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2007 OPEN BOOK TEST. Revised 20 August 2007. Our Mission. Review the open book test and go over any questions that caused problems. Background. Based on interesting situations: From games I was in From games other crews were in and they discussed with me Thought process:
2007 OPEN BOOK TEST Revised 20 August 2007
Our Mission • Review the open book test and go over any questions that caused problems.
Background • Based on interesting situations: • From games I was in • From games other crews were in and they discussed with me • Thought process: • Since this stuff actually happened, it’s more realistic than a true/false test
Results • Well thought out answers, including some good comments about the lack of specificity in the question • Hardest questions overall were #5, #11 and #20
Situation #1 • Prior to the game, the coach of the home team reports that his starting tight end is injured, so he wants a linebacker, who is wearing #51, to play tight end. What do you tell the coach? (All answers below assume #51 is on offense.) • a. #51 is always an ineligible receiver at the snap. • b. #51 can not go down field on a forward pass until the ball is released. • c. #51 becomes an eligible receiver if B touches a legal forward pass. • d. #51 can legally catch a backward pass anywhere on the field. • e. If #51 catches a forward pass, untouched by B, behind or beyond the line of scrimmage when he is playing offense, he has committed illegal touching. 7-5-13
Situation #1 Ruling • a. #51 is always an ineligible receiver at the snap. 7-5-6a • b. #51 can not go down field on a forward pass until the ball is released. 7-5-12 • c. #51 becomes an eligible receiver if B touches a legal forward pass. 7-5-6b • d. #51 can legally catch a backward pass anywhere on the field. 7-5-6 • e. If #51 catches a forward pass, untouched by B, behind or beyond the line of scrimmage when he is playing offense, he has committed illegal touching. 7-5-13
SITUATION #2: • Prior to the start of the game, umpire notices a member of the visiting team, #75, is wearing a cast. This was not mentioned by the coach in the pre-game. Umpire should do the following: • a. Inspect the cast • b. Ask for the medical certificate • c. If a medical certificate is not provided, inform the coach that #75 is not eligible to play.
SITUATION #2 Ruling: • Prior to the start of the game, umpire notices a member of the visiting team, #75, is wearing a cast. This was not mentioned by the coach in the pre-game. Umpire should do the following: • Problem: Question did not specify where the cast was. Assumed it was on the arm. • a. Inspect the cast 1-5-3c • b. Ask for the medical certificate 1-5-3c • c. If a medical certificate is not provided, inform the coach that #75 is not eligible to play. 1-5-3c
SITUATION #3 • K kickoff @ K-40. K1 kicks the ball deep. It bounces @R-5. R2 makes an over-the-shoulder recovery @ R-2. R2’s momentum takes him into R’s end zone where he falls down. • a. Safety for K. • b. Touchback for R. • c. No momentum on a free kick. • d. No momentum on a grounded kick. • e. R’s ball, 1/10 @ R-2.
SITUATION #3 RULING: • K kickoff @ K-40. K1 kicks the ball deep. It bounces @R-5. R2 makes an over-the-shoulder recovery @ R-2. R2’s momentum takes him into R’s end zone where he falls down. • a. Safety for K. • b. Touchback for R. • c. No momentum on a free kick. • d. No momentum on a grounded kick. • e. R’s ball, 1/10 @ R-2. 8-5-2a Exception
SITUATION #4: • K kickoff @ K-40. K1 kicks the ball deep. It bounces @ R-5. It is nearly at rest when R2 attempts to recover the ball, but only succeeds in muffing it into the R end zone, where K3 falls on the ball. • a. Safety for K. • b. Covering official has to decide if R2’s muff is a new force. • c. Touchback for K. • d. Touchdown for K. • e. Touchback for R.
SITUATION #4 RULING: • K kickoff @ K-40. K1 kicks the ball deep. It bounces @ R-5. It is nearly at rest when R2 attempts to recover the ball, but only succeeds in muffing it into the R end zone, where K3 falls on the ball. • a. Safety for K. • b. Covering official has to decide if R2’s muff is a new force. • c. Touchback for K. • d. Touchdown for K. • e. Touchback for R. 2-13-4a
SITUATION 5 (Tough One): • K kickoff @ K-40. K1’s kickoff is an onsides attempt—it hits the ground @ K-45 and keeps rolling. K2 muffs the ball @R-48, then K3 recovers @R-45 where he is downed. • a. First touching by K2. • b. First touching by K2 and K3. • c. R can choose to take the ball at the spot or spots of first touching. • d. Covering official should wind the clock when K2 muffs the ball. • e. K’s ball, 1/10 @ R-45. • f. K3 could have advanced if he was not down.
