aged under 35). Age Profile: Wave 1 Age Profile: Wave 2 16-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+ Base: As indicated
Demographic Profile of Users - Wave 1 vs Wave 2– Social Class & Household Size c. 70% of users across both waves are in the ABC1 social class,mainly in households with no children under 16 years. Social Class* Number of People in Household Children (<16 year old):W.1W.2 -None 62% 67% -1 child 16% 16% -2 children 16% 12% -3 children 4% 4% -4 children 2% 1% -5+ children * (n=2) - Adults:W.1W.2 -1 adult 13% 12% -2 adults 65% 60% -3 adults 13% 16% -4 adults 5% 9% -5 adults 2% 2% -6+ adults 1% 2% *2% of respondents refused to answer on wave 1 Base: All respondents Wave 1 (n=263) and Wave 2 (n=296)
Demographic Profile of Users - Wave 1 vs Wave 2– Where they live Approximately one third of users are from Malahide, 16-21% from Swords and a further one in four from other areas within Fingal Co. Co. How long were they living there? Total sample: Average of 19 years Wave 1 Wave 2 Other (incl. Meath 3%, other counties 7%, Outside Irl 2%) Dun Laoghaire -Rathdown South Dublin Council area Other Malahide South Dublin Council area Malahide Dublin City Council area Dublin City Council area Rest of Fingal County Council Rest of Fingal County Council Swords Swords How long were they living there? Total sample: Average of 19 years Base: All respondents Wave 1 (n=263) Base: All respondents Wave 2 (n=296)
Demographic Profile of Users- Wave 1 vs Wave 2– Where they live (by day of visit) In the summer wave, the proportion of users from the Malahide/Swords area was higher at the weekend (53%) vs. weekdays (45%). Wave 1 Wave 2 Malahide (n=97) Swords (n=48) Rest of Fingal (n=73) Dublin City Council area (n=36) Other (n=42) Base: As indicated
Working in the area (by day of visit) - Wave 2 only N.B: This question was not included in wave 1. Q. May I ask if you are working in the local area? Yes, in Malahide Yes, in Swords Yes, within Fingal County council area Yes, outside Fingal County council area No, not working Base: All respondents from wave 2 (n=296)
Reasons for visiting the Estuary - Wave 1 vs Wave 2 Q. What would you say is the main reason you are here at Malahide Estuary today? The Estuary is visited primarily for walking, although slightly higherproportions visited in the summer to relax or to feed water birds. Walking (for pleasure/scenery) Walking (for exercise) Walking the dog Commuting/getting from A to B (e.g. work) Other mentions (-1%) in wave 1 were: To get air for the kids, Research on wildlife, cycling, sailing, visiting family, going to the beach, photography. Water sports (except sailing) Bird watching Feed the swans or ducks Other mentions (-1%) in wave 2 were: Cycling, swimming/going to the beach, day trip with group (school, club, friends), bottle bank, sailing, bring the children, jogging/running, motor biking, collecting mussels, fishing, tennis. . Lunch/picnic Relax and enjoy the view Work Base: All respondents Wave 1 (n=263) and Wave 2 (n=296)
Means of transportation to the Estuary- Wave1 vs Wave 2 Q. How did you travel to Malahide Estuary today? How do you usually travel to the Malahide Estuary? The car is consistently used to travel to the Estuary by c. 60% of visitors, with almost all others walking. Today Wave 1-Total sample (n=263) Wave 2-Total sample (n=296) Usually Wave 1-Total sample (n=263) Wave 2-Total sample (n=296) Base: As indicated
Usual means of transportation to the Estuary- Wave1 vs Wave 2-Malahide vs Swords Q. How do you usually travel to the Malahide Estuary? Car usage is much higher among Swords residents, particularly inthe summer period, when 3 in 4 Malahide residents walk by comparison. Wave 1 Living in Malahide (n=95) Living in Swords (n=54) Wave 2 Living in Malahide (n=97) Living in Swords (n=48) Base: As indicated
Usual means of transportation to the Estuary- Wave 1 vs Wave 2- Weekday vs Weekend interviews Q. How do you usually travel to the Malahide Estuary? The patterns below are reflective of the origin of visitors in eachperiod, whereby Malahide visitors are more likely to walk there. Wave 1 Interviewed on a weekday (n=111) Interviewed on a weekend day (n=152) Wave 2 Interviewed on a weekday (n=138) Interviewed on a weekend day (n=158) Base: As indicated
