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This project aims to review and enhance the Student Mental Health Agreement framework. It focuses on identifying key objectives and working areas, such as investing in staff and services, improving links with external charities, and increasing social spaces on campus. The goal is to address mental health issues and promote inclusivity and wellbeing within the student community. Various actions, events, and collaborations with key individuals within the university are planned to achieve these objectives.
Student mental health agreement - review 21/07/2019 JULY 2019 EDINBURGH NAPIER STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION
Beginning the project? Student Mental Health Agreement framework Mapping Exercise Creating partnerships Set out major priorities Identifying key objectives Progress through actions 1 by 1 Document and evaluate working areas
Identification of working areas • Investment into staff and service provisions • Links with sexual misconduct and GBV action plans • Increases in social events • Health and wellbeing steering group • LGBTQi+ links and improvements • Improve links with sports and societies • Focus on inclusivity within our every day work Student Mental Health Agreement • Identify links between poor mental health and smoking • Increase awareness of disabled students needs • Invest time into partnership working with external charities • Increase number of social spaces available to students • Reach a more diverse group of students through effective communications • Improve attendance monitoring to understand drop out rates better • Identify pressure points within the academic calendar
Working in partnership Identifying key individuals within the university. Mental Health Advisors Wellbeing Team Fitness Centre (Engage) University Leadership Team Property & Facilities
Identification of key objectives • To progress the health and wellbeing steering group – looking at early identification of trends within the university and pre planning for university campaigns. • Increasing awareness that disabilities affect students more than just physically. • Improve provisions for staff and students who may want help after suffering any form of sexual assault on or off campus. • A major focus on LGBTQi+ campaigns throughout the year • To enhance the number of social spaces within the university on each campus to allow students to freely communicate and interact with each other.
Identification of key objectives • To create partnerships with a number of different charities within the community to aid in promoting positive mental health to the wider student community. • To hold a range of social and informative events throughout the year with a particular focus on our flagship mental health campaign of the year Feel Fab Feb. • Further investment into staff and online services, with a focus on improving communications around mental health provisions within the university.
Working area 1 • To hold a range of social and informative events throughout the year and during the main mental health campaign of the year Feel Fab Feb. • Actions • Mix social and informative events to raise awareness and knowledge of mental health. • Set up monthly meetings with the university team to keep both parties aware of events that are taking place. • Effectively plan a calendar of events. • Forward planning; decide on specific events/activities and identify the reasons for hosting events to raise awareness. • Promotion of events, all events shall be effectively promoted, through unions and on campus and a social media publicity approach. • Members of the student executive and university staff will be approach to help with promotion and onsite events. • Evidence and reporting of events, all events will be captured and posted on a variety of platforms of social media and included in monthly newsletters.
Feel fab feb Free gym passes/classes 450 students Zumba, yoga, taster sessions etc. SAMH [EN]GAGE, Wellbeing Team, Externals Staff and students across all three campuses
Working area 2 • Further investment into staff and online services, with a focus on improving communications around mental health provisions within the university. • Actions • Gain a greater understanding of student mental health waiting times at the university • Look to identify clinch points in the academic year where waiting times spike • Put pressure on the university to improve staffing issues during these areas • Look to help the university out by sign posting students to other services • Release common theme video which expresses to students how to deal with mental health issues and to highlight Staff Increases 1 FT student retention officer 2 PT mental health advisors – Flexi time (Busy periods)
Working area 3 • To create partnerships with a number of different charities within the community to aid in promoting positive mental health to the wider student community. • Actions • Reach out to a variety of charities to help with promotional events and fundraising activities. • Look to involve external charities in all of our work • Leaflets will be displayed on campus highlighting other ways in which students can seek support. • Engaging with think positive events to learn from other student led institution. • Regular promotion of other charities work via our social media platforms.
Plans for 2019/2020 • Complete student mental health agreement • Look to invest more time and money into Feel Fab Feb • Invest more resources into engaging a more diverse population of students • Continue to raise awareness of mental health within the university • Continue to reduce waiting times to see mental health advisors