SITUATION 5 RULING: • K kickoff @ K-40. K1’s kickoff is an onsides attempt—it hits the ground @ K-45 and keeps rolling. K2 muffs the ball @R-48, then K3 recovers @R-45 where he is downed. • a. First touching by K2. (No—2-12-1—Must be prior to R’s free kick line) • b. First touching by K2 and K3. • c. R can choose to take the ball at the spot or spots of first touching. • d. Covering official should wind the clock when K2 muffs the ball. 3-4-1a, 3-4-3 • e. K’s ball, 1/10 @ R-45. 5-1-5b • f. K3 could have advanced if he was not down. No-6-15.
SITUATION 6: • K try @ R-3. Kick is blocked. After the try is over, K’s coach vehemently argues that the crew missed a foul. Coach argues so much that he is penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct. K kicks off @ K-25. K’s coach instructs his kicker to kick the ball out of bounds “because they’ll get it at their own 35.” K’s kickoff goes out of bounds @K-35, untouched by anyone. • a. R can choose to have K re-kick. • b. R can choose to take the ball @K-35. • c. R can choose to take the ball @50.
SITUATION 6: • K try @ R-3. Kick is blocked. After the try is over, K’s coach vehemently argues that the crew missed a foul. Coach argues so much that he is penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct. K kicks off @ K-25. K’s coach instructs his kicker to kick the ball out of bounds “because they’ll get it at their own 35.” K’s kickoff goes out of bounds @K-35, untouched by anyone. • a. R can choose to have K re-kick. 6-1-8a • b. R can choose to take the ball @K-35. 6-1-8c • c. R can choose to take the ball @50. 6-1-8b
SITUATION 7: • K try @R-3. R1 is flagged for running into (not roughing) the kicker. The kick is good. • a. K can elect to re-try @R1½. • b. K can elect to assess on the kickoff. • c. K must decline foul for the try to be good.
SITUATION 7 RULING: • . K try @R-3. R1 is flagged for running into (not roughing) the kicker. The kick is good. • a. K can elect to re-try @R1½. 8-3-5a • b. K can elect to assess on the kickoff. 8-3-5b • c. K must decline foul for the try to be good.
SITUATION 8: • A try @B-3. Team A comes to the line in a muddle huddle formation. There are 5 interior linemen numbered 50-79 on the line, along with 2 ends numbered 88 and 89. All eleven A players become set and remain motionless for several seconds, but no A player is in a 2 or 3 point stance—every A player is standing straight up except the snapper and the holder. The ball is legally snapped and back A1, who was also standing straight up, catches the snap and runs for an apparent touchdown. • a. Foul for illegal formation. • b. Foul for illegal shift. • c. No foul—touchdown is good.
SITUATION 8 RULING: • A try @B-3. Team A comes to the line in a muddle huddle formation. There are 5 interior linemen numbered 50-79 on the line, along with 2 ends numbered 88 and 89. All eleven A players become set and remain motionless for several seconds, but no A player is in a 2 or 3 point stance—every A player is standing straight up except the snapper and the holder. The ball is legally snapped and back A1, who was also standing straight up, catches the snap and runs for an apparent touchdown. • a. Foul for illegal formation. • b. Foul for illegal shift. • c. No foul—touchdown is good. 7-2-2
SITUATION 9: • Scoreless game. K 4/10@K-5. K1’s punt is shanked off the side of his foot. R2 attempts to catch the kick @ K-10, but the ball ricochets off of R2’s thigh pad and goes out of K’s end zone beyond the end line. • a. Score is now K-2—R-0. • b. Score is now R-2—K-0. • c. Score is still 0-0. • d. Touchback. • e. Safety. • f. Succeeding spot is K-20. • g. R2 foul for illegal kicking.
