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In this WebQuest you are going to learn more about how animals can be grouped together, like a family. Your friends and family will be amazed with all of your information the next time you travel to the zoo!
Introduction Task Resources Process Evaluation Conclusion Standards Citations Teacher Notes A WebQuest for 3rd Grade Science/Classifying Animals Designed by – Sybil Braun skbraun@bgsu.edu EDTL 680 – Information Literacy for Teaching and Learning – Summer 2006 Based on a template from The WebQuest Page Classifying Animals
Introduction In second grade, you took a field trip to the Columbus Zoo to see some animals from around the world. You may have learned how some of the animals belong to the same family, like the lion and the tiger or the black bear and the grizzly bear. In this WebQuest you are going to learn more about how animals can be grouped together, like a family. Your friends and family will be amazed with all of your information the next time you travel to the zoo!
Task Your task will be to work with 3 other students to learn how to classify animals into 4 major groups. The group choices for this assignment are either mammals, birds, amphibians, or reptiles. Each person will have a specific role as a different type of animal. Each role will need to answer and take notes over the same questions, which will allow everyone to compare the different classification groups. Finally, you will all share your information by creating a chart or poster comparing the differences between your classification groups. Process
Resources You will need the following items to help you complete the WebQuest: 1. Computer 2. Internet Explorer or other Internet Sources 3. Printer 4. Poster board 5. All Internet websites will be listed in the citation 6. Markers or crayons
Process The groups of 4 will be chosen randomly by the teacher. To choose the roles of the groups, write your names down on a piece of paper alphabetically. The first name on the list will be the role of the frog, the second name will be the giraffe, the third name will be the painted turtle, and the fourth will be the ostrich. Once the roles have been decided, click on your animal name to find the questions and helpful websites for the answers. Role #1 – Frog Role #2 – Giraffe Role #3 – Painted Turtle Role #4 – Ostrich
Role #1 - Frog 1 – Print off the following worksheet to help keep notes organized. Notes 2 – To learn more about the 4 different classification groups, complete the following learning activity. Be sure to complete your notes on the worksheet. Classification Groups 3 – Answer the following essential questions about the frog on the Notes worksheet: 1. What classification group does your animal fall under? 2. What information did you find that gave you the animal’s classification? 3. What are 3 other animals that belong in this group? 4. Did you find anything else special about your animal’s classification group that others might find interesting? Here is a list of websites to visit and search to find the answers to your four questions. Amphibian Facts The Amazing Adaptable Frog Amphibians 4 – Click on Final Activity for the last set of directions. Final Activity
Classification Groups • Go to www.infohio.org • Select Resources for Grades K-5. • Select Kids Search for Grades 3-5. • If you are prompted for a username and password, check with your teacher or librarian. • Select Kids Search for Grades 3-5, if needed. • Type the words “classifying animals” (be sure to include the quotation marks) into the box next to Find. • Scroll down this page to read the full article on the screen, or print a copy of the article in order to answer the questions. Frog Giraffe Turtle Ostrich
Notes • Name ___________ Role _________________ • Describe the four different classification groups: • Mammals_____________________________________________________________ • Birds_________________________________________________________________ • Amphibians___________________________________________________________ • Reptiles_____________________________________________________________ • Questions to answer about your animal: • 1. What classification group does your animal fall under?______________________ • 2. What information did you find that gave you the animal’s classification? • _____________________________________________________________________ • _____________________________________________________________________ • 3. What are 3 other animals that belong in this group? • _____________________________________________________________________ • 4. Did you find anything else special about your animal’s classification group that others might find interesting? • _____________________________________________________________________ Frog Giraffe Turtle Ostrich
Role #2 - Giraffe 1 – Print off the following worksheet to help keep notes organized. Notes 2 – To learn more about the 4 different classification groups, complete the following learning activity. Be sure to complete your notes on the worksheet. Classification Groups 3 – Answer the following essential questions about the giraffe on the Notes worksheet: 1. What classification group does your animal fall under? 2. What information did you find that gave you the animal’s classification? 3. What are 3 other animals that belong in this group? 4. Did you find anything else special about your animal’s classification group that others might find interesting? Here is a list of websites to visit and search to find the answers to your four questions. Planet Giraffe Giraffe What Is A Mammal? 4 – Click on Final Activity for the last set of directions. Final Activity
Role #3 – Painted Turtle 1 – Print off the following worksheet to help keep notes organized. Notes 2 – To learn more about the 4 different classification groups, complete the following learning activity. Be sure to complete your notes on the worksheet. Classification Groups 3 – Answer the following essential questions about the painted turtle on the Notes worksheet: 1. What classification group does your animal fall under? 2. What information did you find that gave you the animal’s classification? 3. What are 3 other animals that belong in this group? 4. Did you find anything else special about your animal’s classification group that others might find interesting? Here is a list of websites to visit and search to find the answers to your four questions. Painted Turtles Painted Turtles Kidport: Reference Library 4 – Click on Final Activity for the last set of directions. Final Activity
Role #4 - Ostrich 1 –Print off the following worksheet to help keep notes organized.Notes 2 – To learn more about the 4 different classification groups, complete the following learning activity. Be sure to complete your notes on the worksheet. Classification Groups 3 – Answer the following essential questions about the ostrich on the Notes worksheet: 1. What classification group does your animal fall under? 2. What information did you find that gave you the animal’s classification? 3. What are 3 other animals that belong in this group? 4. Did you find anything else special about your animal’s classification group that others might find interesting? Here is a list of websites to visit and search to find the answers to your four questions. Ostrich Ostrich All About Birds 4 – Click on Final Activity for the last set of directions. Final Activity
Final Activity You and your partners need to get together to go over your notes. Once you have discussed your differences, you need to decide how you can display your information on a poster. The following 3 questions need to be answered by each member of the group: 1. What classification group does your animal fall under 2. What are characteristics about this classification group? 3. What are 3 other animals that belong in this group? The poster should contain answers to the 3 questions from the four different roles, should include pictures or drawings of animals, and any other information that you think will help others understand better. Be Creative! Evaluation
Evaluation – Each role graded separate Total Points _______ Final Grade _______ Conclusion
Conclusion Congratulations on a job well done! I am very proud of you all for being able to work cooperatively in a group to complete the assignment! You have learned that there are different ways to classify animals due to their characteristics. I hope that you put this information to good use the next time you are around animals or visit the zoo.
