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UGANDA 2013 Ellen Barber and John VanDevere SOC 206-2: Cross-Cultural Issues in Education July 1, 2013. “” “MZUNGA”. UGANDA: THE CULTURE
UGANDA 2013Ellen Barber and John VanDevereSOC 206-2: Cross-Cultural Issues in EducationJuly 1, 2013 “” “MZUNGA”
UGANDA: THE CULTURE A summary of Ugandan culture includes their many languages, religious expressions, tribal, communal and individual customs, their food, dancing rituals and even historical African music. In every culture, even amongst the Ugandans, there is much diversity. The similarities and the differences between and with Uganda, and the United States, will be the subject matter of the following slides:
Language in Uganda- Luganda is a tonal language. Stress differentiates meanings. It has five vowels. It is spoken by the people called Baganda and understood by others in Uganda. It is used in conversation. Yee means yes. Nedda means no. Weebale means thank you. Simanyi means I don’t know. Nange means me too. Kale means ok. Tabula bulungi means travel well. Weeraba means good bye. • Religion in Uganda- “You can not speak of culture without religion.”“Religion is spoken about, beginning with Creation”, says Brother John. Uganda is one third Catholic, one third Christian, and one third Muslim. Belief in a supreme being is common. Myths and storytelling remain important religious tasks. Ritual and rites in communal life celebrate passages of development. Divine mercy is appealed for as an African. • Greetings in Uganda-Greetings are especially important in Ugandan Culture. Handshakes are appropriate and energetic, prolonged and many can be seen lightly griping their hand shaking forearm, with the opposite hand to express extra respect. Hand holding is common. Ugandans bow and give nods of the head. Always use your RIGHT hand when greeting others.
Food in Uganda-The cuisine consists of meats like chicken, lamb, pork, liver, and even goat. There are many fruits and vegetables available. Millet, corn , cassava and bananas are eaten frequently. There is rice, egg omelettes, beans and tilapia. The starchy green banana is steamed and mashed and served as matooke. It is the national food. • Music in Uganda-Brother John said that music began in Africa and has experienced many developments. The music is very harmonious and most instruments are tuned to the pentatonic scale. There are such examples as the harp(adungu) the xylophone(amadinda) and the fiddle(endingidi) and of course, the drums! • Diversity in Uganda-There are many different tribes and groups in Uganda and they differ completely from each other. “Culture is both integrating and segregating” says Brother John , and “Culture is evolving, not static, but dynamic.”
Preserving Ugandan Culture-Culture is preserved in several meaningful ways; by storytelling, passing on proverbs, education, socially, musically, and historically. “There are many challenges facing the African culture. There is a feeling of nostalgia, a sense of having lost our traditional culture and religion,” says Brother John, “A lot of African culture is still deeply rooted in the minds of the people, both literate and illiterate,” he reports in his presentation. Some proverbs passed onto us in class by our Kisubi friends were: hoofing it, which means walking, kissing the dust, which implies speed, winnowing sand which speaks of uselessness, and the image of the elephant. African Proverb “The elephant knows the tusk is not too heavy to carry.”
SITE VISITS We visited many sites in Uganda. We prepared for this aspect of our summer learning by delving into a 1965 Vatican II document, Gaudium et Spes. The Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the Modern World, begins with the English words, “Joy and Hope.” We were taught that this document is unique, written to the entire world. It describes the human person as a totality of body, mind, soul, heart and conscience and espouses a new approach to world problems.
Links to Global Learning Sites • SOS Children’s Village • L’Arche Community • The Kasenyi Fishing Village • Ndere Troup • Mbabaali School • Safari • Hospice
Ziika Children The Ziika children came to Kisubi University by bus. We served them by playing soccer with them, playing with bubbles and teaching them new games. The community we felt with them that afternoon was one filled with love, patience, and generosity on both sides.
SOS Children’s Village At the Children’s Village, we witness another aspect of community. Each household was representative of a mother and her children. The director of these communities was like a father to them. When we handed out the pillowcase dresses, it was important to the director that it be done equitably and for the common good of all.
L’Arche Community This is Robert sitting on Ellen Barber’s lap. He was rescued at a young age from a community of monkeys who had been raising him. Learn more about his amazing story by following the link.
Mbabaali Memorial School The director and his wife have made a huge commitment to these children.