SITUATION 9 RULING: • Scoreless game. K 4/10@K-5. K1’s punt is shanked off the side of his foot. R2 attempts to catch the kick @ K-10, but the ball ricochets off of R2’s thigh pad and goes out of K’s end zone beyond the end line. • a. Score is now K-2—R-0. • b. Score is now R-2—K-0. 2-13-3, 8-5-2b, 8.5.1, 2-26 • c. Score is still 0-0. • d. Touchback. • e. Safety. 8-5-2 • f. Succeeding spot is K-20. 6-1-1b • g. R2 foul for illegal kicking.
SITUATION 10: • A 1/goal @ B-5. A1 takes a handoff and is stopped for no gain. A1 is injured during the down, and his helped off of the field. A2 replaces A1. The snap for 2nd down is imminent, but then the coach of B calls a time out. A’s coach asks the nearest official if A1 can now return to the game. • a. Yes, he can return. • b. No, he can’t return.
SITUATION 10 RULING: • A 1/goal @ B-5. A1 takes a handoff and is stopped for no gain. A1 is injured during the down, and his helped off of the field. A2 replaces A1. The snap for 2nd down is imminent, but then the coach of B calls a time out. A’s coach asks the nearest official if A1 can now return to the game. • Problem: I did not specify that we stopped the clock for A1. • a. Yes, he can return. • b. No, he can’t return. 3-5-10a
SITUATION 11 (Tough One): • K 4/10@50. K1 punts the ball. While the ball is in the air, R2 signals for a fair catch @ R-5 and then R2 blocks K3, from the front and above the waist, @R-5. The ball bounces on the ground and then the ball hits R2 in the back. K3 falls on the ball @ R-5. • a. R2 has fouled. • b. R2’s foul is a PSK foul. • c. K3 committed first touching. • d. Foul will be enforced from R-5. • e. K’s best choice is to take the ball @R-5.
SITUATION 11 RULING: • K 4/10@50. K1 punts the ball. While the ball is in the air, R2 signals for a fair catch @ R-5 and then R2 blocks K3, from the front and above the waist, @R-5. The ball bounces on the ground and then the ball hits R2 in the back. K3 falls on the ball @ R-5. • a. R2 has fouled. 9-3-3 • b. R2’s foul is a PSK foul. No, K has possession. 2-16-2h • c. K3 committed first touching. No, R2 touched ball. 2-12-2 • d. Foul will be enforced from R-5. No, loose ball foul, previous spot since not PSK. • e. K’s best choice is to take the ball @R-5. Foul would be enforced from previous spot, so result of the down is the best choice.
SITUATION 12 • A 1/10 @B-20. A1 throws a legal forward pass to A-2, who catches the ball @B-10 and runs into end zone untouched. A2 then taunts the B defender and is flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct (A2’s first USC of the game). • a. The touchdown counts. • b. The touchdown does not count. • c. Assess the penalty on the try. • d. Assess the penalty on the kickoff. • e. B’s choice of where to assess the penalty. • f. If A-2 gets another unsportsmanlike conduct foul, he is ejected.
SITUATION 12 • A 1/10 @B-20. A1 throws a legal forward pass to A-2, who catches the ball @B-10 and runs into end zone untouched. A2 then taunts the B defender and is flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct (A2’s first USC of the game). • a. The touchdown counts. Yes, since USC. 10-5-3 • b. The touchdown does not count. It counts, since it is a dead ball foul and enforcement is succeeding spot. 10-4-5a • c. Assess the penalty on the try. Since try is the succeeding spot. • d. Assess the penalty on the kickoff. No, since foul was by A. • e. B’s choice of where to assess the penalty. No, since foul was by A. • f. If A-2 gets another unsportsmanlike conduct foul, he is ejected. 9-8 penalty.
SIUTATION 13: • A 1/10@A-20. A1 throws a legal forward pass to eligible A2, who catches the ball @A-25. A2 begins to run. A3 blocks B4 in the back, above the waist, @ A-30. Covering official throws his flag for the block in the back. A1, seeing the flag, begins to loudly berate the covering official, using profanity personally directed at the covering official. A2 is downed @50. The covering official tells the Referee that he believes the unsportsmanlike conduct is flagrant. • a. A3’s foul is enforced from the spot of the foul. • b. A3’s foul is enforced from the end of the run. • c. A1’s foul is enforced from the succeeding spot. • d. If all fouls are enforced, A 1/20@A-10.
