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Tips to Score Good Marks in IGNOU

Everybody wants to score good marks in the exams, but it's important to note that it requires hard work and effort from your end. Some strategies with Effective planning, learning, and organizing schedule can help you to score better. Check out some tips to score good marks in IGNOU. Gullybaba Publishing house tries to help every student by offering premium and quality study material that help them to score well. To get IGNOU previous question papers, Visit: https://www.gullybaba.com/ignou-question-papers/

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Tips to Score Good Marks in IGNOU

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  1. Tips to Score Good Marks in IGNOU Every student has fear about the exam. The scariest word for a student is exams. For passing any course, it is essential to pass the exam. Exams are tests of their mental abilities and capacity for learning. But students have painted an entirely different image in their minds about exams with which they face difficulties and when they listen about exams they got scared. They start taking stress, tensions about exams. The feeling of insecurity in their minds is pressure from their parents. Students got so scared that they face so many problems such as lack of sleep if they get a low score, their confidence level breaks, etc. With proper planning and guidance, such a stressful situation can be tackled easily. Here are some tips, we are discussing to score good marks: 1.It is mandatory to understand the whole syllabus while starting the preparation for the exam. You have to take out some time and read the whole book and make some important short notes or some main points. With this, you can remember important points or some important topics as you cannot remember everything. 2.Always follow a good author book or the one advisable by the professor, with which you will find the appropriate study material with their guidance. 3.For saving time during exams, try to make some notes side by side that can help you on exams days so you can revise more and get more scores as well. 4.Utilize material from the professor for making assignments. The assignment contains an important topic while making assignments try to understand the topics well because the material you have taken from the teacher or professor is crucial. 5.You can revise IGNOU previous question papers and get some ideas for the exams so that you can attempt the exam according to the time and need. 6.Manage your time. Spend more time on that questions which are more important don’t go through the easy questions that will waste your time. Prepare a good timetable and follow it.

  2. 7.Take a proper sleep which helps you to calm and relax your mind and make feel stress- free. It will help you to improve your concentration and you will feel less sleepy. But it doesn’t mean you have to relax the whole day or night. Take out some time to relax. 8.If you are finding any problem while learning, go and get some help from your professor. 9.Revise again and again until you will not feel more comfortable. 10.If you are not able to study alone try to study in groups and revise the topics. Teaching with classmates helps to improve your knowledge and also there. There are special guidelines for their student by IGNOU that help students to score well. Always remember the above points to write answers n IGNOU exams. The above-given tips can help you to prepare and score well in exams. “All the very best” for your exams.

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