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Wall. Photos. Flair. Boxes. Garfield. Logout. Logout. Wall Photos Flair Boxes Garfield. Info. Photos. Boxes. Wall. Write something…. Share. facebook. Garfield wants more lasagna!! April 14 at 4:52pm. View photos of Garfield (5).

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  1. Wall Photos Flair Boxes Garfield Logout Logout Wall Photos Flair Boxes Garfield Info Photos Boxes Wall Write something… Share facebook Garfield wants more lasagna!! April 14 at 4:52pm View photos of Garfield (5) Jon Arbuckle at 5:09pm April 14 are you kidding?? we just had italian for dinner! Send Garfield a message Poke Garfield Jon Arbuckle to Garfield I signed you up for a new diet program :) You’ll be in shape in no time! April 12 at 6:03pm Information Networks: Paws, Inc. Muncie, Indiana Birthday: June 19, 1978 Hometown: Muncie, Indiana Relationship Status: In a relationship with Arlene Species: Orange Tabby Garfield Ughh… I hate Monday mornings so much… April 11 at 9:50am Garfield wants more lasagna!! on Thursday Garfield to Odie Stop licking me Odie… you’re getting slobber all over me! April 10 at 12:52pm Jon Arbuckle and Odie like this. Friends Garfield is now friends with Herman Post and 2 other people. Garfield Jon’s taking us out to eat at Binky Burger! Yay! April 6 at 5:31pm Jon Pooky Arlene Garfield I can’t find Pooky!! :( Is this an April Fool’s joke? April 1 at 10:07pm Odie Nermal Liz

  2. Wall Photos Flair Boxes John F. Kennedy Logout Garfield wants more lasagna!! on Thursday Info Photos Boxes Wall Basic Information Networks: Paws, Inc., Muncie, Indiana Sex: Male Birthday: June 19, 1978 Hometown: Muncie, Indiana Relationship Status: In a relationship with Arlene Species: Orange Tabby Occupation: Food-Eater facebook View photos of Garfield (5) Send Garfield a message Personal Information Poke Garfield Activities: Eating food, Sleeping, Being lazy, Tormenting Odie, Performing on fences, Destroying Jon’s curtains and plants, Chasing mice, Eating birds, Mauling the mailman, Annoying Jon Interests: Eating, Sleeping, Lasagna, Fishing, Kicking Odie off of tables, Watching TV, Being the Caped Avenger Dislikes: Mondays, Vets, Raisins, Spinach, Commercials, Nermal, Spiders, Exercising, Getting stuck in trees, The beach, Getting stuck in window blinds, Favorite Quotations: “Diet is die with a t” “If you want to look thinner, hang out with people fatter than you.” “I’m not over-weight. I’m under-tall.” “Slow down, take it easy” Favorite TV Shows Binky the Clown, Favorite Food: Lasagna, Donuts, Coffee, Anything but raisins and spinach Information Networks: Paws, Inc. Muncie, Indiana Birthday: June 19, 1978 Hometown: Muncie, Indiana Relationship Status: In a relationship with Arlene Species: Orange Tabby Photos 2 Albums Friends Updated last Tuesday Contact Information Address: 711 Maple Street, Muncie, Indiana 47305 Email Address: kim@pawsinc.com Odie and Jon Updated two months ago

  3. Wall Photos Flair Boxes John F. Kennedy Logout Garfield wants more lasagna!! on Thursday Wall Info Photos Boxes Photos of Garfield 7 Photos facebook Garfield’s Albums 2 Photo Albums Odie and Jon 7 photos Friends 4 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo

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