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CANKAYA UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES -ENGLISH UNIT-. UNIT: 3 JOB INTERVIEW FOR ENG 406 COURSE WEEK 12-13. INTERVIEW ( ssag- p: 99). Which of the following documents/tasks are you required to submit for your prospective job/graduate program application? CV
INTERVIEW( ssag- p: 99) • Which of the following documents/tasks are you required to submit for your prospective job/graduate program application? • CV • Transcript/Diploma • Letter of Intent • Portfolio • Application Form • Exam
b. Has preparing these documents helped you in any way to prepare for the job/graduate program interview? If so, how?
AN APPLICATION STORY (p: 100-101)Read the following account of a job interview and answerthe questions that follow. • In the text find word(s) which mean(s): • Fulfilled_________________________ • Before___________________________ • A careless mistake_________________ • Speak hesitantly____________________ • Appropriate______________________ ANSWERS a.Granted b.Prior c.Blunder d.Stammer e. Well-suited
2.Write definitions or synonyms for the following phrases that are underlined in the text:
3. Why, in your opinion, did Miles give up on calling the applicant in for an interview? The applicant was unprofessional/unprepared/did not have a specific position or aim in mind. 4. If the applicant could turn the clock back to the beginning of his application process, what would he possibly do differently? He would know which position he would apply for/be prepared for such a call/wouldn’t have made an application at all.
PREPARING FOR A JOB INTERVIEW Up to now, you have prepared your documents for your application which, ideally, should pave the way for an interview. The interview is a crucial step in the recruitment process. Now, listen to Alison Doyle’s recommendations on how to prepare for a job interview and complete the table below.
Remember • When called for an interview, confirm the location of the interview and be there 10-15 minutes before the interview, neither earlier nor later. • Bring extra copies yo your CV and go over the information in it.
More Tips on Preparing for a Job Interview In order to be well-prepared for an interview, you should know what is important for the interviewer. Most interviewers make an assessment considering 2 main factors. • Personality of the interviewee • His/her academic/professional qualifications and competence for the job.
Personality of the Interviewee It involves what kind of a person you are. What are your personality traits? Are you sociable or shy, flexible or strict? What are your values? What are your hobbies and interests? The interviewer would try to know about your personality by asking direct questions or observe your manners and attitude during the interview.
For example He may ask you to talk about your interests which is a direct way, BUT !!!!!! He may also indirectly test your ability not to lose temper in unexpected situations by interrupting you,or pretending not to be listening to you.
As an individual and as a candidate, know your strengths for the job you would like to get and for the company you have applied to.
PRE-INTERVIEW TIPS(ssag-p:81) • Knowing your own values and expectations, apply for the position you are interested in rather than sending out your CV to whatever position is avaliable on the market. • Research the institution well before making your application.Knowing the organization, the field and the position will make a good impression on the employer. • When called for an interview, confirm the location of the interview and be there 10-15 minutes early. • Bring extra copies of your CV and go over the information in it. • Go over possible questions that you might be asked during the interview.
Prepare questions to ask the interviewer. • Prepare yourself mentally for the interview. • Be prepared for different types of interviews.
TYPES of INTERVIEWS Match the types of interviews with the correct definitions in your book. 1-Distance interview – (5) 2- One on one interview-(1) 3-Presentations-(7) 4-Group interview-(4) 5- Panel interview-(2) 6-Case interviews-(8) 7-Mealtime interview-(6) 8- Behavioral interview-(3)
How to Act During the Interview • Greet the interviewer, smile, shake hands, and introduce yourself. • During the small talk you have at the beginning, be cooperative but do not extend it. • Be nice even if you don’t like the interviewer. • Do not disparage your previous employers • Be attentive, listen carefully • Be self-confident, but don’t overestimate your competence.
7. Be honest about lack of experience but do not apologize for it. Instead try to prove how effective you can be with the skills you have. 8. Pay attention to your posture. Do not sit in a way unacceptable in that culture. 9. Do not rush into an answer without waiting for the interviewer to finish his question. 10. Establish eye contact while listening and speaking. 11. If the question is not audible or clear to you, kindly ask the interviewer to repeat or clarify it. 12. Give clear and relevant answers, avoid answers that are too short as well.
13. Avoid asking too long quetions and do not ask several questions at a time. Don’t bring up salary and benefits in the beginning. 14. Speak up don’t mumble. Speak at a normal pace, not too fast, not too slowly. 15. Pay attention to your pronunciation. 16. In the end, thank the interviewer for his time.
MORE INTERVIEW TIPS • Being too intimate with the interviewer may work against you in a one-on-one interview • Make sure you are in a quiet room, and you are not eatingor drinking during a phone interview • Establish eye contact with all interviewers at a panel interview • Do not order anything too epensive at a mealtime interview • As behavioral interviews look for weaknesses in your answers, be well-prepared for possible questions related with achievements and weaknesses in your background
In a group interview, be neither too loud to drown others out nor too quiet that you are not noticed by anyone. • It is important to look and speak confidently in a presentation • In case interviews, make sure you understand the situation by asking clarifying questions and underlying assumptions. Then state your recommendations or /and solutions Which of the interview types do you find challenging?Why?
LANGUAGE STUDY(ssag-p:120-121 The type of language a candidate uses in a job interview is as important as the first impression. Speaking with the right level of formality, using more powerful words rather than the weak ones, and paying attention to grammar are the key elements in conveying the information effectively.
Use passive voice E.g: As the work has not been completed in time, the conditions for payment reassessed. • Start with ‘There’, ‘It’, ‘One’ E.g: It is important that you submit your assignments before.... • Prefer single-word verbs E.g: Not wanting to tolerate the bad conditions
Avoid contractions in writing E.g: We would like you to....... • Use appropriate connectors E.g: Our website is updated regularly. We therefore ask you to check.... • Use formal structures E.g: We regret to inform you that your project has not been selected.
Prefer complex sentences E.g: Many caregivers working in our company administer medications and injections in addition to taking on household chores and shopping.
Now your turn Exercise-1(ssag-p:123) Write down one sentence for each of the following situations assuming you are writing an e-mail in each case. Pay attention both to the title of the sender and to that of the receiver to determine the level of formality. 1.(Employer to applicant)-İnform the applicant that he is hired. -We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to the position of XX in our company. 2. (Employee to counterpart in another country)-Inform him of the attached documents to the e-mail
Attached you may find a copy of the XX document you are requested. 3. (Employee to collegue in the same office)-Remind him of the rescheduled meeting. Make sure to show up at the meeting tomorrow morning 4. (Professor to students)- Ask them to check the given website for the further information. You may visit.... Website to get further information and examples on the topic.
5. (Student to professor)- Ask him to check the given website and to state whether he finds it useful. Would you be kind enough to check the ..website to tell whether or not it would be useful for my research.