Favoured Location for Car Parking- Wave 1 vs Wave 2 Q. Where do you usually park? A variety of parking areas were used in the summer period, whereas more interviews (and parking) was evident at Malahide Coast Rd in wave 1. % of sample interviews W.1 W.2 Malahide Coast Road car park (Point 1) 34% 17% Estuary Road from Malahide to Swords (Points 2,3,4) 46% 46% Martello Tower car park (Point 7) 11% 22% Northern side towards Donabate, at end of Kilcrea Road (Point 5) 7% 7% In Malahide Village Other single mentions Wave 1: Woodies car Park, On the sea front, High Rock car park, It depends. Wave 2: Don’t park/ drop off 2% 8% Beside Island Golf Club (Point 6) Don’t Know/No answer Base: All who usually drive or drove to the Estuary today wave 1 (n=176) / wave 2 (n=184)
Favoured Time of Visit- Wave 1 vs Wave 2 * Not asked on the first wave Q. At what time do you most often visit Malahide Estuary?* The Estuary is visited later in the day by many in the summer period, taking advantage of extended daylight hours. Early morning (Before 9 am) Mid-morning (9am-12 noon) Lunchtime (12 noon- 2pm) Afternoon (2-5pm) Evening (5-7pm) Night Time (After 7pm)* Don’t know/ It varies Base: All respondents Wave 1 (n=263) and Wave 2 (n=296)
Favoured Time of Visit – Wave 1 vs Wave 2- By Age Groups Q. At what time do you most often visit Malahide Estuary? Younger users are more likely to visit the Estuary in the evening. 16-34 year old (n=62) Wave 1 35-54 year old (n=116) 55+ year old (n=84) Wave 2 16-34 year old (n=76) 35-54 year old (n=124) 55+ year old (n=96) Base: As indicated
Favoured Time of Visit – Wave 1 vs Wave 2- Malahide/Swords residents Q. At what time do you most often visit Malahide Estuary? * Smaller sample Malahide residents are more likely to visit in the morning period. All respondents (n=263) Wave 1 Malahide residents (n=95) Swords residents (n=54)* Wave 2 All respondents (n=296) Malahide residents (n=97) Swords residents (n=48)* Base: As indicated
Frequency of visit by location point- Wave 2 only Q. On average, how often do you use (or visit near) each of the following areas of Malahide Estuary? (Ranked by mean scores) At least Once/ week % of sample interviews Estuary Road (from Malahide to Swords) (Points 2,3,4) 43% 17% Malahide Coast Road (Point 1) 39% 46% Martello Tower (Point 7) 25% 22% Northern side towards Donabate (end of Kilcrea Road) (Point 5) 7% 10% Beside Island Golf Club (Point 6) 6% 8% Base: All respondents Wave 2 (n=296)
Visiting each location point at least once a week- Wave 1 vs Wave 2 Q. On average, how often do you use (or visit near) each of the following areas of Malahide Estuary? Survey locations 1-4 & 7 are the most popular with visitors. % of sample interviews (Ranked by location) At least once a week W.1 W.2 Malahide Coast Road (Point 1) 34% 17% Estuary Road (from Malahide to Swords) (Points 2,3,4) 46% 46% Northern side towards Donabate (end of Kilcrea Road) (Point 5) 7% 7% 2% 8% Beside Island Golf Club (Point 6) Martello Tower (Point 7) 11% 22% Base: All respondents Wave 1 (n=263) and Wave 2 (n=296)
Visiting Malahide Estuary: Likes and Dislikes
Visiting the Estuary: Likes- Wave 1 vs Wave 2 Q. What would you say are the reasons you enjoy visiting Malahide Estuary? (Multicode) Visits are primarily for the scenery and fresh air, although activities such as dog walking and bird feeding increase in the summer. Picturesque/scenic/beautiful Like being outdoors/fresh air Like to exercise Like the wildlife/birds/close to nature To look at the water Close to home/ convenient Enjoy water sports/sailing Other mentions (-1%) wave 1: Research/college, commuting, good for the kids, good restaurants, photography, etc. Other mentions (-3%) wave 2: Pathways/walks, safe, swimming, free parking, traffic free, fishing, friends living nearby etc. Walking the dog Clean/well laid out Beach Peaceful/Quiet/relaxing Base: All respondents Wave 1 (n=263) and Wave 2 (n=296)
Visiting the Estuary: Dislikes- Wave 1 vs Wave 2 Q. What, if anything, do you dislike about visiting Malahide Estuary? Litter is the main dislike, with minor concerns over traffic and parking. Many respondents have no complaints or dislikes. Other mentions (-3%) wave 1: Anti-social behaviour, Crowded/ too many people, Lack of seating, Bad smell, Lack of walkway, Lack of toilets, Bad weather, Noise/speed of traffic, Lack of lighting, Cars on beach, Dogs off lead and dog dirt, lack of signage on wildlife, ugly bridge etc. Other mentions (-3%) wave 2: Lack of seating, Anti-social behaviour, Dogs dirt/ lack of doggy bags, Overgrown hedges/lack of maintenance, Dumping/dead animals/waste, Broken bottles, Crowded, No life guards, Rats etc. Base: All respondents Wave 1 (n=263) and Wave 2 (n=296)