Standards Ohio Academic Content Standards – Science K -12 Benchmark B: Analyze plant and animal structures and functions needed for survival and describe the flow of energy through a system that all organisms use to survive. 3. Classify animals according to their characteristics (e.g., body coverings and body structure). Benchmark C. Explain the importance of keeping records of observations and investigations that are accurate and understandable. 5. Record and organize observations (e.g., journals, charts and tables). Ohio Academic Content Standards – Library Benchmark C:Understand how to access technology-based school library materials, including library networks and electronic resources, for research. 1. Use school library technology-based resources to learn about classroom assignments and discover areas of interest. 3. Use appropriate access code (username, password) to gain access to online resource (e.g., district network resources, subscription—fee- based, databases, and resources that can be accessed remotely/outside the school and/or from home). Ohio Academic Content Standards - Technology Benchmark A: Compare and discuss the characteristics of technology in our community. 3. Demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom. Benchmark D: Practice responsible use of technology, understand school district guidelines for technology use, and explore technology ownership. 1. Work collaboratively with others, respecting their ideas and needs, when using technology. Benchmark C: Use technology communications to participate in online group collaborative interactive projects and activities. 2. Engage in online learning (e.g., Web activities, virtual field trips, videoconferencing).
Teacher Notes • I randomly chose the 4 animals for this activity, but you could change the animals and the Web sites to meet specific topics. For example, if you were doing a unit over the Wetlands, you could find 4 different animals that match different classifications that live in this habitat. • I allowed students to use the Notes worksheet due to lack of experience taking sufficient notes. Students with experience may not need that worksheet.
Citations All About Birds. (n.d.). Retrieved July 25, 2006, from Enchanted Learning Web site: http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/birds/. Amazing Adaptable Frog. (1999). Retrieved July 17, 2006, from Exploratorium Web site: http://www.exploratorium.edu/frogs/mainstory/index.html. Amphibians. (n.d.). Retrieved July 17, 2006, from Yahooligans! Animal Web site: http://yahooligans.yahoo.com/content/animals/amphibians/. Amphibian Facts. (n.d.). Retrieved July 17, 2006, from Center for Global Environmental Education Web site: http://www.cgee.hamline.edu/frogs/science/frogfact.html. Giraffe. (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2006, from Kid’s Planet Web site: http://www.kidsplanet.org/factsheets/giraffe.html. Infohio. (2006). Retrieved July 13, 2006, from Infohio Web site: www.infohio.org. Kidport: Reference Library. (2004). Retrieved July 23, 2006, from Kidport: Science Web site: http://www.kidport.com/RefLib/Science/Animals/Reptiles.htm. Citations, Page 2
Citations, Continued Ostrich. (1994). Retrieved July 25, 2006, from Encyclopedia Americana Web site: http://ostrich-farming.tripod.com/ostrich/. Ostrich. (2003). Retrieved July 25, 2006, from World Almanac for Kids Web site: http://www.worldalmanacforkids.com/explore/animals/ostrich.html. Painted Turtles. (2003, April). Retrieved July 23, 2006, from Kildeer Countryside Virtual Wetlands Preserve Web site: http://www.twingroves.district96.k12.il.us/Wetlands/Turtles/PaintedTurtle/PaintedTurtle.html. Painted Turtles. (n.d.). Retrieved July 23, 2006, from Enchanted Learning Web site: http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/turtle/Paintedturtle.shtml. Planet Giraffe. (1996). Retrieved July 20, 2006, from Planet-Pet Web site: http://planet-pets.com/plntgraf.html. What Is A Mammal? (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2006, from Enchanted Learning Web site: http://www.allaboutmammals.com/subjects/mammals/.