SIUTATION 13 RULING: • A 1/10@A-20. A1 throws a legal forward pass to eligible A2, who catches the ball @A-25. A2 begins to run. A3 blocks B4 in the back, above the waist, @ A-30. Covering official throws his flag for the block in the back. A1, seeing the flag, begins to loudly berate the covering official, using profanity personally directed at the covering official. A2 is downed @50. The covering official tells the Referee that he believes the unsportsmanlike conduct is flagrant. • a. A3’s foul is enforced from the spot of the foul. Foul by A behind the basic spot, 10-6. • b. A3’s foul is enforced from the end of the run. • c. A1’s foul is enforced from the succeeding spot. USC, succeeding spot, 10-4-5a. • d. If all fouls are enforced, A 1/20@A-10. First foul, go from 30 to 20 for IBW, then from 20 to 10 for USC.
SITUATION #14: • A 1/10@A-20. A1 throws a legal forward pass toward eligible receiver A2 who is @A-30, but badly overthrows the ball. The pass hits the helmet of B3 in flight @A-35. The ball goes straight up in the air. B3 then blocks A2, from the front and above the waist, knocking him down. The ball is caught by B4, who is tackled @A-35. • a. Foul by B3. • b. Restrictions for B ended when B3 touched the ball. • c. B’s ball, 1/10 @A-35.
SITUATION #14 RULING: • A 1/10@A-20. A1 throws a legal forward pass toward eligible receiver A2 who is @A-30, but badly overthrows the ball. The pass hits the helmet of B3 in flight @A-35. The ball goes straight up in the air. B3 then blocks A2, from the front and above the waist, knocking him down. The ball is caught by B4, who is tackled @A-35. • a. Foul by B3. • b. Restrictions for B ended when B3 touched the ball. 7-5-9c • c. B’s ball, 1/10 @A-35. Since no foul, B’s ball. 5-1-3b
SITUATION #15: • A 1/10@A-20. Tight end A1 runs an extremely shallow pattern; in fact, he is at A-20 when quarterback A2 throws a legal forward pass, untouched by B, toward him. Linebacker B3, seeing the pass is in the air, hits A1 from the front, above the waist, prior to the ball touching A1. The pass falls incomplete @A-20. • a. Judgment call as to whether to B3 committed a foul for DPI. • b. No DPI possible in this scenario. • c. No OPI possible in this scenario.
SITUATION #15: • A 1/10@A-20. Tight end A1 runs an extremely shallow pattern; in fact, he is at A-20 when quarterback A2 throws a legal forward pass, untouched by B, toward him. Linebacker B3, seeing the pass is in the air, hits A1 from the front, above the waist, prior to the ball touching A1. The pass falls incomplete @A-20. • a. Judgment call as to whether to B3 committed a foul for DPI. • b. No DPI possible in this scenario. 7-5-7 • c. No OPI possible in this scenario. 7-5-7
SITUATION #16: • A 1/10 @ 50. Running back A1 goes around left end for a long gain. B’s defensive linemen give up chasing him, and several of them are standing around @ B-45, obviously out of the play. Offensive linemen A2 decides this would be a perfect time to take out his frustration, so he hits defensive lineman B3 (one of the linemen obviously out of the play) from the front and above the waist, @ B-45. Umpire throws his flag, and is absolutely certain that the contact occurred when A2 was @ B-10. A2 subsequently runs in for an apparent touchdown. LJ says to Umpire “Perhaps the runner was in the end zone when you threw your flag?” Umpire says “Absolutely not. He was at B’s 10.” • a. The foul is unsportsmanlike conduct. • b. Since the foul really didn’t have an impact on the down, assess the foul from the try. • c. Referee should convince Umpire to say it was a dead ball foul. • d. Foul is assessed under the all-but-one principle. • e. B’s best choice is to have A 1/20 @ A/40. • f. B’s other choice would be to have the penalty assessed on the try.
