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MONTH 3 The Vehicle for Lay Involvement:

MONTH 3 The Vehicle for Lay Involvement: Start a Pastor’s class for new people and those whose gifts are not known. The Pastor’s Breakfast / Lunch or once a month informational meeting . WHY: Pastor’s breakfast?.

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MONTH 3 The Vehicle for Lay Involvement:

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  1. MONTH 3 The Vehicle for Lay Involvement: Start a Pastor’s class for new people and those whose gifts are not known. The Pastor’s Breakfast / Lunch or once a month informational meeting.

  2. WHY: Pastor’s breakfast? A Pastor must have a vehicle through which a new person can be discipled - involved in ministry within the local church. The best method is to offer a pastor’s breakfast during the Sunday School hour.

  3. MONTH 3 Lay Involvement through the Pastor’s Meal.

  4. New families are invited to attend the pastor’s breakfast where they have opportunity to: Make friends with the pastor’s and other key families.

  5. Hear about why we are Christians and not of another faith. (Give them an opportunity to receive Christ) Hear the pastor’s vision for the church and reaching the city for Christ….

  6. This is given in such a way that the visiting family will want to be a part of what the church is doing and agree to come for the next eight weeks to the pastor’s breakfast to find out about this process.

  7. Inform the visitor that God has a plan for their life and desires to use them in the ministry of the church.

  8. Purpose Make sure visitors are saved. Accomplish discipleship and the laws of growth. Coordinate the outreach and follow-up programs of the church.

  9. 7 Laws of 7 (Laws of Growth)‏ 7 Impressions (Pastor & Outreach L.)‏ 7 Touches of love (Past. Care/Group L.)‏ 7 Contacts (Secretary-helps & services)‏

  10. 7 Friends (Fellowship Coordinator) ‏ 7 Weeks to find a position in the church (Pastor/Teacher)‏

  11. 7 “Leads” for the church to reach (Secretary-helps & service and Outreach Leader)‏ 7 Months of tracking (Pastor)‏

  12. SevenLeadership Positions of Pastor’s class also has seven key positions for the whole church. 1. Administrative/Chairman (Administration Gift)‏ 2. Teachers (Teaching Gift)‏ 3. Secretaries(Helps & Service Gift)‏

  13. 4. Treasurer (Helps & Service Gift)‏ 5. Fellowship Coordinator (Prophetic Gift)‏ 6. Group Leaders/Pastor (Encouragement Gift)‏

  14. 7. Outreach Leader (Evangelism or Mercy Gifts)‏

  15. Church Plants or churches which do not have a Sunday school hour can opt to have a Friday Fun Night in place of the pastor’s breakfast.

  16. The Purpose and Goals for “Friday Fun Night” remain the same as the Pastor’s Breakfast. The activity is all that changes. The point is to HAVE FUN and tie new people into the church. But a time during the week needs to set aside to follow the agenda of the Pastor’s breakfast.

  17. Welcome to Pastor’s Breakfast By: How to implement the Pastor’s Breakfast or Pastor’s Meal. By: Dr. Owen Weston

  18. Our Pastor Dr. Owen Weston would like to WELCOME YOU TO “PASTOR’S BREAKFAST”

  19. What you will learn in this Pastor’s meal: • Explain Why “This” Church, our Vision. • Help us Christians defend “Why we are Christian and not Muslim, Hindu or anything else” • Why God leaves us here – What He wants each of us individually to do. • How can we get involved and “do this”.

  20. 1 WHY “THIS” CHURCH? Our Vision (video presentation)

  21. 2Why I am a Christian? And not… A Hindu A Muslim or Anything else!

  22. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.

  23. For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. 5 Key Points

  24. The Hand

  25. These 5 points are seen when you put them on your 5 fingers

  26. Lets start with heaven or eternal life = “little finger” Eternal Life • Heaven is a free gift • Cannot be earned or deserved

  27. World Man or the world= “the good for nothing finger” or ring finger • Man is a sinner • All have sinned • No way he can make it to heaven

  28. God The “tallest finger” = God • He is just, He punishes sinners • He cannot accept man’s sin in heaven • God though is a merciful God

  29. Jesus The index or “most important finger” = Jesus • God allowed Jesus to take our place • Jesus was the only one who could take our place

  30. Faith The “fat finger” = faith • Believe =Head faith • or Heart faith

  31. It’s not “head faith”that saves us but “heart faith.” Check book Ill.

  32. 3 WHY GOD PUT ME HERE? What am I suppose to do?

  33. To know what God wants me to do, all I need to know is what has He gifted me to do. God does not give away junk! If He has given me a gift it is important, and it must be what He expects me to be involved in doing!

  34. What gifts has He given you? Lets take inventory?

  35. If this is your first day please take this inventory evaluation. The rest of us will continue our study of God’s gifts He has given to us:


  37. We now teach on the Spiritual gifts as we did on the Wednesday or Sunday night. • It normally takes 3 to 4 weeks of attending Pastor’s meal before they have gone through the 7 Functional gifts. • We do mention in brief, about the 5-Fold, and Manifestation Gifts, but for discipling we focus on the 7 Functional gifts.

  38. 4 We involve the laity in training in the Team they choose by their passion But we give them a position on that team according to their gifts. NO LAITY SHOULD BE ASKED TO SERVE IN ANY POSITION UNTIL THEY HAVE HAD TRAINING FOR THAT TASK!

  39. Key Points of Month 3 • A church must have a vehicle to involve laity in ministry for discipling to take place. • A “pastor’s meal” is the best method for doing this. • A pastor’s meal offers friends, follow-up, leads, commitment and importance.

  40. Key Points of Month 3 4. Four areas are covered in this pastor’s meal: Church’s Vision, Evangelism training (conversion), Spiritual gifts discovery and training, and discipleship through lay involvement.

  41. Month 4 Making the Church Like Heaven on Earth: The law of first impressions and initial contact ministry. The closest thing to heaven on earth should be your church!

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