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Become Highly Successful at WEALTH AND HAPPINESS

This book was written with the express intent of providing real value to its readers. Today we will be taking a hard look at the subject of wealth and happiness. First of all, let’s go to the very basics and remind ourselves of some simple truths that we all tend to forget in the course of daily living.<br>

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Become Highly Successful at WEALTH AND HAPPINESS

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 01 Lightsyde’s Become Highly Successful at WEALTH AND HAPPINESS This book was written with the express intent of providing real value to its readers. Today we will be taking a hard look at the subject of wealth and happiness. First of all, let’s go to the very basics and remind ourselves of some simple truths that we all tend to forget in the course of daily living. How does a child learn to talk, to read and write, to calculate answers to mathematical questions? If we boil everything back to essentials, the answer is not as simple as “he/ she is taught”. The answer is not as simple because it is even more simple. The child imitates, comprehends and then imitates some more. First the letters of an alphabet, then simple words, then more complex ones. In another case, he/she copies/memorizes the components of the mathematical formulas, memorizes what effects they have, memorizes the formula themselves, then applies them to math problems. In short, there’s a lot of imitation that goes on in the process of learning something, especially when someone isn’t trying to break new ground, and we aren’t. If a student doesn’t understand the day’s lesson, their best option is always to approach the teacher or a fellow student who understood it, and get them to explain. When they get the parts of the problem they didn’t comprehend fully, the solution becomes evident. Again, Imitation. That said, let’s move on. There is a basic type of thinking which kills and handicaps many people in their life. This is the thinking that automatically assumes that every rich person is lucky, gifted or a genius of one sort or the other. In fact, the opposite is much closer to the truth -

  2. everyone has their own woes and private wars. Everyone has their own struggles and battles. At the very least, every single person I have ever met had their own sob story, something I discovered once I got to know them. It doesn’t matter how well it measures up to one’s own troubles, the point is everyone suffers, but not everyone does the same thing about their suffering. And it is how much of the wrong way of thinking and handling things you have that will ultimately decide your level of wealth and happiness. There’s a lot of truth to the movie ‘Bedazzled’ by Brendan Frazer and Elizabeth Hurley. If you want to be somebody else, change your mind. Here’s what we’re going to do. 1. Decide from that from today onwards that we will make a determined and continual attempt to discard thinking patterns that limit and shackle us. Bill Gates isn’t just a lucky person, he did something we aren’t doing and thinks in ways in which we are not yet thinking. 2. Find lessons by people we need to imitate and get them to show or tell us how they do what they do. Yes, there were many people born with silver spoons in their mouths out there, and as far as I know, we can’t imitate that. But there are also tons of self-made millionaires and billionaires out there who don’t mind sharing what they know. 3. Surround and saturate ourselves with these lessons and then take action. There are few things worse than continuing to suffer even when you’ve been shown the way forward. Click the link to start your own journey to all your cherished aspirations.

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