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Proficiency Testing Requirements – PPT Presentation

Learn Proficiency Testing requirements with ppt presentation by GPTS. What is Proficiency testing and Why PT program is required as well as Benefits of participating in PT programs is covered in presentation. Get more details about PT programs at www.globalptservices.com

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Proficiency Testing Requirements – PPT Presentation

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  1. Proficiency Testing Requirements Learn Proficiency Testing requirements with ppt presentation. What is Proficiency testing and Why PT program is required as well as Benefits of participating in PT programs is covered in presentation. Presents By PT Provider - GPTS www.Globalptservices.com

  2. What is Proficiency Testing? • The ISO definition of laboratory proficiency testing is: • “ Determination of laboratory testing performance by means of inter laboratory comparisons” • PT is a test of accuracy by comparing the laboratory results with the ‘true’ value www.Globalptservices.com

  3. Why Proficiency Testing? • Essential element of laboratory quality assurance • Comply with regulations and standards • Aid laboratory accreditation • Import/Export regulations • Meet customer requirements • Demonstrate competence www.Globalptservices.com

  4. Proficiency Testing and ISO 17025 The philosophy behind the quality assurance section of ISO/IEC 17025 is to firstly ensure that a single analyst within a laboratory is able to consistently reproduce the same result on the same sample. Secondly, the result produced by this analyst should reflect the result that would have come from any other analyst in the laboratory. Thirdly, any results from the laboratory as a whole should reflect the results that are agreed upon by many other laboratories. This is why the internal and external QC and QA clauses exist within ISO/IEC 17025. The precise way of going about proving consistency and reliability of analysis is not prescribed in ISO/IEC 17025. However, accreditation bodies have built some prescriptive clauses into their requirements to try to facilitate meeting the requirements of ISO/IEC17025 in an effective manner. www.Globalptservices.com

  5. Why PT Participate? • Requirements of certification and accreditation body • Proof to management of competence • Proof to higher authorities and clients of competence • Opportunity for increasing understanding of quality issues in a test • Opportunity for comparison of methodologies with other labs • Increase confidence of laboratory www.Globalptservices.com

  6. Proficiency Testing Programs Schedule www.Globalptservices.com

  7. Benefits of PT Participation • Monitor & improve measurement • Demonstrate analytical competence • Develop and train analysts • Method and instrument validation www.Globalptservices.com

  8. Documentation The main documents associated with the initial phase of a proficiency program are: 1. Letter of Intent This is sent to prospective participants to advise that the program will be conducted and provides information on the type of samples and tests which will be included, the schedule and participation fees. 2. Instructions to Participants These are carefully designed for each individual program and participants are always asked to adhere closely to them. 3. Results Sheet For most programs a pro-forma results sheet is supplied to enable consistency in the statistical treatment of results. www.Globalptservices.com

  9. About PT Provider • Proficiency testing involves the use of inter-laboratory comparisons for the determination of laboratory performance. The need for ongoing confidence in laboratory performance is not only essential for laboratories and their customers but also for other interested parties such as regulators and accreditation bodies. • Proficiency testing providers play an important role in the value chain for assurance of products and services. Their proficiency testing programs should be properly designed and statistically robust so that the benchmarking of participants’ performance is properly conducted and the participants can monitor trend and identify gaps in their performance for corrective actions and improvements. www.Globalptservices.com

  10. Contact Information • Global Proficiency Testing Services • Contact Person : Nilesh Padhariya • Address: B/2, Samudra Complex (Basement), • Near Hotel Klassic Gold, Off. C.G. Road, • Ahmedabad - 380006   Gujarat, India • Phone : +91- 98254 13148,   (079) 2656 3240 • Email: Sales@globalptservices.com • Website: www.globalptservices.com

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