SITUATION #16 RULING: • a. The foul is unsportsmanlike conduct. No—2-16-2f • b. Since the foul really didn’t have an impact on the down, assess the foul from the try. No-foul during a running play. 10-3-2 • c. Referee should convince Umpire to say it was a dead ball foul. • d. Foul is assessed under the all-but-one principle. Yes—foul during a running play, foul by the offense behind the basic spot, assess from the spot of the foul. 10-6 • e. B’s best choice is to have A 1/20 @ A/40. 15 yard penalty for 9-4-3b, assessed from the spot of the foul, B-45. Go from B-45 to A-40, repeat the down. • f. B’s other choice would be to have the penalty assessed on the try. No-live ball foul, so if B takes the penalty there is no score.
SITUATION #17: • A 1/10 @ A-20. Eligible receiver A1 is running his pass route near the sideline @ A-30, when B2 blocks him, from the front, above the waist, into the bench area of B. The block is so well executed that it knocks A1 well beyond the sideline, deep into B’s bench area. The coaches from B yell out “He’s ineligible, cover someone else!” (Up to this point, quarterback A3 still has the ball in his possession behind the LOS.) B2 turns and starts to cover another receiver. A1 returns to the field of play at the first opportunity @ A-32, catches a legal forward pass at midfield, and runs into the B end zone. • a. B2 committed illegal contact since the contact was beyond the 5 yard belt. • b. B2 committed defensive pass interference. • c. A1 committed illegal participation where he returned @A-32. • d. A1 committed illegal substitution where he returned @A-32. • e. A1 committed illegal touching where he caught the pass @50. • f. A1 committed pass interference where he caught the pass @50. • g. No foul occurred. • h. Touchdown good.
SITUATION #17 RULING: • a. B2 committed illegal contact since the contact was beyond the 5 yard belt. No such rule in NFHS. • b. B2 committed defensive pass interference. No, restrictions for B don’t start until the ball leaves the passer’s hand. 7-5-8b • c. A1 committed illegal participation where he returned @A-32. No, he returned immediately after being blocked out. 9-6-1 • d. A1 committed illegal substitution where he returned @A-32. No-he is a player, not a substitute. 2-31-1 • e. A1 committed illegal touching where he caught the pass @50. No-A1 remains eligible, since he was eligible at the snap. Fund VII-1. • f. A1 committed pass interference where he caught the pass @50. No, see e. • g. No foul occurred. • h. Touchdown good.
SITUATION #18: A 3/goal @ B-9. Quarterback A1 throws a legal forward pass, untouched by B, to eligible receiver A2. DPI foul by B3 @ B-1 for hitting A2 prior to the ball arriving, but A2 somehow manages to catch the pass @ B-1 where he is downed. • a. Penalty enforced from spot of the foul • b. Penalty enforced from previous spot • c. Penalty enforced from end of the related run. • d. A can elect to have 1/goal @ B-1. • e. A can elect to have 4/goal @ B-1 • f. A can elect to have 1/goal @ B-4 ½
SITUATION #18 RULING: A 3/goal @ B-9. Quarterback A1 throws a legal forward pass, untouched by B, to eligible receiver A2. DPI foul by B3 @ B-1 for hitting A2 prior to the ball arriving, but A2 somehow manages to catch the pass @ B-1 where he is downed. • a. Penalty enforced from spot of the foul Loose ball, 10-3-1b, so basic spot is the previous spot, 10-4-2b. • b.Penalty enforced from previous spot 10-3-1b, 10-4-2b • c. Penalty enforced from end of the related run. No, see above. • d. A can elect to have 1/goal @ B-1. No, this is neither the result of the down nor enforcement of the penalty. • e. A can elect to have 4/goal @ B-1 Yes—result of the down—5-2-1 • f. A can elect to have 1/goal @ B-4 ½ Yes—DPI is automatic first, 7-5-10 Penalty
SITUATION #19: After a couple of sacks, it is now A 3/20 @ A-30. A1 runs out of bounds @A-30 for no gain. A1 is then hit, late and out of bounds, by B2. • a. It will be A 1/10 @ A-45. • b. It will be A 4/5 @ A-45. • c. If it was 4th down, it would be B’s ball.
