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Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan – Ministry of Water and Irrigation. Water demand management policy in Jordan. Agence Française de Développement – French Agency for Development. Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration. Environment and Development of the Mediterranean.
HashemiteKingdom of Jordan – Ministry of Water and Irrigation Water demand management policyin Jordan Agence Française de Développement –French Agencyfor Development Marseille Centerfor MediterraneanIntegration Environment and Development of the Mediterranean Eng. NisreenHaddadinDirector of Water Demand Management Unit
“Our water situation is a strategic challenge which can not be ignored, and we have to make balance between the domestic, industrial and agricultural needs, while keeping the domestic water issue the fundamental and most important.” King Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussein
Water for Life 2008-2022 Jordan's vision for a water strategy is one whereby 2022, we have: • Adequate, safe and secure drinking water supply ; • Greater understanding and more effective management of groundwater and surface water; • Healthy aquatic ecosystems; • A sustainable use of water resources, and implemented fair, affordable and cost - reflective water charges; • Adaptation to increased population growth and economic development across the water sector and water users.
Water for Life 2008-2022 The following are the main pillars of the strategy: • Water Demand Management. • Water Supply. • Institutional Reform • Wastewater • Irrigation Water • Non Conventional water resources.
Water Demand Management The Ministry of Water and Irrigation established a Water Demand Management Unit (WDMU) in 2002 to institute and promote water demand management and water use efficiency in Jordan. In 2007 a funded USAID Project “Instituting Water Demand Management in Jordan - IDARA” was implemented.
Water Demand Management Policy • A NWDM Policy was developed to provide a framework for water demand management programs. • Approved by the Council of Ministers in August 19, 2008.
Water Demand Management Policy The Water Demand Management Policy is presented in two components: • Urban sector. • Irrigation sector – Irrigated Agriculture.
Water Demand Management Policy On Instituting Water Demand Management • Water demand management functions, responsibilities, and linkages in the urban sector shall be identified and instituted, and the role of each stakeholder in the supply chain shall be clearly defined. • Present Legislation and regulations shall be reviewed and if necessary modified to institute water demand management functions in the urban sector.
Institutionalization of WDM • WDMU Strategic Plan (Five year timeframe plan 2011-2015) • This Strategic Plan has been prepared by the WDMU with support of the IDARA Project, in consultation with a broad stakeholder group interested in Water Demand Management (WDM) issues and concerns. • It is the intent of the WDMU to update this Strategic Plan, from time to time, within the five year timeframe of the Plan to reflect changes and updates in programs, staffing, and priorities.
Institutionalization of WDM • WDMU Strategic Plan (Five year timeframe plan 2011-2015) • Vision Statement • Jordan is recognized as a world-class implementer of water demand management strategies to maximize the efficient and beneficial use of scarce water resources. • Mission Statement • Provide leadership and promote water demand management programs to reduce the gap between available water supply and water demand through best management practices and policies.
Institutionalization of WDM • WDMU Strategic Plan (Five year timeframe plan 2011-2015) • Statement of Goals • - Water Demand Management is integrated at the highest level of policy and planning in the structures of Government. • - Water Demand Management is institutionalized and operational within all Partner Institutions. • - Water Demand Management in Jordan follows globally accepted Best Management Practice. • - Jordanian citizens take an active role in efficient water use. • - Financial mechanisms are in place to support implementation of WDM.
Institutionalization of WDM • WUE integration in KACE Award: • 130 institutions participated • Utilities Water Use Efficiency Plans a Five Year Implementation Plan for Water utilities that details the timing and resource requirements of the Recommended Programs and Facilitating Actions, such as potential partnerships, need standards, regulations, enforcement, public information, education, and funding opportunities. Using a broad cost effectiveness analysis, the program costs and benefits were projected for each program concept.
