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Update on Point source analysis with 2007-10 data Astronomy Working Group 1 July 2011

Update on Point source analysis with 2007-10 data Astronomy Working Group 1 July 2011. J. P. Gómez-González. Outline. Review News, webpage, note, … Clustering all sky search results discovey flux, systematics Conclusions/Outlook. 2.

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Update on Point source analysis with 2007-10 data Astronomy Working Group 1 July 2011

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Update on Point source analysis with 2007-10 data Astronomy Working Group 1 July 2011 J. P. Gómez-González

  2. Outline • Review • News, webpage, note, … • Clustering • all sky search results • discovey flux, systematics • Conclusions/Outlook 2 Update on SPS analysis J.P. Gómez-González AWG meeting, 1 July 2011

  3. Review Presentation at Moscow meeting: • Details about productions (seatray, rbr mc) • Firs data-mc comparison plots shown • Detector performance plots • Sensitivity for several Lambda cuts (fixed source search) • Dicovery power using number of hits as an energy estimator J. Brunner designated as analysis referee 3 Update on SPS analysis J.P. Gómez-González AWG meeting, 1 July 2011

  4. Data & mc productions Livetime from .eff files: /afs/in2p3.fr/home/throng/antares/Eff/Line[N]/[yyyy]/[mm]/r[run].eff Reconstruction: Aafit v0r7 linked (all hits used) Calibration versions: from ‘RUN_OFFLINE_CALIBRATION’ DB table Run-by-run mc production scheme (2ns, 5e8 NgenE, Mupage, …) 4 Update on SPS analysis J.P. Gómez-González AWG meeting, 1 July 2011

  5. Calibration versions Script to read calibration constants from i3 files (thanks to T. Eberl) run: 027659 CalibrationType Offline Label 2007:L5:V6.1 LabelAvc0Pe insitu 0pe line 1-5 LabelAvc1Pe In situ 1pe may 2007 (08/07/2009 21:44:27) LabelAvcEffThrs LabelT0 5 lines + interline offsets(30/09/2010 12:54:48) LabelTvc InSituTVC 04/06/2008 LabelXt in-situ line 1-5 TimeOfProcess 2011-5-27/12:0:0 UserComment same calibration as 2007:L5:V5.1 + new 1pe +new thrs VersionID 59186729 VersionIDAvc0Pe 5394610 VersionIDAvc1Pe 32572536 VersionIDAvcEffThrs 36083413 VersionIDT0 54497692 VersionIDTvc 16684668 VersionIDXt 5394631 Being completed: still running in Lyon (requires read HPSS files) 5 Update on SPS analysis J.P. Gómez-González AWG meeting, 1 July 2011

  6. Analysis web page http://ific.uv.es/~jpablo/web/analysis/home.html Analysis description, plots, questions … (Internal note also on preparation) 6 Update on SPS analysis J.P. Gómez-González AWG meeting, 1 July 2011

  7. DATA/MC comparison plots • New SeaTray data production ready (since yesterday): • A total of 7553 runs from 2007- 2010 processed • ANN energy reconstruction algorithm applied • Convertion to nTuples used for this analysis to be produced soon 7 Update on SPS analysis J.P. Gómez-González AWG meeting, 1 July 2011

  8. Detector performance New implementation: reading of data quality parameters from DATA_QUALITY table for a given run (baseline rate, qbasic and alignment flags, active oms, triggers, …) 8 Update on SPS analysis J.P. Gómez-González AWG meeting, 1 July 2011

  9. Clustering analysis EM algorithm: finds the set of parameters (n,dec,ra) that maximize the likelihood in an analytical way Background pdf: parameterization from data (polynomial function) Angular error distribution: in order to simulate signal events according to detector PSF The number of hits used in the track fit tested as an energy estimator for a better signal/background discrimination Implemented in the algorithm that performs the all sky search (new) 9 Update on SPS analysis J.P. Gómez-González AWG meeting, 1 July 2011

  10. Skymap Skymap in equatorial coordinates with the (scrambled in ra) positions of the ~5400 events in the data sample requiring up-going tracks with >-5.4 and  < 1º In the all sky search a pre-clustering algorithm selects a set of candidate clusters before likelihood maximization 10 Update on SPS analysis J.P. Gómez-González AWG meeting, 1 July 2011

  11. Pre-Clustering Number of selected clusters as a function of the  cut Of course this also increase the computational time and disk space requirements: Near the 5% of the current disk space available per user in Lyon is needed to produce the limits/discovery plots for  > -5.4 The parameters that determine the number of clusters pre-selected are; the cone size (CS), and the number of required events inside this cone (NE) In this plot it was considered CS=2 degrees and NE = 4 events 11 Update on SPS analysis J.P. Gómez-González AWG meeting, 1 July 2011

  12. Clustering analysis Distribution of the test statistic (AS search) for the only background case All sky search 10k pseudo-experiments simulated for each case using a set of skymaps scrambled in ra Simulations where 5 times more pseudo-experiments are generated ongoing (to avoid low statistic problems) More bg like – More signal like 12 Update on SPS analysis J.P. Gómez-González AWG meeting, 1 July 2011

  13. Median upper limits Median upper limits set on the E^-2 neutrino flux at 90%CL following Neyman prescription All sky search Sensitivity curves for the fixed source search and the all sky search Up-going tracks with >-5.0 and  < 1º Implementation of the Feldman-Cousins method ongoing 13 Update on SPS analysis J.P. Gómez-González AWG meeting, 1 July 2011

  14. Dicovery flux 3 discovery flux (50% CL) for different  cuts Fixed source seach Final data sample to be selected considering the quality cuts that give the optimal 5 discovery flux 14 Update on SPS analysis J.P. Gómez-González AWG meeting, 1 July 2011

  15. Discovery power • Using number of hits to a better signal/bg discrimination All sky search Not so efficient in the all sky search; only a 5% gain factor while in the fixed source discovery a 30% factor is found Goal: to test ANN energy reconstruction as soon as possible 15 Update on SPS analysis J.P. Gómez-González AWG meeting, 1 July 2011

  16. Discovery power Systematic uncertainties: 15% angular resolution, 15% detector acceptance, absolute pointing uncertainty (previous analysis) Fixed source seach No significant effect on sensitivity (FS search) To be tested with different values study on systematic uncertainties foreseen Up-going tracks with >-5.0 and  < 1º 16 Update on SPS analysis J.P. Gómez-González AWG meeting, 1 July 2011

  17. Conclusions/Outlook • New SeaTray production ready • nTuples and data/mc comparison plots to be produced (soon) • Analysis web page and Internal note in preparation • First all sky search results • Goal: cuts optimization on the maximum 5 discovery flux basis • Use the reconstructed energy (dedicated algorithms) • Study on systematic uncertainties 17 Update on SPS analysis J.P. Gómez-González AWG meeting, 1 July 2011

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