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CONGRESO INTERNATIONAL OASIS Y TURISMO SOSTENIBLE Elche 14,15 y 16 de Diciembre 2006. Viernes, 15.12.06 (16:30-18:00) Mesa 3 `` El Atractivo Turístico de los Oasis, el Imaginario Turistico ´´. Tema 1. `` Los Oasis, naturaleza, cultura y aventura´´.
CONGRESO INTERNATIONAL OASIS Y TURISMO SOSTENIBLE Elche 14,15 y 16 de Diciembre 2006 Viernes, 15.12.06 (16:30-18:00) Mesa 3 ``El Atractivo Turístico de los Oasis, el Imaginario Turistico ´´
Tema 1 ``Los Oasis, naturaleza, cultura y aventura´´ Geographisches InstitutJohannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz55099 Mainz, Deutschland Relator: D. AlaAl-Hamarneh Geografo Universidad de Mainz. Alemania Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Zentrum für Forschung zur arabischen Welt (ZEFAW) Foto: 1)
Date of Birth: 19/01/1963 Place of Birth: Amman, Jordan Nationality: Jordanian Academic Degree: PhD in Geography Languages: Arabic (native), English, Russian, German (fluent), Bulgarian (reading and talking), French and Ukrainian (reading) Professional Career Since May 2005 Lecturer, Institute for Geography, University of Mainz Since January 2004 Project Manager /Senior Researcher, Center for Research on the Arab World (CERAW), Institute for Geography, University of Mainz Project on “Islamic Tourism in the Arab World after 9/11” October1998-Dec. 2003 Post-doctoral Studies, Center for Research on the Arab World (CERAW)Project on “Palestinian Refugee Camps in Jordan”Project on “Gated Communities” (Lebanon, Russia, Ukraine)Project on “Cinema and Orient”
Education 1996-2003 • Post-Graduated StudiesCenter for Research on the Arab World (CERAW)University of Mainz, Germany 1990-1994 • Ph.D. in Geography (Urban and Social Geography)Thesis “Spatial Planning of Big Cities’ Periphery”Kiev State University, Kiev-Ukraine 1984-1990 • Diploma in Social and Economic GeographyFaculty of GeographyKiev State University, Kiev-Ukraine (former USSR) 1979-1982 • Medical Academy of Bulgaria, Sofia(not finished Study of Human Medicine, Physicum) 1979 • Jordanian Tawjihi Examination, Scientific Stream 1973-1979 • Greek Catholic Secondary School, (Jordan)
Publications in Qantara.de and "Islamic Tourism" 2006 • "Higher Education in the Arab World between Globalization and Internationalization" (in Arabic), Deutsche Welle / Internet Edition. www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,2139147,00.html • "International Universities in the Arab World - Education, Business and Tourism • "International Tourism, Security and Intercultural Dialogue in the Arab World - Spatial Segregation or Bridging the Gabs", • "German-Arab Cooperation in Education and Science and the Intercultural Dialogue - An Arab Perspective", • "Krisen, Kriege, Katastrophen und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Tourismusmarkt" ( • "Arabischer Medizintourismus in Deutschland", • "Economic Growth, Social Development and International Tourism – Cases from the Arab World", • "Orientalizing the Orient – Postmodern Geographies of Tourism in the Arab World 2005 • "The Arab-Israeli Conflict in the Egyptian Film", • "International Tourism versus Terrorism • "New Trends in Tourism in The Arab World after 9/11 • "Security Fence or Instrument of Spatial Control? The Israeli Wall on Palestinian Territory • “Discovering the Other: ‘Arab/Jewish’ Youth Encounters in Arab Films • "Intraregional Tourism in the Arab World after 9/11 –Economic Integration or Cultural Isolation?",
General Academic Interests • Palestinian Diaspora • Migration, integration and identity of immigrants and long-term refugees in MENA region and Europe • Political Geography of the MENA region • Urban development, spatial segregation, upgrading and housing • Cinematic Geo-Hermeneutics • Tourism in the Arab and Muslim Worlds
Tema 2 ``Estrategias de Marketing´´ Relator: D. Francisco Serra Director de Planificación Estratégica. Media Planing Group. España Media Planing Group: ist Teil von Havas, eines der Weltweit sechs größten Kommunikatinskonzerne Iteraktive Kommunikationslösungen, Marketing & Media-Beratung, Markt & Media Forschung, vertreten in Nordamerika, Portugal, Frankreich und UK. Arbeiten für z.B.: Accor, Airbus, BMW, Bayer
Moderador: D. MATÍAS PÉREZ SUCH (PP) • Zona Electoral de Villajoyosa • Diputado Delegado de Turismo • Miembro de la Comisión de Bienestar Social, Juventud y Mujer • Miembro de la Comisión de Fomento, Medio Ambiente y Agua • Miembro de la Comisión de Gobierno Secretario Autonómico de Turismo de la Generalitat Valenciana Foto:1)
Quellen: • www.staff.uni-mainz.de/alhamarn/indexd.htm Stand: (06.11.06) • www.mpg.com/index.html Stand: (06.11.06) • www.dip-alicante.es/presidencia/225_corp95.htm Stand: (06.11.06) Foto: 1) www.staff.uni-mainz.de/alhamarn/indexd.htm Stand: (06.11.06) 2) www.dip-alicante.es/presidencia/225_corp95.htm Stand: (06.11.06)