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Learn the big secret of alternative medicine, its benefits, and how it can provide permanent cure where traditional medicine has failed. Discover the power of yogic energy and its ability to heal even the gravest of diseases. Join us for this enlightening presentation and be amazed!
3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Traditional & Alternative Medicine August 03-05, 2015 Birmingham, UK In Association with Presented By Name: SEETHALAKSHMY A (RAJAYOGA POWER TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION UK, Ltd.) Country: UNITED KINGDOM
OBJECTIVES OF THIS PRESENTATION • To share the BIG, POWERFUL SECRET with all of you. • To explain how this SECRET works and why I emphasize that this is the only way forward. • To demonstrate with real life instances of how this SECRET has been the ONLY SOURCE OF CURE WHERE TRADITIONAL MEDICINE HAS FAILED. • To present comparative results of a survey involving 100 practitioners of the SECRET and 100 non-practitioners . • To invite interested researchers willing to undertake joint research with RPT UK to document the amazing benefits of using THE POWERFUL SECRET.
Medicine that alternates an existing medicine – for instance, naturopathy alternating allopathy or vice versa. • Reasons for an alternative medicine • Looking for faster cure, • more permanent cure or • a cure with little or no adverse side effects at all. • The big powerful secret that I am suggesting as alternate medicine FORTUNATELY meets all the three of the above criterion.
SECRET OF RISHIS AND YOGIS • Ever wondered how these people in ancient times enjoyed long and healthy lives? • With years and years of penance and meditation they realised immense internal energies. • My big, powerful secret is similar to the secret of these rishis and yogis. • But somewhere in our search for modernity and reliance on science and medicine, we lost track of this energy and its immense capabilities. • Any takers for going to the Himalayas and meditating for years leaving worldly life to attain such amazing powers of the yogis?
DIABETIC PATIENT – TRADITIONAL MEDICINE • Diabetes – a condition where pancreas reduces secretion of insulin. • traditional medicine – Injects insulin into the blood to enhance insulin and maintain blood sugar levels. • Unfortunately, has to be done on a regular basis to maintain blood sugar levels. • Treatment is very much to the physical organ and therefore, provides only temporary relief to the condition.
Contd. • The actual reason for the diabetic condition in the patient is the imbalance of the chakra associated with the pancreas. • When the chakra is imbalanced, the organ does not function properly, and this is the root cause of the problem. • Hence a treatment at the root cause level to provide permanent cure. • Research by Spiritual Science Research Foundation concluded that modern medicine treats only at physical and psychological level; but what is required for a permanent cure is a treatment at a more spiritual, root cause level.
MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION!! • How and where can we find this treatment at the root cause level? • I am now going to start to unravel the big, powerful secret and how it works.
KUNDALINI AWAKENING • The most powerful, creative, dormant, feminine energy present in the mooladhara chakra in the human body. • When this energy is awakened with the ability to retain pranic energy in the human body, the Kundalini energy also called as yogic energy can work miracles in the human body giving a permanent cure to even the gravest of diseases.
Mrs. ManimalaThirumaney – solicitor married to a chartered accountant. • First pregnancy – a miscarriage. • Experienced sadness, depression and negative thoughts associated with the miscarriage. • Next two years afraid to try. After two years, tried to, but attempts failed; including an IVF attempt that failed to yield results. • Recommended to attend one day yogic energy empowerment session in London. • Cured herself of her unknown infertility problem leading to difficulty in conceiving a child.
Contd.. • Within three months of starting the healing technique and using her own internal energy she was able to completely cure herself, conceive a child, and have an amazing pregnancy removing all the negativities. • Miracle happened on September 28, 2012. Blessed with a healthy baby boy named Shervin Kumar. • Now the proud proprietrix of her own law firm ‘Shervins Solicitors’ also the result of using yogic energy and practising method of subconscious mind programming
CURING A 10 YEAR ARTHRITIC CONDITION • I suffered from hereditary arthritic problem for 10 years • Tried all kinds of medications • Only temporary relief • Extreme pain and mental anguish, stress due to physical suffering • Suggested to attend Yogic Power empowerment session – gave it a try. • Within a week of taking the seminar, able to permanently heal myself using energy and healing methods taught
The data on the above chart represents the Types of Diseases and the Period of recovery between Yogic and Non-Yogic Power Practitioners in months. The analysis clearly states that for, • YOGIC Power Practitioners maximum recovery period = 4 months • NON-YOGIC Power Practitioners recovery period = 1 to 2 years according to its intensity
This Data represents the Types of Diseases and the Period of recovery of Yogic Power Practitioners in weeks. The analysis clearly states that for YOGIC POWER PRACTITIONERS maximum recovery period = 4 months. A further break up of the 4 months revealed the above statistics. • E.g. Patients suffering from Asthma took only 3 weeks to cure themselves completely of the condition; patients with Depression took 1 week and patients with Heart problems were totally cured within 16 weeks of using the healing technique with Yogic Power.
This Data represents decrease in Years of visit to GP/NHS of Yogic Power Practitioners belonging to different age groups after practising Healing method with Yogic Power in 5 years period. The analysis clearly states that, YOGIC Power Practitioners has decreased their visit to GP/NHS after practising Healing method with Yogic Power. The data clearly specifies that they are cured completely and the chances of visit is calculated in negative terms. E.g. -10%, -50% etc.
HOW TO GET THIS ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE? • Is this not truly an AMAZING SECRET to live a blissful life? • The session to attain this very powerful energy is going to take place in London later this year (SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER). • Grab this wonderful opportunity to get your passports to a healthy, happy and prosperous life. • The greatest wealth today is the gift of good health and this is within the reach of everyone. • SO WHY DELAY? WE ARE ONLY A PHONE CALL AWAY!!
CONTACT DETAILS Mobile Numbers: Ms. Seetha +44-7748805078 Mrs. Manimala +44-7969913098 Mrs. Sandhanaa +44-7867429906 Email: mailtorptlondon@gmail.com FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com//RPTUK
KEEN TO RESEARCH? • We are a charitable society in the service of humanity. We take this opportunity to invite anybody keen to research and document this energy. • We can provide live examples and researchers could use these examples as samples to carry out the research.