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2. Outline. National Cleaner Production Centres' ProgrammeBackground, status and future directions Potential synergies with UNFCCC. 3. National Cleaner Production Centres. Established to foster the uptake of CP concepts, methods, practices and policies in developing and transition economiesFive
1. 1 National Cleaner Production Centres: Potential synergies with UNFCCC Cleaner & Sustainable Production Unit
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Vienna, Austria
2. 2 Outline National Cleaner Production Centres’ Programme
Background, status and future directions
Potential synergies with UNFCCC
3. 3 National Cleaner Production Centres Established to foster the uptake of CP concepts, methods, practices and policies in developing and transition economies
Five common service areas
Awareness building and information dissemination
Professional training
In plant assessments/technical assistance
Policy advice
Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies
Supported on country by country basis for a minimum of three years
Participate in global network and contribute to multi-country projects, e.g. on energy efficiency
4. 4 Results of NCPC Programme Establishment and operation of 37 National Cleaner Production Centres and Programmes worldwide
Establishment of a Regional Cleaner Production Programme in Latin America, with 12 participating countries and development of an Internet-based Knowledge Management System
Development of a UNIDO CP training toolkit and UNIDO endorsed CP award for consultants, trainers and companies
Development of technical tools and delivery of training to NCPCs by UNEP on CP and Energy Efficiency, CP and MEA implementation and Design for Environment/Sustainability (D4E/D4S)
Inclusion of activities related to UNIDO’s Sustainable Chemicals Management and Chemical Leasing in the portfolio of several Cleaner Production Centres
Facilitation of regional and national roundtables on cleaner production/sustainable consumption and production
5. 5 Network 2007
6. 6 Cleaner and Resource Efficient Production
7. 7 Technology Transfer Defined as the broad set of processes covering the flows of knowledge, experience and equipment amongst different stakeholders, such as governments, private sector entities, financial institutions, NGOs and research/educational institutions.
The broad term ‘transfer’ encompasses diffusion of technologies and technology cooperation across and within countries. It comprises the process of learning to understand, utilise and replicate the technology, including the capacity to choose it and adapt it to local conditions
IPCC Special Report 2000
8. 8 Technology Transfer Process
9. 9 CP Investment Issues Unavailability of micro to small credit
High costs of credit
Transaction, credit administration etc
Lack of collateral
Legal obstacles for enforcement of financial contracts
Lack of experience of established financial institutions in dealing with small business
Lacking skills and systems of small businesses to produce bankable business proposals
Fiscal implications of the investment
10. 10 NCPC – UNFCCC -Part 1 Potential roles in CP investment
Project identification
Local knowledge of business sector
Project development
CP assessment as starting point
Assist with implementation of low and no cost options, to improve technical capacity and cash flows
Loan assessments
Technical reviews
Technology verification
Monitoring of environmental benefits achieved
11. 11 NCPC – UNFCCC- Part 2 Policy advice on industry’s needs for technology transfer and application
Awareness raising of opportunities among local key industries and partners
12. 12 Thank You.