Importance of the Estuary- Wave 1 vs Wave 2 Q. How important do you believe Malahide Estuary is as an area ? All users surveyed across both waves believe it is an important area. All important W1 = 99% / All Important W2 =100% Wave 1 Wave 2 Not that important *(n=1) Important Very Important Base: All respondents Wave 1 (n=263) and Wave 2 (n=296)
Reasons why Malahide Estuary is Important- Wave 1 vs Wave 2 Q. Why do you say that? (Multicode) The perceived importance is due to it being a public amenity, as well as its environmental/conservation importance. Good public amenity Important for nature/ from an ecological/conservation/ environmental point of view Free amenity Other mentions (-1%) wave 1: Good for kids, Symbiotic experience, Under-developed, Safe for sports etc. Other mentions (-2%) wave 2: Tourism, Water/Sailing/Beach facilities, Good for kids, the walks, Unique/Different, Health reasons/ Relaxing, Meet people/Social aspect, etc. Important area for wildlife Important area for birds Beautiful/scenic and clean Base: All who said the Malahide Estuary was important as an area (n=262).
Awareness of the Estuary as an ecological area- Wave 1 vs Wave 2 Q. How aware were you, before today, of the following details regarding Malahide Estuary…? Slightly lower proportions in wave 2 claim to be aware of the ecological and conservational importance of the Estuary. All very or somewhat aware Wave 1 That this is a Special Protection Area for birds 71% That this is a nature conservation area that is legally protected 66% That it is an ecologically sensitive area 63% Wave 2 That this is a Special Protection Area for birds 67% That this is a nature conservation area that is legally protected 61% 63% That it is an ecologically sensitive area Base: All respondents Wave 1 (n=263) and Wave 2 (n=296)
Signage for better awareness- Wave 1 vs Wave 2 Q. How useful would signage providing information on the importance of Malahide Estuary be? The majority across both waves believe that signage would be useful. All useful W1= 94% / All useful W2 = 92% Wave 1 Wave 2 Not at all Useful Not that Useful Not at all Useful Not that Useful Don’t Know Don’t Know Useful Useful Very Useful Very Useful All not useful W1 = 5 % / All not useful W2 = 7% Base: All respondents Wave 1 (n=263) and Wave 2 (n=296)
Restricting access to Malahide Estuary- Wave 1 vs Wave 2 Q. If there were proposals to restrict access to certain parts of Malahide Estuary at certain times of the year, for reasons of conservation, to what extent would you agree or disagree with such a step? 3 in 4 would agree in theory to restrictions for reasons of conservation All Agree W1= 73% / All Agree W2 = 76% Wave 1 Wave 2 Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Slightly Disagree Slightly Neither agree nor disagree Neither agree nor disagree Don’t Know Don’t Know Agree Slightly Agree Slightly All Disagree W1 = 18 % / All Disagree W2 = 14% Base: All respondents Wave 1 (n=263) and Wave 2 (n=296)
Comments regarding the Estuary Q. Do you have any other comments you would like to make with regard to the Estuary? • Positive Feedback • Great amenity (1%) 6% • Beautiful/very nice/peaceful place (7%) 4% • Well kept/clean (3%) 2% • Nice walkways/good for walking (3%) 2% • Negative Feedback • Litter/put better bins/clean up (10%) 15% • Bad water quality (1%) 5% • Lack of parking spaces/too narrow (3%) 4% • Too much/bad traffic (2%) 4% • More information/signage on area (2%) 4% • Dogs dirt/mess (5%) 3% • Bad walking paths (8%) 2% • Bad cycle lanes (2%) 2% • Remove graffiti/ broken bottles 2% • Other negative mentions (-1%): • Toilets close too early in summer,Anti-social behaviour, • Better marina layout, Too crowded, More safety • measures/barriers along estuary, Ugly railing/should • disguise with plants/general maintenance improved, flies in • the evening, restrict horses to their proper time/horse dirt. • Suggestions • More walkways around/ access to other side/ full circle walkway (1%) 4% • More facilities (tables and seating) (3%) 3% • Keep it safe/more garda patrols/lifeguards/ wardens (1%) 3% • Should raise awareness of area/educate visitors (2%) 2% • Other suggestions (-1%): • Could have exercise equipment available, More amenities • for water sports /boat hire, More lighting, Concern over the • area/should protect the wildlife and natural area, Open • Donabate beach to public, Proper park facilities for children. (Scores from Wave 1) Base: All respondents who had other comments on the Estuary Wave 1 (n=142) and Wave 2 (n=172)
