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Sra . Whisenunt ( Sra . Whizz) Gate City High School sarah.whisehunt@scottshcools.com 276.386.7522 (Planning 1:50-3:22) Twitter: @ espanolgc Facebook: Espanol Gc http://espanolgc.wikispaces.com. Hojas informáticas Español 3. What we do in Spanish 3:
Sra. Whisenunt (Sra. Whizz) Gate City High School sarah.whisehunt@scottshcools.com 276.386.7522 (Planning 1:50-3:22) Twitter: @espanolgc Facebook: EspanolGc http://espanolgc.wikispaces.com Hojasinformáticas Español 3 • Whatwe do in Spanish 3: • Reviewgrammar and vocab. FromSpanish 1 and 2 • Learnadvancedgrammar and vocab. • Develop, enhance, and expandcommunication in Spanish. • Review and/orlearnsome cultural aspects of Spanish/Hispaniclife. • What you need: • 3-ring binder with pockets • OR pocket portfolio folder with prongs • Loose-leaf paper • Pencils/ink pens—NO brightly colored ink! • Access to the Internet (freely provided by the school ) • (OPTIONAL) Colored pencils/crayons/markers • (OPTIONAL) Spanish-English dictionary The Rules 1.Respect others. 2. Respect property. (Both mine and others) 3.Come prepared. (Extras aren’t always available) 4.Ask permission. (Worst I can say is, “No.”) No non-water beverages or food outside “la zonaestudiantil” Use no more than TWO water or bathroom breaks a week. Speak with courtesy. (No profanity) 8.Give it a try! (Your best effort is all I expect.) *Students must abide by all rules and regulations in the Scott County Schools Student Handbook.*
QR code for online dictionary : WordReference! QR code for the class website espanolgc.wikispaces.com Grading each 9 weeks 9 Weeks Test 10% Objectives Stamp sheets and sentence posts Assignments Real World Homework, Classwork Pre-Assessments Quizzes on vocabulary and grammar Assessments Tests on each unit and 4 notebook checks Projects Related to each unit and/or other study Projects 15% Objectives 15% Assessments 25% Assignments 15% Pre- Assessments 20% Spanish 3 scale (Adapted from American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Language OPI scale) Novice Low PURPLE Spanish 3 F(0) Spanish 2 F(50-69) Novice Mid BLUE Spanish 3 F (50-69) Spanish 2 D/C (70-85) Novice High GREEN Spanish 3 D/C(70-85) Spanish 2 B(86-94) Intermediate Low YELLOW Spanish 3 B (86-94) Spanish 2 A (95-100) Intermediate Mid ORANGE Spanish 3 A (95-100) Spanish 2 A+ (101+) Intermediate High RED Spanish 3 A+ (101+) Almost all Pre-Assessments and Assessments will use this scale. More detailed info is in the classroom and on the website. Username for discussion boards: espanolgc Password: gcdevils We will watch, listen AND share a lot of authentic media and what YOU create! BYOD per Scott County policy. Media is pre-approved and related to Spanish SOLs
Signature page Spanish III SeñoraWhisenunt GCHS Please sign the following and keep your info packet! STUDENTS: your info sheets are a part of EVERY notebook check, so don’t lose anything! *I have read and understood the rules and procedures of this class and will follow them to the best of my ability. I understand my participation in media use, listening, and viewing will be related to Spanish study and will abide by regulations set forth by SeñoraWhisenhunt and Gate City High School. Student signature___________________________________________________Date______________________ Students, please write your Facebook and/or Twitter contact information if you would like to friend the Spanish class Facebook page and/or if you intend to follow the class Twitter. Facebook/Twitter contact info___________________________________________________________________ *As the parent/guardian of ___________________________, I have read the rules and procedures of this class. I allow my child to participate in media use, listening, and viewing. I understand and approve the standards and participation expected from my child. Parent/Guardian signature____________________________________________________ Date______________________ Parents/Guardians, please write your email address below if you prefer I contact you through email. Parent/Guardian email address____________________________________________________________________ Signature page Spanish III SeñoraWhisenunt GCHS Please sign the following and keep your info packet! STUDENTS: your info sheets are a part of EVERY notebook check, so don’t lose anything! *I have read and understood the rules and procedures of this class and will follow them to the best of my ability. I understand my participation in media use, listening, and viewing will be related to Spanish study and will abide by regulations set forth by SeñoraWhisenhunt and Gate City High School. Student signature___________________________________________________Date______________________ Students, please write your Facebook and/or Twitter contact information if you would like to friend the Spanish class Facebook page and/or if you intend to follow the class Twitter. Facebook/Twitter contact info___________________________________________________________________ *As the parent/guardian of ___________________________, I have read the rules and procedures of this class. I allow my child to participate in media use, listening, and viewing. I understand and approve the standards and participation expected from my child. Parent/Guardian signature____________________________________________________ Date______________________ Parents/Guardians, please write your email address below if you prefer I contact you through email. Parent/Guardian email address____________________________________________________________________