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Model: Kirsch Plate

This model analyzes stress concentration near a small hole in an infinite plate under plane stress conditions. It provides theoretical solutions and comparisons with COMSOL Multiphysics results for validation.

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Model: Kirsch Plate

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Model: Kirsch Plate

  2. Introduction • This model treats the stress concentration in the vincinty of a small hole in a infinite plate. • This is a classic benchmark with a theoretical solution.

  3. The plate is thin and loaded in the plane, that is, plane stress conditions can be assumed. Due to the double symmetry, only one quarter of the plate needs to be analyzed. Problem Definition

  4. Problem Definition, constraints and loads. • The displacements in the normal directions are constrained at the two symmetry cuts • The right edge is subjected to a constant load of sb =103 Pa

  5. Problem Definition, material • Young’s modulus: E=2.1*1011 Pa • Poisson’s ratio n=0.3

  6. High normal stress in the x-direction at the hole - vertical symmetry line intersetion Results

  7. Results • Theoretical stress in the x-direction: • A cross-section plot at the vertical symmetry line of the theoretical stress solution and the COMSOL Multiphysics solution shows excellent agreement.

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