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How to make our school more ecologically efficient. Wind turbines. A wind turbine is a device that converts wind energy into mechanical energy. Our school should install wind turbines in order to reduce the consumption of energy . How to use the roof ?.
Windturbines A wind turbine is a device that converts wind energy into mechanical energy. Our school should install wind turbines in order to reduce the consumption of energy.
Howtousetheroof? • We should install rain containers to collect water in order to use it for flushing the toilet. • Another idea is to put solar panels on the roof. This way we can utilize solar radiation to create electric power.
Recycling There is only one battery collector bin but in Scotland they have paper, plastic, metal collecting bins and clothes banks. This process is called selective rubbish-collection. The composter helps to make the soil richer. This way the plants will be healthier.
Greenareas We need more green areas: more trees and more grass. Scottish schools have more natural areas, where pupils can spend their breaks. Students in Hungary should learn the profession of forestry.
Saving water • Instead of the present ones we should use electronic taps, which work when you put your hands under them. This way we could save water instead of wasting it. We should use the dual-flush system for the toilets as this way we can save water and energy as well.
Paper We have to pay for the printer if we want to use it. This way only the most important things will be printed, nothing unneccessary. We shouldn’t buy a new exercise book at the beginning of school year, only when it’s full.
Position of theschool The location of our high school is beneficial, as we don’t have to use that much lighting. The windows are large enough with good positions to let in plenty of light.
Fairtrade Fairtrade is a social movement which aims to help workers to get the money they deserve, as the underpayment of producers in developing countries is a big problem nowadays.
Food We should talk about this program in our school as many people are not aware of this problem. Organic products should be available at the buffet, as they are healthier and they don’t contain artificial ingredients.
Volunteerwork We should introduce volunteer schemes where parents, students and teachers can collect rubbish from in and around the school.
Sources • http://empireofthesun.info/images/small-wind-turbine-generator-an-400-%5B1%5D.jpg • http://www.seco.cpa.state.tx.us/images/re_wind-small-grid-awea.jpg • http://xtremend.com/wp-content/images/66c84_cestas-de-lixo.jpg • http://www.gadgetgrid.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/the-fastest-no-turn-composter-in-action.png • http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_REjQQ5OAUrM/Smsf2dS9EjI/AAAAAAAADi8/vQ3gshVjFlI/s400/trekroner+school+playground2.jpg • http://www.homedosh.com/wp-content/uploads/dual-flush-toilet1.jpg • http://www.assistireland.ie/uploadedfiles/Product_Images/Personal_Care/Bath_Accessories/Pulse%208%206153.jpg • http://cvh-tudastar.fw.hu/jatek_fairtrade.jpg • http://m.blog.hu/ma/mamuttampon/image/110_fair-trade.JPG • http://www.ace-office.co.uk/go/images/stories/fairtrade/fairtrade_teapickers.gif • http://www.pecsma.hu/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/SZEM%C3%89TSZED%C3%89S.jpg • http://kepek.szon.hu/fold-napja-szemetszedes/news-20100416-09444063-221146857.jpg • http://www.avarositanya.hu/site/sites/default/files/images/solar-panel.jpg
Thankyouforyourattention! • RebeccaMoodycliffe • Untsch Kata • Zsáry Johanna • Sinkó Gábor