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System Programming and Operating System

System Programming and Operating System. Course Objective. To Explain fundamentals of system programming and operating systems. To Develop comprehensive skills to design Assembler, Macro Processor, Compiler and Interpreters.

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System Programming and Operating System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. System Programming and Operating System

  2. Course Objective • To Explain fundamentals of system programming and operating systems. • To Develop comprehensive skills to design Assembler, Macro Processor, Compiler and Interpreters. • To give overview of various memory allocation methods, input output devices and file system for different operating system. • To teach implementation of various process scheduling techniques and dead lock avoidance schemes in operating system. • To Improve written, oral, & presentation communication skills in System Programming and Operating System and engage in learning beyond the syllabus. • To create awareness about the overall obligations with respect to System Programming and Operating System and help students understand their moral responsibilities while working in the field.

  3. Course Outline • Unit I : Introduction to System Programming Introduction, Assemblers and Macro Processors • Unit II: Compilers, Interpreters, Loaders and Linkers. • Unit III: Introduction to OS and Process Management. • Unit IV : Concurrency Control Mutual Exclusion, Classical IPC Problems and Deadlocks. • Unit V : Memory Management Swapping, Paging, Virtual Memory, Page Replacement Algorithm. • Unit VI : Input and Output, File System I/O Management and Disk Scheduling, File Management

  4. Assessment Strategy

  5. Design Considerations • Light background with dark colour text • Font size for slide title is 44 • Font size for text is 20

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