Something to think about… The Queen of Katwe by Tim Crothers • Phiona Mutesi from the Kampala slums is on her way to becoming a Grandmaster in chess; the highest title according to coach Robert Katende • “Our assertion is that cognitive differences come from social differences…but that is a very tenuous connection. There’s no direct evidence for it yet.” Richard Nisbett, PhD
Teeth May Smile but the Heart Does Not Forget by Andrew Rice Duncan Laki persevered, investigated his father’s murder under the Idi Amin regime, found his father’s body, buried him properly and had the murderers prosecuted. This persistent work covered three decades. This story echoes the resiliency of the people I met in Uganda on my global learning mission trip the summer of 2013.
SERVICE LEARNING • Ziika Project • Micro financing loans • Sociological Surveys Walsh University participates in micro financing projects. The motto includes the words; “Empowering Women, Educating Daughters and Sustaining Families”. Dr. Penny Bove and Dr. Jo Anna Kelly pictured here, began the Ziika Project.
In January 2012, the Ziika Project began. Financial literacy education and training was provided by the Kisubi University College in Uganda. Eight women took the six week course. They had to submit business plans, budgets, and goals and also apply for the small financial loans to either begin or to expand their businesses. The first loans were given in May 2012. “Successful Microloan programs in underdeveloped countries have found women are more likely to repay.” Walsh University Ziika Project Update Spring 2013.
Seven of the eight women have paid their micro-finance loans back already. They have recently been given their second loan. The continued success of this project is dependent on these women paying the second loan back too.. Two of the women, Rose and Agnes have been chosen for leadership roles. The businesses included a retail shop run by Agnes, Baskets, purses and jewelry are made by Peggy. A Charcoal and Brick Making business is run by Rose. Another Brick Making business is run by Mary and a Wood charcoal business is run by Margaret. The Animal feed business is run by Judith. It was reported to us that the eighth woman had a crisis in her family causing her to be unable to repay her loan at this time. These women covered her debt because they are concerned with the common good, not just their individual business goals.
With the Sociological Survey they received this summer from the Walsh and Kisubi students, they gave informed consent to answer the survey questions, allow pictures to be taken and even videos. Each of them had the assistance of an interpreter. Interestingly, all of the women stated that they made a profit and that it all went right back into their business or helped them to educate another member of their family.
Real celebrations, joy and transformation for all involved in this project!
From the survey we learned that Mary has twenty people living in her home right now, five of them are adults. The children were right beside her, making the bricks. She had two small children under each arm while we were chatting about the brick making business and the survey. Mary had a very big smile on her face this day, also the day she received her second loan.
GAUDIUM ET SPESClick on the title for full reading of document • Gaudium et Spes states that our development should be measuring up to our "supreme destiny", through Jesus Christ, as baptized Christians." GS 10 • It is our conscience that needs awakened or quickened. There is a huge disconnect these days. There is a lack of human development amongst all. We are destined to become wise as humans. We were made for truth. We are in bondage because we do not help develop others. We feel burdened and lonely and unimportant, because we do not choose the good, true and beautiful, that which glorifies God. GS19 • Love of neighbor is the highest command. GS24 • We should oppose all things that "poison" human dignity and life. We must distinguish between error and truth, but always reverence individuals made in God's image, any who come across our path, doing what Jesus did. GS27 • We are precious for what we are, not for what we have. GS35 • Economic, social, religious political and communal life needs balanced between the different countries. GS 63 • We are asked to readjust our resources to establish these goals. This is an example of solidarity and subsidiarity. GS86
“The joys and hopes, the griefs and the anxieties of the men of this age, especially those who are poor or in any way afflicted, these too are the joys and hopes, the griefs and anxieties of the followers of Christ.” GS 1 ? Did Jesus come to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable? What enormous changes have you witnessed in our world? What separates, isolates and divides you from others?
For more information about Global Learning at Walsh, the Uganda Experience and the Ziika Project click here
REFERENCES Byarugaba, Dismas. (May 2013). Multicultural Uganda. Crothers, T.(2012). The Queen of Katwe. New York: Scribner. Gaudium et Spes. (December 7th, 1965). The Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World. Vatican Press. Introductory Luganda Lessons. (2008).Peace Corps Uganda. Kalama, John B.(May 2012). Multicultural Beliefs and Values. Kisubi, Uganda. Luwerekera, Bernard. (May 2013). Gaudium et Spes. Kisubi, Uganda. Rice, Andrew.(2009).The Teeth May Smile but the Heart Does Not Forget. New York: Henry Holt and Company. Winnerman, Lea.(Feb. 2006)The Culture-Cognition Connection. APA Vol 37. Ziika Project Update.(Spring 2013). N. Canton, OH.