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HELPING YOUR STUDENTS IMPROVE THEIR STUDY SKILLS. Workshop for Voc-Ed Teachers of the Nine English Boards Prepared by Patti L Moore, Coordinator: Quebec Literacy Working Group. Adult Literacy in Quebec A Few Statistics. Adult Literacy: Some Statistics.
HELPING YOUR STUDENTS IMPROVE THEIR STUDY SKILLS Workshop for Voc-Ed Teachers of the Nine English Boards Prepared by Patti L Moore, Coordinator: Quebec Literacy Working Group
Adult Literacy in Quebec A Few Statistics
Adult Literacy: Some Statistics The 2003 Adult Literacy and Life Skills (ALL) Survey identifies 5 levels of prose literacy: • LEVEL 1: adults have few decoding skills • LEVEL 2: adults’ skills are limited to simple printed material • LEVEL 3: adults are average readers • LEVELS 4 and 5: adults have strong literacy skills
Minimum Level Required • Level 3 is considered the minimum requirement for participating in the knowledge-based economy and society
How do Quebecers Measure up? • An estimated one million Quebecers – that’s one in five people – are at level 1 • 1.7 million Quebecers are at level 2
How do Quebecers Measure up? • Adult Quebecers at levels 1, 2 and even 3 could have significant difficulties with much of the written information and many of the new technologies that they encounter at work and in everyday situations
One Challenge • The number of adults attending literacy classes in Quebec is far smaller than the number of adults who actually need these services
Why Aren’t They Coming? • Job conflicts • Costly transportation • Time inconvenient • Program cancelled • Employment insurance disallows attendance
Level 1 800,000 21% are immigrants 52% are men; 48% are women 54% are employed 14.5% are unemployed 54% do not have a high-school diploma 29% completed high school 18% completed post-secondary studies 73% francophone; 20% other; no information for anglophones Level 2 1.7 million 9.6% are immigrants 52% are men; 48% are women 70% are employed 6.3 are unemployed 26% do not have a high-school diploma 37% completed high school 37% completed post-secondary studies 85% francophone; 5.5% anglophone; 8.7% other Main Characteristics of People at Levels 1 and 2
What Literacy Means for the Workforce
What Literacy Means for the Workforce • Low literacy has a significant impact on the economy • 60% of the unemployed lack the basic skills necessary to be trained for high tech jobs
What Literacy Means for the Workforce • Business losses attributed to basic skill deficiencies run into millions of dollars because of low productivity, errors and accidents • A new study indicates companies that invest in literacy training see a 400% - 1000% return on their investment
What Literacy Means for the Workforce • Some sectors require above-average skills • 84% of registered nurses fall short of the required level 5 reading level • Can our FP students keep up with the reading demands of their chosen profession?
Your Learning Style Knowing how your students learn can make you a more effective teacher
Your Learning Style • Each person is born with their own learning style • This is the way our brain works best to learn new information
There are three main learning styles: Visual Learners Auditory Learners Kinaesthetic and Tactile Learners • Some people are highly visual; others are highly auditory and some are highly kinaesthetic-tactile learners. • Some have a preference for all three
Your Learning Style • People learn in different ways • There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to learn. • We learn best when we are taught according to our learning style • Parents and teachers tend to teach using their preferred learning style
Visual Learners often… • Remember visual details • Prefer to see what they are learning • Like to write down instructions and directions • Doodle while listening Photo: http://www.inkycircus.com/jargon/images/2007/04/25/eye.jpg
Tips for the Visual Learner • Visual learners often have trouble following lectures or verbal instructions. They should be encouraged to: • Ask the teacher to write down instructions • Take down notes or read other books on the subject (they should always have a pen and paper handy!) • Use highlighter pens to colour-code their notes
Tips for the Visual Learner • Use flash cards • Use post-it notes and reminders • Write out key sentences and information • Study in a quiet room Photo: http://www.markartproductions.com/images/postit.jpg
Auditory Learners often… • Recall information after hearing it a few times • Repeat things that they want to remember • Learn well with discussions and oral explanations • Remember by saying things out loud Photo: http://inventorspot.com/files/images/isp_WhisperEar.img_assist_custom.jpg
Tips for the Auditory Learner • Auditory learners often have trouble with written instructions. They should be encouraged to: • Ask the teacher to give instructions out loud • Read written instructions out loud to themselves (repeating if necessary) • Talk about things that they are learning • Practice for tests out loud
Tips for the Auditory Learner • Study with a classmate • Work in a room where you can talk out loud without bothering family members • Put a problem in their own words • Tape record lectures (set counter at zero; note on the counter at what point you need to go back and hear something again) Photo: http://ghostsagogo.com/Equipment0028030.jpg
Kinaesthetic-Tactile Learners Often… • Recall words after writing or typing them a few times • Tend to talk with their hands • Learn best by doing • Will remember who did what rather than who said what
Tips for the Kinaesthetic and Tactile Learner • Kinaesthetic and Tactile learners prefer activities. They should be encouraged to: • Ask the teacher to demonstrate or let them touch things in order to learn about them • Do whatever is being talked about or learned • Move around while listening or talking (at least at home)
Tips for the Kinaesthetic and Tactile Learner • Sit near the front of the class where they are less distracted by their environment • Take notes during class; copy key points • Use highlighter pens; flashcards • Make a model; something they can put their hands on • Use a computer (reinforces learning through a sense of touch) Photo: http://www.delteksolutions.co.uk/images/highlighter_pens.jpg
Questionnaire: What is Your Learning Style? • Auditory? • Visual? • Kinaesthetic or Tactile?
