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Bible 101. Dean Biebert, Pastor Shepherd of the Hills Church. Lesson Two:. The Beginning of the World and its Problems. Last Time’s Homework:.
Bible 101 Dean Biebert, Pastor Shepherd of the Hills Church
Lesson Two: The Beginning of the World and its Problems
Last Time’sHomework: Isaiah wrote his Bible book in Hebrew 700 years before Jesus. Matthew wrote his book in Greek a few decades after Jesus went back to His home. Read Isaiah 53 and Matthew 26:17 to the end of chapter 28. As you read, compare Isaiah to Matthew. In the spaces below, write the verses from the two books that go with each other. Matthew shows how Jesus made Isaiah’s predictions come true. For example: Isaiah 53:3 (People would reject Jesus.) Matthew 26:67 (People beat Jesus up and spit on Him.)
Lesson Two: The Beginning of the World and its Problems Opening Comments • The Bible gives us history lessons to give us an overview of God’s plan to rescue humanity. • Not exhaustive • What God wants you to know to rescue you • Doesn’t tell you everything you want to know • We ask, “God, what do you want me to know?” not, “God, why didn’t you do it like this?” • Today we look at the beginning of the world and the way human sin ruined it. • Pretend you never heard of the theory of evolution before. Say to yourself, “God gave us this information. What is He trying to teach us?”
Lesson Two: The Beginning of the World and its Problems God Created the Universe. tyiOareB] . År,a; h; tae wÒ µyIm'{;O h' tae µyhil¿aÔ ar;B; tyiOare B] . µyIMh' ynEP] Al[' tp,j,r'm] µyhil¿aÔ j'Wr wÒ µ/ht] ynEP] Al[' J,Ojo wÒ Whbo w: Whto ht;yÒh; År,a; h; wÒ; . r/a AyhiyÒ w" r/a yhiyÒ µyhil¿aÔ rm,aYœ w" . J,Ojo h' ÷ybe W r/a h; ÷yBe µyhil¿aÔ lDeb]Y" w" b/f AyKi r/a h; Ata, µyhil¿aÔ ar]Y" w" P . dj;a, µ/y rq,bo AyhiyÒ w" br,[, AyhiyÒ w" hl;yÒl; ar;q; J,Ojo l' wÒ µ/y r/a l; µyhil¿aÔ ar;q]YI w". µyIm; l; µyIm' ÷yBe lyDib]m' yhiy wI µyIM; h' J/t B] ['yqir; yhiyÒ µyhil¿aÔ rm,aYœ w" µyIM' h' ÷ybe W ['yqir; l; tj'T' mi r,Oa} µyIM' h' ÷yBe lDeb]Y" w" ['yqir; h; Ata, µyhil¿aÔ c['Y" w". ÷ke AyhiyÒ w" ['yqir; l; l[' me r,Oa} p . ynIeO µ/y rq,bo AyhiyÒ w" br,[, AyhiyÒ w" µyIm;;O ['yqir; l; µyhil¿aÔ ar;q]YI w"
Lesson Two: The Beginning of the World and its Problems How did the world begin? Read Genesis 1. As we read, look at truths God emphasizes. (Hint: Look for repeating phrases and word order.) Jot down the phrases the Bible highlights.
1 6 2 7 Rest 3 5 4 STUFF Creator’s Star • Light • Separate Waters • Plants/Vegetation • Sun, moon, stars • Birds, fish • Land animals, humans
Lesson Two: The Beginning of the World and its Problems What about evolution? Fact? Faith? or
Lesson Two: The Beginning of the World and its Problems Why is evolution blind faith rather than science? • Evolution can’t go beyond the second step of the scientific method. (observation hypothesis experimentation theory experimentation law)
Lesson Two: The Beginning of the World and its Problems Why is evolution blind faith rather than science? 2.It is mathematically impossible for nonliving matter to give birth to living matter. J E R N L 1 a : incapable of being or of occurring b : felt to be incapable of being done, attained, or fulfilled : insuperably difficult im•pos•si•ble im-pä-sə-bəl (adj.) Latin impossibilis, from in- + possibilis possible] (14th century)
Lesson Two: The Beginning of the World and its Problems Why is evolution blind faith rather than science? 3. The second law of thermodynamics teaches us that all of nature is always modifying from order to disorder. (Law of Entropy)
Lungfish http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/vertebrates/sarco/dipnoi.html Lesson Two: The Beginning of the World and its Problems Why is evolution blind faith rather than science? 4. There are no undeniable “missing link” life forms in the fossil record. There are very few that even seem to resemble missing links.
Lesson Two: The Beginning of the World and its Problems For Discussion: Creation and evolution both depend on blind faith. There is no verifiable proof for either one. How do evolution and creation give different reasons for unnatural occurrences?
Lesson Two: The Beginning of the World and its Problems For Discussion: • What’s the implication of each philosophy on our view of humans? ?
Problem: If God created our world to be perfect (very good), why is it so imperfect now (death, sin, trouble)?
Lesson Two: The Beginning of the World and its Problems Since God created our world to be perfect, why is it so imperfect now? Read Genesis 2:15-3:7. What’s ironic about the devil’s comment in verse 5? Who infected creation and people with sin? • God did. He put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden. • Satan did. He used a snake to tempt Eve. C) Adam and Eve did. They disobeyed God’s orders.
Lesson Two: The Beginning of the World and its Problems When Adam and Eve sinned, what did God do about it? Read Genesis 3:8-24. • God gave the first couple the opposite of what they deserved. He went looking for them and gave them a chance to change. • God showed He does what’s fair. He imposed the consequences of sin. • God promised His ultimate justice and grace. He’d send someone to defeat Satan and stop his plan to wreck God’s relationship with humanity.
SIN(HATRED, ENMITY) GOD MAN SATAN Lesson Two: The Beginning of the World and its Problems When Adam and Eve sinned, what did God do about it?
Homework: • Read Genesis 4-9 and answer these questions. Jot down any questions you might have as you read. • How did the first person to die meet his death? • What strikes you when you compare 5:1 to 5:3? • How long did it take Noah to build the ark? • What visual aid does God display in nature to verify His commitment to never drown the earth again?