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assisting deposit into multiple repository services Theo Andrew Project Manager EDINA. Talk outline. The problem Case studies Multiple authored paper Mandated open access A solution The Broker model The Junction Next steps. Repositories were designed as silos*.
assisting deposit into multiple repository services Theo Andrew Project Manager EDINA
Talk outline • The problem • Case studies • Multiple authored paper • Mandated open access • A solution • The Broker model • The Junction • Next steps
Repositories were designed as silos* *silo image from www.ashburnweb.com
Case study 1: multiple authored paper Journal Y Copy A3 Repository 2 Repository 1 Repository 3
Case study 2: Mandated open access £000s Journal Y Researcher 1 Paper A Copy A1 Copy A1 Researchers 2 & 3
How a broker model could simplify things:- one consistent deposit process- single sign up for content providers and receivers- building a network of trust Content providers Content receivers Institutional Repository 1 Broker Institutional Repository 2 Institutional Repository 3
Broker demonstrator 1: how a journal publisher can assist OARJ broker Repository 2 Repository 1 Repository 3
1. Acceptance of manuscript by publisher 7. Publication of manuscript by Publisher 2. Publisher packages data for transfer: <manuscript #> <manifest> <xml>*based on NLM DTD 2.3* <file/s> 8. Publisher creates 2nd data package: <DOI-Citation-Manu #> 3. Package sent to OA-RJ 9. Package sent to OA-RJ 4. OA-RJ receives and unpacks data 10. OA-RJ receives and matches <manu #> 5. OA-RJ deduces correct IR locations 11. OA-RJ sets release date from embargo details 6. Initial notification sent to IR Managers that OARJ has content, not yet available for release 12. Notification sent to IRs Release metadata, withhold file until embargo expires OARJ broker – Dark Archive 13. SWORD transfer to primary IR, plus any other nominated IRs
Estimate of the number of broker transferred items during a six month demonstrator service. Data is based upon the number of papers published in journals from the participating NPG portfolio during Jan - June 2010. Data retrieved from PubMed Central and ISI Web of Knowledge. (*Figure rounded down, **Still to be confirmed as a participating institutions).
Broker demonstrator 2: how UKPMC can assist OARJ broker Repository 2 Repository 1 Repository 3
Matching authors to repositories Repository Author Institution email registry network postal address
The Junction SOURCES openDOAR Matched repositories ROAR Junction db: Org IDs matched to IRs API UKAMF WhoIS Named entity recognition NAMES Known org ID Article XML Funding codes Known IP location ORCID INPUTS
The Junction API Suite of three APIs for interacting with the data: /api [primary point of interaction] /cgi/list/ [lists known values - type/content/country/lang/org/net] /cgi/get [used for internal AJAX functions orgs, repos, net] • /api can be given a specific locus to deduce repositories (IP address or an ID code) to specify the organisation, or it will deduce a locus based on the calling client. • The script can be asked to restrict the returned list by repository type or accepted content. • Data is returned in either JSON, Text, or XML formats http://oarepojunction.wordpress.com/junction-api/
The next steps • Demonstrator services for both use cases. • March to July 2011. • Sustainability depends on success and demand. • If positive, expand target group of IRs and content providers. • Improvements to broker
Project Blog:http://oarepojunction.wordpress.com/ Thankyou for listening.Questions?