Selected Positive Comments & Suggestions “I like it the way it is” “The area is very peaceful. It’s nice to be able to come down and get some fresh air” “I think that the whole essence of the Estuary should be preserved. I would not like to see it become over-commercialised” “It strikes the right balance between conservatism and water sports” “I like it, it’s great to have it” “It’s a really good walk” “It’s a pleasant place” “The dog litter bins are very good” “It’s a good idea to block off the beach to cars” “Something needs to be done because the paths can get very flooded but we like it that they aren’t tarmaced because they look more natural” “It’s absolutely beautiful. I give fair credit to all who are responsible for it” “I was just stopping off for a quick look around and to get some fresh air. It’s a great place.” “It’s great for the children” “It is well looked after. Bins are emptied regularly” “Just nice place to come for the scenery and the water” “It would be good to have signs that would explain birds migration habits” “Congratulations to the Fingal County Council for the way they maintain the Estuary” “They keep the place spotless. The toilets are clean at Point 1” “Keep it as it is, keep it safe”
Selected Negative Comments “More bins. There’s litter left behind. The Estuary needs a clean up” “It would be good to have access to the other side of the Estuary by foot, maybe make a circuit and build a footbridge” “There should be higher barriers along the Estuary, as during the storms the water comes over the roads” “The council should complete the walkway from the Estuary to Swords” “Parking on grass should be prohibited” We need more safety measures for the kids. There’s a lot of traffic speeding” “More signage and more maintenance to remove graffiti from the bridges” “We need picnic tables and benches” “The council are not making the best of the area. There should be more cycle paths” “There should be more dog bins around. […] there are a lot of dog walkers here” “The residents banned the use of power boats which shouldn’t be allowed. Also I think the swan population is getting out of control due to people over-feeding them” “Paths need more lighting in the winter. There also needs to be more car parking spaces” “The poor quality of the water is a disgrace. It is a danger to health” “Horse-riding is not allowed on the beach but this law isn’t enforced.” “The railings in some parts are ugly. Some planting should be used to hide them” “There should be some markings to show where the rocks are for the swimmers and a drinking water tap”
Research Conclusions • The Estuary is popular throughout the year amongst men and women, while the over 55s account for one third of all users. • 70% of users are defined as falling into the ABC1 social classification category. • Approximately one-third of users are from Malahide and about one-fifth are from Swords. One in four are from other areas within the Fingal Co Co area. • Users from Malahide tend to be older, while users from Swords tend to be younger, reflecting the likely demographic composition of those areas • The proportion of users from Malahide/Swords increased during summer weekends (vs. weekdays). • The car is the most common means of transportation to the Estuary for c. 60% of users, with most others walking. • Car usage is much higher among Swords residents, particularly inthe summer period, when 3 in 4 Malahide residents walk by comparison. • The Estuary is visited later in the day by many in the summer period, particularly younger users, taking advantage of extended daylight hours.
Research Conclusions • The Estuary is visited primarily for walking, although slightly higherproportions visit in the summer to simply relax or to feed water birds. • The main reasons users enjoy the Estuary are the scenery and fresh air, although outdoor activities and nature pursuits appear more popular in summer. • Litter is the main dislike, with minor concerns over traffic and parking. • All agree that the Estuary is an important area, with many citing that fact that it is a free public amenity and its ecological and environmental importance. • Signage at the Estuary highlighting its importance as an area would be welcomed by the majority of users. • Three-quarters of users would agree, in theory, to some restrictions for reasons of conservation.