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Rice Husk ash: Use of Waste in an Environmental Friendly Manner

We are trader, exporter, manufacturer and supplier of Rice Husk Ash in Kolkata, India. This range of product is highly in required by steel industries, cement industries, concrete manufacturing industries and many more.

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Rice Husk ash: Use of Waste in an Environmental Friendly Manner

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Global Recycling Know more About the Rice Husk Ash www.ricehuskash.org

  2. Global Recycling RICE HUSK • Rice husk is made from rice paddy which is used in row material of many other things. www.ricehuskash.org

  3. Global Recycling INTRODUCTION • Rice husk ash is an agricultural waste which is produced in millions of tons. • Rice husk ash (RHA) is obtained by the combustion of rice husk. www.ricehuskash.org

  4. Global Recycling Benefits of Rice Husk • Its high silica content makes it useful for strengthening building materials • It resists fungal decomposition • It resists moisture penetration • It decomposes slowly • It insulates well • Its renewable www.ricehuskash.org

  5. Global Recycling Global Recycling Global Recycling For more information: Website:http://www.ricehuskash.org/Email: info@globalrecycling.inPhone No. +91 9836873170Address: Unit 717, Acropolis, 7th Floor, 1858/1 Rajdanga Main RoadKolkata-700107 www.ricehuskash.org

  6. Global Recycling Global Recycling Global Recycling www.ricehuskash.org

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