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A Job Search Workshop Designed by the Centenary College Career Services Department. METHODS TO ACQUIRE QUALITY JOB INTERVIEWS. An effective job search campaign requires organization, research and implementation . WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this workshop you will be able to:.
A Job Search Workshop Designed by the Centenary College Career Services Department METHODS TO ACQUIRE QUALITY JOB INTERVIEWS
An effective job search campaign requires organization, research and implementation.
WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES:Upon completion of this workshop you will be able to: • Develop an organized job search campaign. • Research employment trends, target companies, and industries • Implement your job search campaign utilizing job search methods.
Objective 1ORGANIZATION • A successful job search requires careful organization and preparation
1. Establish Goals: • Set daily and weekly schedules • Track progress • Follow up regularly
Objective 2RESEARCH • Research strengthens and broadens your job search. You gain vital information needed to make clear informed decisions pertaining to your job campaign, thus increasing your chances for obtaining quality interviews.
Research Career Profiles & Employment Trends: • The purpose of researching career profiles & employment market trends is to help you plan a move to a secure occupation and industry. • Resources: • www.bls.gov/oco • www.projectioncentral.com
Research Target Companies: • Determine which companies are good prospects Research Resources: • www.vault.com • www.hoovers.com • www.rileyguide.com • www.fortune.com • www.business.com
Research Target Industries: • Determine which industries hire people with your background and qualifications. Research Resources:www.competia.comwww.fuld.comwww.industrylink.comhttp://www.bls.gov/bls/industry.htm
Objective 3 IMPLEMENTATION • Implementing a successful job search requires confidence, strength and a proactive stance. • You must decide what job search methods to take to pursue opportunities. • The more methods you use, the greater the likelihood of obtaining quality interviews.
Job Search Methods Tapping the advertised job market. • The advertised job market comprises approximately 15 – 20% of jobs that are available. • The advertised market is not the most effective way of finding a job, however if done properly, you will greatly increase your chances of finding your ideal career.
Want Ads • Trade publications and trade association job sites are the most effective place to look for advertised positions. • The Sunday classified section of a major newspaper is the next best place to search for advertised positions. • Look at related job titles. • Target your marketing material i.e. resume & cover letter to the job description. Include key words. • Submit your resume and cover letter a few days after the posting to avoid having your resume arrive along with the masses. Resources: • www.asaenet.org • http://www.ipl.org/div/aon
Job Fairs • Many cities, colleges and universities host job fairs at various locations throughout the year. • A job fair provides for the opportunity to meet employers and gather information. Resources: • www.careerfairs.com • http://nationalcareerfairs.com
Recruiter/Headhunter • Recruiters are hired by organizations to find a match between a perspective employee and the companies specific job opening. Resources: • www.searchfirm.com
Visit Company Web Sites • Many companies and organizations post their job openings right on their Web sites under Employment /Career Opportunities.
Visit your Campus Career Center • Your career is center staffed by counselors dedicated to helping students with career-development concerns. Resources: • Centenary College Career Services, 300 Littleton Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054
Tapping the unadvertised / hidden job market. • The department of Labor states that approximately 80% of available jobs are in the unadvertised / hidden job market. These positions are filled by--or created for--candidates who come to an employer's attention through networking, trade association meetings, target mailings, and media opportunities.
Networking • Networking is a focused method of developing a contact list of people who can provide you with career information that will lead you to an interview: • Build a base list of contacts • Expand your base list of contacts • Use referrals
Targeted Direct Mail Campaign • A targeted direct mail campaign is the process of sending job inquiry letters to a series of perspective employers.
Targeted Direct Mail Campaign Basic Steps: • Develop a list of select companies; research the names of the hiring manager and get company mailing address and phone number. ( See researching companies for a list of resources) • Write a very targeted cover letter to each company in which you express your interest and ask for an interview. • Follow up with a telephone call 7-10 days later and ask for an interview.
Mass Mailing • Mass Mailing is a quantitative approach to a direct mail campaign. • Develop a list of select companies; research the names of the hiring manager and get company mailing address and phone number. ( See researching companies for a list of resources) • Write a Broadcast Letter.
Contact Professional Organizations and Trade Associations in Your Field • National, regional and local professional and trade organizations exist to help their members with career development. Many organizations include field-specific job listings on their Web sites or in their printed publications. Resources: • www.asaenet.org • http://www.ipl.org/div/aon
Media Opportunities • Media Events / Created Opportunities • A media event / created opportunity for employment takes place when some activity or change takes places in a company’s operations. It signals to you that hiring is likely to take place. Your efforts are to communicate your ability and availability before formalized hiring takes place. • Resources: • Newspapers • Trade Journals ( www.asaenet.orghttp://www.ipl.org/div/aon ) • Radio and Television