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Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary. Ministries to Women and Children. Father Jean Gailhac. Jean Gailhac was born in Béziers , France, on November 13, 1802. He was ordained a priest in the Diocese of Montpellier in 1826. . Mother St. Jean Pelissier Cure.
Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary Ministries to Women and Children
Father Jean Gailhac • Jean Gailhac was born in Béziers, France, on November 13, 1802. He was ordained a priest in the Diocese of Montpellier in 1826.
Mother St. Jean PelissierCure • As co-foundress and first superior, AppolloniePelissier Cure, now known as Mother St. Jean, worked closely with Father Gailhac and governed the Institute until her death. During her time as superior the shelter for women was transformed into a preservation for young girls at risk, and a boarding school for girls was begun. As the young Institute took on a variety of works Mother St. Jean emphasized the need to strengthen unity in the midst of this diversity.
Early RSHM Ministries to Women and Children • The foundation of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary in 1849, put Fr. Gailhac in contact with the most needy and marginalized of his society. One of the groups whose needs became obvious to him was women who had fallen into a life of prostitution. In working with these women, he realized that most of them had no social or family support to assist them. Gailhac made arrangements for many of these women to be received in a shelter in Montpellier, paying their room and board from his own small salary, assisted by funds from his parents. When he could no longer afford the fees, he founded in Béziers the work of the Good Shepherd, a shelter for women and very soon afterwards, an orphanage as well.
Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation(JPIC) JPIC is an RSHM initiative that reflects their commitment to justice issues and creating positive globalization. “Action for justice is integral to our mission. Fidelity to the spirit of our founder Father Jean Gailhac and our foundress Mother St. Jean Pelissier Cure commits us to work against the forces that destroy life. Through the RSHM Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Network (JPIC) we build links across continents and oceans and use our potential as an international institute to create better relationships among people and reverence for creation. Because women and children are those most effected by the negative aspects of globalization, they are the focus of our action for justice. .” Another area the JPIC network is active in is human trafficking.
The RSHM have made a difference……so can you!!!! The RSHM are committed to the idea that God has blessed each of us with gifts and talents that can change the world when shared with others. We usually enjoy doing things that put our talents into action. The key to being a person who brings positive change into our world is becoming passionate about finding how our talents can be shared in helping others. So take a moment to consider…..What gifts do you have? What are you passionate about? How can you use your gifts to make a better world right now?
RSHM Ministries to Women and Children in Los Angeles • A Place Called Home (APCH) -Provides at-risk youth with a secure, positive family environment where they can regain hope and belief, earn trust and self-respect and learn skills to lead to a productive lifestyle free of the gangs, drugs and poverty that surround them. We help inner city youth find their dreams through educational enrichment. • The Good Shepherd Women and Children and Children Center. -Provides, with dignity and love, a continuum of care from homelessness to self-sufficiency for women and their children, through services offered by our professional and volunteer staff. • Los Angeles Ministries Project (LAMP) -South Central Los Angeles Ministry Project (LAMP) illuminates the path out of South Central Los Angeles Ministry Project (LAMP) illuminates the path out of poverty, using the power of education to transform community, strengthen families and prepare children to reach their potential for achievement in school and in life. poverty, using to reach their potential for achievement in school and in life.
Ways to Become Involved • Volunteer at one of the RSHM Los Angeles based ministries for women and children. • Become a part of the RSHM Extended Family. • Attend the Symposium “Different Faces of Poverty” on February 14th at the Mt. St. Mary’s Doheny Campus-(See Mr. Culbertson for more details) • Check out the RSHM website for other opportunities!
Ways to Stay Involved After you have graduated from Marymount there are many ways for you to continue serving others through sharing your talents and time. They include: -Becoming involved in service oriented clubs while you are in college. All universities have ways to help you connect with those in need -Maintaining a connection with the Marymount alumni association which will keep you connected with RSHM service initiatives as well as give you opportunities to connect with other alum to serve the Los Angeles community.