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XML Key Technology For The Economy. Dieter W. Storr July 2001. XML - The Key Technology For The Economy. s-business. SGML. DTD. HTML. W3C. XML. XHTML. B2B. XQL. WAP. EDI. XSL. WML. e-business. m-business. XML - The Key Technology For The Economy. Why Not EDI?
XMLKey Technology For The Economy Dieter W. Storr July 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy s-business SGML DTD HTML W3C XML XHTML B2B XQL WAP EDI XSL WML e-business m-business 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy • Why Not EDI? • Why Using The Web? • SPEED, The Benefit of XML • Type of e-Business • Do we need e-Business? • Differences Between HTML and XML 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy • XML DTD, schema • XLS Style Sheets • XML Databases • XML Application Integration • XML Users • Literature 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy Internet: The fastest growing communications medium in history > 400 million users / 25 million in Germany > 4 billion Web pages > $28 billion online retail revenues in U.S. in 2000 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy • The Internet is changing business much faster and more far-reaching ways than even the most optimistic technology pundits could have predicted. • The potential for drastically cutting costs by conducting business via the Web is enormous. • More and more companies plan to handle purchasing, distribution and logistics via the Internet. • Analysts estimate a much higher growth potential for the Internet in the business-to-business sector than in the consumer market. Source: The XML Shockwave, Berthold Daum, Chris Horak 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy • XML is a standard developed by the Word Wide Web Consortium (W3C). • XML has the power to become the most important Web standard. • XML is rapidly evolving as the key enabler for the new online economy of e-business (electronic business), m-business (mobile business), or s-business (silent business between computers). • XML is the most radical change in computing since the invention of relational databases and SQL. 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy Why not Electronic Data Interchange (EDI/EDIFACT) instead of Internet? • EDI was used to electrify existing trade relationships. • The Internet is an existing marketplace where new business contacts and new trade relationships can be established. • EDI requires networks that are carefully planned and implemented in advance. • The Internet develops in an unplanned way driven by the autonomous activities of millions of users. 24 August 2001
The global IP network: Open standards worldwide
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy Why Internet and not Electronic Data Interchange (EDI/EDIFACT) instead? • The traditional supply chain applications based on EDI are difficult and expensive to implement and to maintain. • EDI works best with long-term relationships between client and supplier and with a small number of partners. • EDI doesn’t work at all with complex supply networks or open markets. Only 2% of US companies use EDI for supply chain management. 24 August 2001
System, network & Telecoms mgt Business Processes XML Content CRM Travel Sales Automation HRMS ERP Collaboration & KM Budget & Planning Logistics Intelligent Information Integration Strategy Exposes Processes and Content for Speedy Evolution 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy SPEED: The benefits of XML S P E E D toring ublishing and xchanging lectronic ocuments 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy Buzzword STORAGE: • Today’s DB technology is not capable of dealing with electronic business information such as documents, pix, sounds, retina images, digital signatures, etc. • RDBMSs ‘flatten’ the world of data into two-dimensional structures called tables. • RDBMSs requires fragmenting the document. The internal structure is lost. • When retrieving the document it must be restructured. 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy Buzzword STORAGE: • Fortunately, XML offers a way out. • Some vendors are building native XML databases that allow you to store your electronic business information directly in a new kind of filing system. • Enterprises can store, retrieve, manage, search, and distribute their electronic business information from a single source. • Enterprises can build an XML ‘staging area’ for their corporate DMBS infrastructure 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy Buzzword PUBLISHING: • Publishing really took off about 600 years ago when Gutenberg invented the hot metal letter printing. This innovation enabled a number of cultural revolutions in Europe, for example Renaissance, French Revolution. • With XML some are seeing another revolution in publishing: ‘push button publishing’ • XML documents can be automatically reformatted for various devices by using ‘style sheets’ 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy Buzzword PUBLISHING: • The standard that is being developed underneath of the XML umbrella is called the eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) • Influence the look and feel of the information • Control what information is being published • XML will evolve the field of publishing from Gutenberg’s ‘reusable type’ to ‘reusable documents’ 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy Buzzword ELECTRONIC: • Web publishers are bombarding the market daily with e-mail, e-zines, newspapers, and books that speak about • e-Business • e-Commerce • e-Government • e-Conomy • Pundits and laymen alike want you to believe that if you don’t move to “E”, you will have an e-Mergency e-Nough 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy Buzzword ELECTRONIC: • Electronic in the context of electronic business means the • “complete automation of a business transaction across organization boudaries”. • The most important aspect of electronic business is • “the ability for machines to speak to machines” 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy Buzzword EXCHANGE: • Up to now, the average CEO and CIO have been thinking of their information technology (IT) as something that concerns their corporation on a internal level. • Now, it is becoming just as important to integrate the supply chain of your company with the ordering systems of your supply chain partners. • The expensive enterprise resource planning system (ERP) you installed is simply not geared up for this challenge. 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy Buzzword EXCHANGE: • And the fancy Web shops you can buy from the dime-a-dozen Silicon Valley DOT COMS won’t get you there either. They are simply not sophisticated enough for the task of automated communication. • Here are some examples of information exchange: • warehouse shelves talking to restocking systems • factory assembly lines talking to parts manufacturers of databases • power plants talking to emergency response systems 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy Buzzword DOCUMENTS: • What is the difference between the existing HTML documents and XML documents? • The query stock quote yahooentered at lycos.com, resulted in approx. 