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An Editorial View from the Strategic Management Journal. Giovanni Battista Dagnino ESU 2009 – Journal Editors Panel University of Sannio at Benevento September 10, 2009. The PiNk OnE. The PiNk OnE. The Strategic Management Journal (Est. 1980).
An EditorialViewfrom the Strategic Management Journal Giovanni Battista Dagnino ESU 2009 – Journal Editors Panel University of Sannio at Benevento September 10, 2009
The Strategic Management Journal (Est. 1980) World’sPremierStrategy Research Forum for Academics, Business Practitioners and Consultants Affiliated to SMS Incoming Annual International Conferences Washington, DC, October 11-14 2009 ROME, Italy, September 12-15 2010 Sister Recently Born and Promisingly Launched Journal: The Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (Est. 2007)
Co-Editors Richard Bettis The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Will Mitchell Duke University Edward Zajac Northwestern University
The Editors Ed Zajac Rich Bettis Will Mitchell
Aims and Scope The journal publishesoriginal material concernedwithallaspects ofstrategic management Itisdevotedto the improvement and furtherdevelopmentof the theory and practiceofstrategic management and itisdesignedto appeal tobothpractisingmanagers and academics Papersacceptabletoaneditorialboardactingasreferees are published The journal alsopublishescommunications in the formofresearch notes or commentsfromreaders on publishedpapers or currentissues Editorialcomments and invitedpapers on practices and developmentsin strategic management appearfromtimetotimeaswarrantedbynewdevelopments SMJprovides a communication forum foradvancingstrategic management theory and practice. Such major topicsasstrategicresourceallocation; organizationstructure; leadership; entrepreneurship and organizationalpurpose; methods and techniquesforevaluating and understanding competitive, technological, social, and politicalenvironments; planning processes; and strategicdecisionprocesses are included in the journal
SMJ is the flagship journal of the strategic management discipline • The journal is now 30+ years old • 200+ people seat on the editorial review board • The favorable position of SMJ is attributable to the thoughtful leadership, organization, and effort provided by Dan and Mari Lou Schendel during the first quarter-century of the journal • The editors are committed to continuing to make SMJ the most desired destination for the best research in strategic management
Three Co-Editors, eleven Associate Editors, and the Managing Editor are focused on three goals for SMJ reviews for all submissions: they value reviews that are developmental, open-minded, and timely • They seek to help authors develop research that both addresses important gaps in existing approaches to strategic management and creates new perspectives that move beyond existing theories and arguments • Hence, they view their role as taking an “author’s perspective” on submissions, with the goal of helping to make the work as strong as possible, whether it is published in SMJ or, instead, ends up being targeted for other journals
THE AGE OF TEMPORARY ADVANTAGE SMJ SPECIAL ISSUE Guest Editor Giovanni Battista Dagnino University of Catania
Special Issue Co-Editors Richard A. D’Aveni Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth Giovanni Battista Dagnino University of Catania Ken G. Smith University of Maryland
Backdrop of This Issue The Story or How it all Began The Editorial Group and the Darwin’s Effect The Special Issue Proposal and the Special Issue Call for Papers: the emerging gap Our Audax Auspices: They will never take it! (Remember that “Audax Fortuna Iuvat”)
Learning Opportunities from Submissions Learnhowtomakereviews Learnhowtorespondtoeditors and reviewers Learnhowtorevise/improvepapersproperly; ALSOafterreceiving a rejectionletter Learnnottodishearteneasily, buttopersistsunremittingly
Last but not least… Roleof the Young Researchers PublicationOpportunity ButEspeciallyOpportunitytoReceiveGood Feedback toImproveYourReseachPieces What’s your (possibly multiple) role in the incomingfuture of SMJ?
Other SMJ Special Issues • Strategy and the Design of Organizational ArchitectureGuest Editors: Ranjai Gulati, Phanish Puranam and Mike Tushman Deadline for Submissions, December 1, 2009 • Psychological Foundations of Strategic Management Guest Editors: Craig Fox, Dan Lovallo, Thomas Powell and David Teece
The Special Issue Trap • Too many • Too unselective • Too selective • Too repetitive • Really SPECIAL? Banalization Bad special issue Risk of loosing good pieces Unexciting topics Normal issue masquerade
Relevant Web Sites • WILEY http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/2144/home • SMS Journalshttp://smj.strategicmanagement.net • On line Submissionshttp://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/smj