Your Learning Style • While most adults have a preferred learning style, teachers can encourage them to use other learning styles as well • The more senses we use to learn, the better! • A good rule of thumb: students should use their preferred style for learning essential information, and other styles for learning things that are less important
Multiple Intelligences and Learning “It is not how smart you are that matters, what really matters is how you are smart.” Howard Gardner
Multiple Intelligences • Intelligence is not fixed at birth • We can strengthen our intelligences • Howard Gardner (1983) identifies seven categories of intelligence • We can use our intelligences to learn better
Multiple Intelligences and Learning • The theory of multiple intelligences is all about an awareness of what we are naturally good at and an acknowledgement of what we may have to work harder to achieve
Spatial/ Visual Intelligence • Picture Smart: thinks in images and pictures • Likes recording events with a camera or a camcorder • Is fascinated by machines and contraptions • Has an appreciation for the arts • Reads maps well and has a good sense of direction • Can visualise how things would look • In school liked art, geometry • Inventors, architects, engineers, mechanics
Tips for improving spatial/visual intelligence: • Daydream! • Do jigsaw puzzles and mazes • Draw, paint, sculpt • Build 3-D models • Take pictures
Linguistic/ Verbal Intelligence • Word Smart: thinks in words • Reads everything – books, magazines, cereal boxes) • Plays with sounds in language (think Dr Suess) • Great story-tellers, tall tales and jokes • Loves seeing, saying and hearing words • Likes to write • Refers often to things they have heard or read • Uses “dictionary” words • Is good at debating • Teachers, journalists, writers, lawyers, translators
Tips improving linguistic/verbal intelligence: • Play word games • Keep a diary • Visit the library • Tell stories • Read books
Intrapersonal Intelligence • Self smart :their skill is inner focussing • Likes to keep a journal or diary • Deep awareness of inner feelings, dreams, ideas • Likes to attend workshops and counselling to learn more about themselves • Has specific goals (i.e. personal mission statement) • Likes private time; likes their own company • Recognizes self strengths and weaknesses • Self-employed, researchers, theorists, philosophers
Tips for improving intrapersonal intelligence: • Take personal time • Read biographies • Work on a hobby • Set long-term goals • Analyze personal strengths and weaknesses
Musical/ Rhythmic Intelligence • Music smart :thinks in sounds, rhythms and patterns • Often listens to music or sings, whistles, hums • Can play a musical instrument • Can often remember a tune after hearing it just a few times • Could not imagine life without music • Likes to work with music in the background • Strong opinion of others’ music • Choirs, orchestras, bands, disc jockeys, theatre
Tips for improving musical/rhythmic intelligence: • Listen to music • Join a choir • Play “Name that Tune” • Play an instrument • Take music lessons
Bodily Kinaesthetic Intelligence • Movement smart: processes knowledge through bodily sensation • Uses hand gestures to express themselves • Has gut feeling about things • Great at mimicking your best or worst qualities and mannerisms • Thinks best when doing something physical • A do-it-yourself type • The first person on the dance floor • Athletes, dancers, actors, mimes, clowns
Tips for improving bodily kinaesthetic intelligence: • Join a drama class • Role play (can do this when reading aloud too) • Play charades • Learn sign language • Exercise • Learn a martial art • Dance
Interpersonal Intelligence • People smart: thinks and processes by relating, co-operating and communicating with others • Likes team work • Mentors others • Picks up on feelings and intentions of others • Often gets asked for advice • An organizer; a leader • A good communicator • Street smart, has many friends • Counsellors, business people, politicians, community organizers
Tips for improving interpersonal intelligence: • Hold family meetings • Work cooperatively • Join a hobby group • Discuss ideas • Play social games with others (Trivial Pursuit, Monopoly)
Logical/ Mathematical Intelligence • Logic Smart: thinks conceptually • Can do mental calculations; good with numbers • Liked math and science in school • Easily balances their check book • Likes to explore patterns, categories and relationships • Problem solves in a step-by-step systematic way • Question and wonder about natural and scientific events • Scientists, engineers, computer programmer, accountants
Tips for improving logical/ mathematical intelligence: • Play chess • Identify patterns • Analyze problems • Experiment • Do puzzles and brain teasers
It’s Your Turn… • QUIZ! • What are your multiple intelligences? • Can you think of activities that you could do in the classroom to highlight your students’ strengths or build on their weaknesses? • Which medical professions do you think would fall under each category?
Sources for these sections: • CLCQ Learning Disabilities Manual • “Multiple Intelligences“ by Jim Craigen • http://www.bewell-dowell.org/sos/pdf_files/Learning%20Styles/Learning%20Styles.pdf
Getting Started Getting Organised Taking Care of Myself
Some people seem to be born naturally organised; many are not Organisational skills can be taught Good study skills start with good organisational skills Encourage your students to have a plan for: Their environment Their learning materials Their school work Their study schedule Being Organised Helps!
Remind Students to Take Care of Themselves…. • Adult learners are busy! They may have jobs, families and their classes to juggle. • It takes a lot of commitment to stay in school as an adult • The government expects all school boards to decrease drop-out rates by 2020 • What can teachers do?