SITUATION #19: After a couple of sacks, it is now A 3/20 @ A-30. A1 runs out of bounds @A-30 for no gain. A1 is then hit, late and out of bounds, by B2. • a. It will be A 1/10 @ A-45. No, late hit is not one of the 5 automatic first downs in NFHS. 9-4-3 Penalty • b. It will be A 4/5 @ A-45. Yes, 15 yards for late hit, from succeeding spot since this is a dead ball foul. 10-4-5b • c. If it was 4th down, it would be B’s ball. Yes-since this is a dead ball foul, it is not considered to have occurred during the down. 5-1-2
SITUATION #20 (Tough One): A 1/10 @ B-30. Quarterback A1 throws a legal forward pass to A2. B3 then roughs A1. A2 catches the pass @ B-5 and runs into the end zone untouched. Whistles blow, officials signal touchdown. B4 then hits A2 as A2 is throwing the ball to the BJ, about 8 yards into the end zone. • a. This is a case of double fouls. • b. For the touchdown to count, A must refuse both fouls. • c. If A goes for 2 points on the try, they will probably accept both fouls. • d. If A accepts both fouls, the try will be from the B ¾.
SITUATION #20 RULING: A 1/10 @ B-30. Quarterback A1 throws a legal forward pass to A2. B3 then roughs A1. A2 catches the pass @ B-5 and runs into the end zone untouched. Whistles blow, officials signal touchdown. B4 then hits A2 as A2 is throwing the ball to the BJ, about 8 yards into the end zone. • a. This is a case of double fouls. No, live and dead ball fouls can not be combined to make a double foul. 10-2-4 • b. For the touchdown to count, A must refuse both fouls. No, fouls by opponents of the scoring team, so A can take the score. • c. If A goes for 2 points on the try, they will probably accept both fouls. Fouls would be enforced at the succeeding spot. • d. If A accepts both fouls, the try will be from the B ¾. Go from 3 to 1 ½ for the roughing, then from the 1 ½ to the ¾ for the dead ball.
SITUATION #21: A 1/10 @ B-30. Prior to the snap or any movement by any A player, nose guard B1 encroaches. B1 hits snapper A2. Flags fly, whistles blow. B1 continues to contact A2, driving him back behind the quarterback, then behind the running backs. He ends up driving A2 to the ground about 6 yards behind the line of scrimmage. • a. Foul by B1 for encroachment. • b. Could have another foul on B1 for unsportsmanlike conduct. • c. Could have another foul on B1 for unnecessary roughness.
SITUATION #21 RULING: • A 1/10 @ B-30. Prior to the snap or any movement by any A player, nose guard B1 encroaches. B1 hits snapper A2. Flags fly, whistles blow. B1 continues to contact A2, driving him back behind the quarterback, then behind the running backs. He ends up driving A2 to the ground about 6 yards behind the line of scrimmage. • a.Foul by B1 for encroachment. 2-8 • b. Could have another foul on B1 for unsportsmanlike conduct. No, USC is a non-contact foul. 2-16-2f • c.Could have another foul on B1 for unnecessary roughness. 9-4-3b.
SITUATION #22: Kick-off @K-40. R has two deep receivers at their own 5. Receiver on right catches kick and the two receivers criss-cross with the ball being handed forward at R's 15. The play continues with a block-in-the-back by R at K's 40. R is finally run out-of-bounds at K's 25, after which a late hit by K is flagged. • a. Off setting penalties, do over. • b. After all penalties are assessed, R will have a 1st and 25. • c. After all penalties are assessed, K will have the ball since there is a loss of down foul. • d. After all penalties are assessed, R’s ball, 1st and 10.
SITUATION #22 RULING: • a. Off setting penalties, do over. Live ball and dead ball fouls never off set. 10-1-3, 10-2-4 • b. After all penalties are assessed, R will have a 1st and 25. 5-1-1 R gets a new series. Always first and 10 for a new series as long as the dead ball foul occurs prior to the RFP 5-3-1 • c. After all penalties are assessed, K will have the ball since there is a loss of down foul. Loss of down aspect of a penalty has no significance following a change of possession. 5-2-2 • d. After all penalties are assessed, R’s ball, 1st and 10. 5-1-1 Go from R-15 to R-10, then R-10 to R-25.
Our Mission • Review the open book test and go over any questions that caused problems.