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MAPPA Training - Foundation

MAPPA Training - Foundation. Donna Monk MAPPA Co-ordinator. Learning Objectives. Understand the purpose and function of MAPPA Understand the language and terminology of MAPPA Explore the framework for identification, information sharing, risk assessment and risk management.

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MAPPA Training - Foundation

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  1. MAPPA Training - Foundation

    Donna Monk MAPPA Co-ordinator
  2. Learning Objectives Understand the purpose and function of MAPPA Understand the language and terminology of MAPPA Explore the framework for identification, information sharing, risk assessment and risk management. Understand the methods and process for recording risk Examine factors impacting on the disclosure of information Identify any local issues which may impact on effectiveness
  3. What Is MAPPA? Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements These arrangements are STATUTORY Purpose: To help to reduce the re-offending behaviour of sexual and violent offenders in order to protect the public, including previous victims, from serious harm.
  4. It Does This By: Ensuring that all relevant agencies work togethereffectively to: Identify all relevant offenders Complete comprehensive risk assessments that take advantage of co-ordinated information sharing across the agencies Devise, implement and review robust Risk Management Plans Focus the available resources in a way which best protects the public from serious harm
  5. MAPPA Is Not… A separate agency or body itself BUT it is … a MECHANISM through which agencies can both: Discharge their statutory duties and Protect the public in a co-ordinated manner.
  6. MAPPA Is Made Up Of… The Responsible Authority:Police, Prison and Probation and Duty to Co-operate Agencies Housing, Health, Social Services (Children and Adults), Youth Offending Teams, Employment Services, Electronic Monitoring Services, UKBA.
  7. MAPPA Legislation And Guidance: Criminal Justice and Court Services Act (2000) Criminal Justice Act (2003) Sexual Offences Act (2003) Criminal Justice and Immigration Act (2008) MAPPA Guidance is issued by the Secretary of State under Section 325(8) Criminal Justice Act (2003). Current Version 3.0 issued 2009.
  8. Strategic Management Board Made up of: The Responsible Authority: Police Probation and Prison Services Duty to Co-Operate Agencies Housing, Health, Social Services (Children and Adults), Youth Offending Teams, Employment Services, Electronic Monitoring Services. Lay Advisers x 2 Victim Liaison
  9. Key Messages About MAPPA All MAPPA offenders are identified promptly Information Sharing is actively undertaken on all offenders All offenders are Risk Assessed All offenders have a Risk Management plan
  10. Who Is Managed Through MAPPA? Category One: Registered Sexual Offenders They must notify the police of their name, address and personal details (Sexual Offences Act 2003).
  11. Who Is Managed Through MAPPA? Category Two: Violent Offenders (and other Sexual Offenders) Those who have been sentenced to 12 months or more in custody or to detention in hospital with restrictions, now living in the Community subject to Probation Supervision.
  12. Who Is Managed Through MAPPA? Category Three: Other Dangerous Offenders Those who have committed an offence in the past which indicated capacity to cause serious harm to the public and who because of the assessed risk need multi-agency management at level 2 or 3.
  13. MAPPA Level One Management Level 1: Ordinary Agency Management Used in cases in which the risks posed by the offender can be managed by the agency responsible for supervision/case management of the offender. This does not mean that other agencies will not be involved, only that it is not necessary to actively manage through multi-agency meetings.
  14. MAPPA Level Two Management Level 2:Multi-Agency Public Protection Meeting Used in cases where it is determined that the management issues require active conferencing. Cases may also be referred to level 2 after having been managed at level 3 when, for example, the need for the resources available at level 3 has diminished or where the complexity of the multi-agency management of the risks have been brokered and a Risk Management Plan has been firmly established.
  15. MAPPA Level Three Management Level 3:Multi-Agency Public Protection Meeting Used where it is determined that the management issues require: Active conferencing AND Senior Representation in order to be able to commit significant resources at short notice AND/OR Where there are significant media issues and/or public interest in the case
  16. Identification Agencies who have a statutory role in the management of MAPPA eligible offenders must have systems to identify them. These agencies are: Police Probation Service Youth Offending Teams (YOTs) Mental Health
  17. Information Sharing Must: Have lawful authority Data Protection Act (1998), Human Rights Act (1998), Common Law, Statutory Duties of Confidence Be necessary Be proportionate Ensure the safety and security of the information shared MAPPA Guidance (2009) Version 3.0, Section 5
  18. Process Risk Assessment undertaken Referral MAPP meeting Input from other agencies Victim(s) perspective Disclosure decision Decision of level of management Will Multi-Agency Management give “added value”?
  19. Risk Assessment Robust risk management begins with planning Need to consider how risks are to be managed Risk Factors: Static and Dynamic Controls: Internal and External Risk of Serious Harm Triggers Protective Factors Risk of Harm Guidance & Training Resources Version 2.06) (
  20. Defensible Decisions Appropriate levels of knowledge and skill Appropriate use of information Risk assessment grounded in the evidence Communication with relevant others Risk Management Plan linked to risks and risk level Risk Management Plan delivered with integrity All reasonable steps have been taken Information collected and thoroughly evaluated Clear recording
  21. MAPPA Disclosure (1) Lawful authority: The need to consider third party disclosure in all MAPPA cases detailed in MAPPA Guidance (2009) Version 3.0. The need to consider disclosure in cases concerning child sexual offenders is now clearly laid down in the Criminal Justice & Immigration Act 2008 section 140 (Implemented July 2008) Necessity: Information should only be disclosed where it is necessary for the purpose of properly assessing and managing the risks posed by MAPPA offenders
  22. MAPPA Disclosure (2) Proportionality: It must be shown that the assessment and management of the risk/s presented by the offender could not effectively be achieved other than by disclosing the information in question Safety & Security: All information about offenders must be managed safely and securely and should only be available to those who have a legitimate interest in knowing it
  23. MAPPA Disclosure May be needed to protect the public Disclosure must have lawful authority Disclosure must be necessary Disclosure must be proportionate to risk and done in ways, which Ensure safety and security of the information disclosed, and Be accountable
  24. Disclosure Concerning Child Or Young Person Careful consideration and discussion with Education Services No decision to disclose unless a Senior Representative of YOT and Children’s Services present LSCB should be informed disclosure has been made
  25. Legislation and Powers to Disclose Common Law – Prevention - detection of crime Data Protection Act1998– Must be accurate, specific purpose e.g. prevention and detection of crime Human Rights Act 1998 – Right to Life, Right to Privacy CJA 2003 Section 325(4) – co-operation between RA and DTC agencies – prima facie legal power to exchange information Crime and Disorder Act 1998 Section 115
  26. Effective Meetings Understand your purpose and role Prepare well Have all necessary paperwork Be prepared to justify your position Understand other Agency’s perspectives Remember the purpose of MAPPA Consider the Victim’s perspective Join things up
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