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Leading the Way in 2011-2012

Leading the Way in 2011-2012. Agenda. Thank You’s Intro of New Staff Members Retirements Recognitions 10-11 The Year in Review 11-12 Goals & Challenges Final Thoughts 8. Insurance Q&A Presentation 9. Association Meetings/Support Staff Mtg. Introduction of New Staff Members.

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Leading the Way in 2011-2012

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Leading the Way in 2011-2012

  2. Agenda • Thank You’s • Intro of New Staff Members • Retirements • Recognitions • 10-11 The Year in Review • 11-12 Goals & Challenges • Final Thoughts 8. Insurance Q&A Presentation 9. Association Meetings/Support Staff Mtg

  3. Introduction of New Staff Members • ECCMr. Spencer • ESMr. Johnson • ISMrs. Carlson • MSMr. Perucca • HSMr. Miller

  4. Retirements Elaine DiGiusto Deb Kasperski Mary Jo Major Deb Trotter

  5. Recognitions • Service Awards --5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 • Perfect Attendance

  6. 10-11: The Year in Review • Completed High School Addition -Thank You --Faculty/Staff/Admin/Coaches/Sponsors --Custodians

  7. 10-11: The Year in Review 2. Curriculum/Assessment Development • Formal curriculum in all subjects and across all grade levels • 125 Teachers worked 2,572 hrs!!! “Without a guaranteed and viable curriculum, substantive gains in student achievement are impossible to attain and maintain.” Mike Schmoker

  8. 10-11: The Year in Review 3. District Wellness Program -Thanks to the District Committee -Partnership with Riverside -Zickefoose 5k Benefit -Much more to come this year!!!

  9. 10-11: The Year in Review 4. The Economic Crisis -Assault on Public Education --Ed Reform Initiatives --Public Sector Pensions --Scrutiny & Accountability -Impact on Families We Serve -EAV Projections --What does this mean for District #1?

  10. 10-11: The Year in Review 5. Targeted Assistance to At-Risk Students -RtI Implementation --District RtI Committee --Building RtI Teams --Common RtI Time --Coaler Collaboration Time (HS) -Using Data to Make Instructional Decisions for Individual Students

  11. 10-11: The Year in Review 6. ISAT/PSAE & AYP --District AYP Status—no -Students w/ Disabilities (reading & math) -Econ. Disadvantaged in reading --ES—yes --IS—yes --MS—yes --HS—no (Academic Early Warning)

  12. ISAT/PSAE Results 2010 • Grades 3-8, 11 Reading • Grades 3-8, 11 Mathematics • Grades 4, 7, 11 Science • Grade 11 Writing

  13. 11-12 Goals & Challenges“Leading the Way” 1. Continue the Race to 100% -Continue “Leading the Way” in Grundy County -Catch the last few kids…We’ve proven it can be done!!! -If this isn’t your goal, you are in the wrong business. -Targeted assistance!

  14. 11-12 Goals & Challenges • Continue Building Relationships -Rigor, Relevance & Relationships -Teacher—StudentTOP PRIORITY!!! "Students won't be successful in class unless they have a relationship with their teacher and that family has a relationship with their school.” -Made progress, but still work to do

  15. 11-12 Goals & Challenges • Lead in Common Core Implementation -It’s not about changes in curriculum, but rather changes in instruction -Old Paradigm--Teacher does the work -New Paradigm--Students do the work -Higher Level Thinking -Impact on Standardized Testing -To be ready for Fall, 2014, we have to start now!

  16. 11-12 Goals & Challenges 4. Lead in Implementation of Education Reforms -SB 315: Performance Evaluation Reform Act --Impacts Evaluation Instrument Changes to ratings by Sept 1, 2012 Include student performance by Sept 1, 2015

  17. 11-12 Goals & Challenges -SB 7 Education Reform Act --Survey of Learning Conditions --Mandated School Board Member Training --Revocation of Certificates by State Sup’t for Unsatisfactory Performance --Modifications to Collective Bargaining Process --Changes to Tenure Rules --Changes to RIF Process These reforms are not obstacles, but rather opportunities!!!

  18. 11-12 Goals & Challenges • Grading Practices --Critically examine our grading practices --What do our grades reflect? --Does our grading system communicate or compensate? Grades must be a true reflection of what student know and are able to do, and not a measure of compliance.

  19. Vision for District #1-Continuous Improvement- “I promise you that at this precise moment next year, our school district will be better or worse than it is right now. It will not be the same; the choice to improve it or let it decay is wholly and undeniably ours.”

  20. District #1 Must “Lead the Way” “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Ralph Waldo Emerson -Common Core -Ed Reform Initiatives -Grading -Building Relationships -Getting to 100%

  21. The Lighthouse District

  22. Today • Insurance & Wellness Questions & Answers • Union Mtgs/Support Staff Mtg to Follow • Back to Buildings Tomorrow • 7:15-7:55 a.m.Continental Breakfast (optional) NO Food or Drink in Auditorium!!! • 8-10:00 a.m.Jim Burgett (Doom to Zoom) • 10-3:30Staff Development Activities

  23. Have a Great Year!!! Leading the Way

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