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Enhancing Meteorological Services for Ireland's Benefit

Learn about the Meteorological Service of Ireland, its services, climate hazards, and funding. Explore its range of products and expectations from socio-economic benefit studies. Estimate of climate-related damages in Ireland provided.

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Enhancing Meteorological Services for Ireland's Benefit

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  1. The Meteorological Service of Ireland Evelyn Murphy, Meteorologist

  2. Biography – Evelyn Murphy • Worked initially as a weather forecaster (general and marine) and broadcaster on Irish public service Radio and Television, • Headed up the Marine Unit • Spell as Head of Training • Currently Customer Relations Manager • Email: evelyn.murphy@met.ie

  3. The population of Ireland:- 4.5 million people. GDP or Gross Domestic Product:- €168 Billion in 2014 Although approx. 22% of this is repatriated to the home countries of foreign multinationals. GDP composition by sector Agriculture: 1.6%, (barley, potatoes, wheat, beef, dairy products) Industry: 27%, (pharmaceuticals, chemicals, computer hardware and software, food products, beverages and brewing; medical devices) Services: 71.4%

  4. Main Climate and weather-related hazards: Flooding - Due to rainfall (localised flooding, river overflow and groundwater flooding) – leading to disruption to transport, home and business flooding, crop and animal loss, dam overtopping, collapsed bridges etc. Long periods of below-zero temperatures - Damage to buildings and infrastructure, disruption to transport of goods, services and people. Wind storms – Damage to buildings; loss of electricity and communications. Sea ingress and high onshore waves - leading to disruption of maritime activities, affecting livelihood of fishers, disruption to Ferry schedules, loss of life of shore fishers, occasional severe coastal flooding)

  5. Background information on Met Éireann • Met Eireann is the meteorological service of Ireland, operating a full suite of programmes and services to WMO and ICAO standards. • Number of staff: 165 • Annual budget €19.5M • Divided as follows:- • Observing Systems = €6M • Forecasting = €4.5M • Climatology = €1.5M • Tech Support = €2M • Admin = €1.5M • External bodies e.g. WMO, ECMWF, EUMETSAT, EUMETNET etc = €4M

  6. Range of Products • Build and operate our own automatic land weather observation stations; • Co-operate in the running of a marine network of offshore buoys. • Monitor solar and terrestrial radiation, seismic activity, geo-magnetic / declination, lightning detection and ozone detection. • Services provided to: • Aviation • Agriculture • General Public • Marine • National Utilities • National Road network • Research section – using the Hirlam and Harmonie models for localised NWP • Climatology section – generating monthly, annual and decadal means, extremes etc. • Climate change research – in collaboration with EC-Earth

  7. Organisation Strength: Public Warnings Organisation Weakness: Agriculture. Funding: Almost completely Government funded although we access EU funding from time to time to support our climate change research.

  8. Expectations from this workshop • I would like to be able to facilitate socioeconomic benefit studies of • 1) all Met Éireann forecasts to the general public • 2) all services of Met Éireann to Government Bodies. • including designing a scoping/concept note • preparing the scope of the work • commissioning the study • communicating the results

  9. Estimate of Climate and Weather related damages in Ireland Estimated annual costs for flooding – in the order of €171M - €195M The most recent wind storm including, sea ingress repair costs were in the order of €42M, to Government. The costs to private dwellers/insurance Companies was extra – approx €46M – costs to uninsured private dwellers unknown. Costs to Insurance Companies from recent Irish severe weather events were as shown below:

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