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Captain Leroy

Captain Leroy. Signalment --7.5yo MN Sable Ferret History --Bought at pet store in Chapel Hill in Spring 2004 when 4mo --Generalized splenomegaly since 2008 with no associated CS --Summer 2010 progressive alopecia on tail and caudal dorsum; pruritis

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Captain Leroy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Captain Leroy

  2. Signalment --7.5yo MN Sable Ferret History --Bought at pet store in Chapel Hill in Spring 2004 when 4mo --Generalized splenomegaly since 2008 with no associated CS --Summer 2010 progressive alopecia on tail and caudal dorsum; pruritis --Empirical tx with Lupron (GnRH agonist) injection in Oct. > complete hair regrowth by Dec. > Deslorelin implant (GnRH antagonist)

  3. Problems--Heteroechoic adrenalsDdx = Adrenocorticol adenoma, hyperplasia or carcinoma--Splenic noduleDdx = Extramedullaryhematopoeisis,nodular hyperplasia, hypersplenism, lymphoma--Enlarged Lymph NodesDdx = reactive lymph nodes, lymphoma--Slightly enlarged prostate Ddx = androgen induced due to adrenal disease

  4. Diagnostic and Treatment Plan --Ultrasound guided aspirate of splenic nodule and mesenteric lymph nodes; results pending --Tx lymphoma with prednisone, vincristine and cyclophosphamide --Txhyperslenism with splenectomy or benign neglect --New Deslorelin (GnRH antagonist) implant when alopecia redevelops – implants last 4 – 11mo --Monitor closely for stranguria, dysuria and palpate bladder regularly; should not be able to palpate prostate unless it is enlarged

  5. References --VIN message board --Quesenberry, Katherine E., and James W. Carpenter. Ferrets, Rabbits and Rodents. St Louis, MI: Elsevier Inc, 2004. Web.

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