Institutionalization of WDM • Policy action plans for MOE, MOTA, MOPWH, MOCI
Water Demand Management Policy • On Codes and Equipment Certification • Jordan shall include water use and water efficiency within the definition of national security to ensure technical specifications are enforced for all water using products. • Jordan shall periodically update codes and technical regulations to require the lowest water use and maximum efficiency for all plumbing fixtures, appliances, and equipment while maintaining the intended performance. These regulations specify the maximum water use in liters per minute or liters per flush for all plumbing fixtures that are installed in newly constructed buildings. • Technical specifications for all plumbing products such as pipes, tools, and other materials shall be adopted in Jordan because it will save large quantities of water by ensuring only high quality products are used, thereby minimizing water leakage in households.
Water Demand Management Policy • On Codes and Equipment Certification • Programs should be established to replace all inefficient plumbing fixtures, appliances and equipment with the latest most efficient models. • Jordan should actively promote the transition of local manufacturing to the production of water efficient products. • Jordan should ensure that other important national initiatives, such as membership in the World Trade Organization, does not constrain the ability of Jordan to prohibit importation of inefficient or poor quality water using products.
Standards, Code, and Regulations • New Water and Sanitation plumping code • 176 trained vs 100 planned • Master Plumbers Certification • VTC Training: 100 including 14 MPs Code Standards BMP MMP
Water Demand Management Policy • On Reduction of Non-Revenue Water In order to encourage consumers to use water more efficiently, utilities shall set an example by demonstrating to consumers that they are effectively managing the water supply. Effective management should be demonstrated through adequate investment in leak detection and planned maintenance including repair and replacement programs. An effective maintenance management system and standard operating procedures shall therefore be developed and implemented by all water utilities.
Water Demand Management Policy • On Water Pricing • Establish a dynamic mechanism to structure water tariffs and increase cost recovery gradually to recover the cost of operation, maintenance, and depreciation • Water tariffs shall be structured to encourage and motivate efficient water use taking into consideration low income consumers. • Water meters shall be read in a timely and frequent manner and water bills should include consumption data and be issued periodically and immediately after meter readings in order to give consumers current knowledge of their water usage and send a clear pricing signal to the consumers. • Best management practices should be developed, implemented and followed to reduce the cost of production and increase energy efficiency. .
Water Demand Management Policy • On Water Supply Augmentation using Rainwater Harvesting, Graywater and On-site Treated Wastewater • Rainwater harvesting systems should be required for new construction. • Rural residences not connected to a central sewer system shall consider use of graywater for home gardens. • On-site wastewater, graywater treatment and reuse shall be required for certain new commercial and residential developments. • Financial or tax incentives to encourage rainwater harvesting, graywater use and on-site treated wastewater use shall be implemented.
Water Demand Management Policy • On Reuse of Treated Wastewater • Jordan shall adopt a strategy of maximizing the use of treated wastewater for non-potable water uses in urban areas. • Treated wastewater shall be maximally reused for the highest available value purpose and storage shall be provided when the use of the wastewater is only required seasonally. • On Prohibition on Wasting Water .
Water Demand Management Policy On Comprehensive Water-Use and Water Demand Management Information Program • A centralized national water demand management information program shall be developed to optimize water allocation and protect resources. Realistic estimates of water use for different consumer classes are essential for understanding the effects of spatial and temporal patterns of water use on the quality, availability and sustainable use of existing water resources.
Water Demand Management Policy • On Education and Public Awareness • On Industrial Water Demands • On Tourism Water Demands • On Water-wise Landscaping • On Water Efficiency Assistance for Low Income Consumers • On Water Demand Management Programs The initiation, development and implementation of WDM programs shall be carried out by WDMU, utilities and other relevant institutions.
Implementation • Residential Retrofit: 6,500 houses • Water System Rehabilitation: 327 houses • Trained more than 60 Municipalities on water wise landscape: 281 persons trained vs 235 planned • Support Introduction of water wise landscape in different parks • Capacity building
Water Demand Management Policy • On Training and Capacity Building • On Water Demand Management Research and Development • On Financial Mechanisms for Improving Water Efficiency • On Key Performance Indicators • On Best Management Practices Water Demand Management and water use efficiency Best Management Practices (BMPs) shall be developed and implemented. BMPs are policies, programs, practices, rules, and regulations that guide stakeholders to more efficient water use.
Best Management Practices Hotel BMP Office Building BMP Hospital BMP Landscape BMP Residential BMP High Rise BMP Communication BMP