150,000 hits. • XML documents structure information entities into separate elements that are nicely labeled with tags. An XML query can be much mores specific:stock_qoute[ company=“yahoo”] 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy What type of electronic business? • B2C: Business-to-ConsumerIncludes online shops, and also includes sales channels to content-related sites, online banking and other financial services. Example:A joint venture between IBM and Deutsche Post (German postal service) provides a complete e-commerce solution for small business. Or BP’s virtual gas station bpexpress.de 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy What type of electronic business? • B2B: Business-to-BusinessIncludes all kind of transactions between commercial enterprises such as procurement, and supply and demand chains but also includes activities such as support, training, electronic newsletters, etc. 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy US e-Commerce 1998-2003 Amount in billions US $ Source: Forester Research 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy What type of electronic business? • B2A: Business-to-AdministrationIncludes transactions between businesses and government institutions or industry associations such as economic and environmental monitoring, tax, insurance, etc. 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy What type of electronic business? • C2A: Consumer-to-AdministrationIs still in an embryonic state but offers also big potential: schools and libraries go online, car registration, tax declaration, and welfare payments become possible over the Internet, etc. Example: State of Alaska introduced car registration over the Internet 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy Does my business need an electronic business? (Does my business need a telephone?) Klaus Schwab, president of the World Economic Forum: “I see two resolutions, which are interrelated: the first is the e-revolution, the second is globalization. To survive, each business must answer the question: How do I become global?” 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy XML Basics <Address> <Name> <FirstName> Dieter </FirstName> <LastName> Storr </LastName> </Name> <Phone> <business> 3105778042 </business> <home> 7142569594 </home> </Phone> </Address> 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy Record in a relational database Dieter,Storr,3105778042,7142569594 Problem? • What is first name, last name, home phone, etc.? 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy • Example for incorrect data exchange: On September 23, 1999, NASA’s Mars Climate Orbiter vanished behind Mars. The Software module ‘Small Forces’ in the ground control station used English units while the shuttle assumed metric units. 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy Document Type Definition (DTD) • Describes the syntax of a document, for example the vocabulary and its structure • Disadvantage:Content enclosed in tags is treated just as plain text with no semantic constraints whatsoever 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy XML Schema (new W3C recommendation) • Limited description of document semantics, for example <height> must be a floating point number between 1.0 and 20.0. • XML Schema will replace the current XML DTDMicrosoft’s BizTalk already uses XML Schema as a specification language 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy XML Schema (new W3C recommendation) • Not yet possible:Semantic relationships between elements, for example the product width*height*depth must be within defined limits. • Another problem:The element <volume> could be evoke numerous associations: dimensions, decibels, and dictionaries 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy Standards for Document Type Definition (DTD) Tag sets, for example • Health care institutesHealth level 7 (HL7) • Newspaper Association of AmericaClassified advertisements • UNICODE For international languages (Computer Esperanto) 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy Database Developments: • 1960/1970: DBMS • Early 1980: RDBMS • 1990s: ODBMS • 2000 (started 1998) XML DB 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy XML Databases • XML database technology did not replace the existing transaction systems on the mainframe, but established a new, separate growth market for SQL databases. • XML is having a major impact on the vendors of SQL databases, as more and more customers are demanding they comply with this much more open and easy to use XML standards. 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy XML Databases • SQL vendors have to completely re-engineer their kernel or build a completely new system to store, retrieve and manage XML information natively and with high performance. • XML and the Web by nature require a hierarchical view of information that is notoriously difficult to map into traditional database systems. 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy Mapped XML Databases • Several vendors have announced or released XML-enabled versions of their relational or object-oriented DBMS products. • All of these products feature a kernel architecture that is not optimized for XML queries and information retrieval. • First benchmarks show that native XML databases perform about one order of a magnitude faster than mapped XML databases. 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy Native XML Databases • Only one vendor delivers a completely new, native implementation of an XML database called Tamino. • The product features two main components, • one for the storage of Internet information, and • the other for the access of remote enterprise data. 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy XML Application Integration • Since the late 1990s, the application integration has been booming, for example packaged applications. • It became clear that there were massive integration gaps between the old and the new application environments. • These gaps needed to be filled with connectivity products, often referred as middleware or enterprise application integration products. 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy XML Application Integration • Component standards like CORBA, COM, and EJB evolved in the labs of Microsoft, IBM, Sun and others improved the former problems that customers experienced with proprietary programming interfaces. • These standards do not enable the description of content and structure of the information being exchanged between the applications. 24 August 2001
XML - The Key Technology For The Economy XML Application Integration • Application integration vendors that do not support XML internally and at the interface level will quickly be left behind in this rapidly evolving market. 24 August 2001
Internet devices: Single-purpose devices