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high standards

Oh look. High standards.

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high standards

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What I want in a girl, huh? Sirrus, dis goan be one high-standard power point.

  2. Physical attributes of my dream girl, eh? Then let's do it from the head down. Eyes Err...Skin tone? Hair Generally, black hair is the best, it doesn't really matter whether short or long, as long as it fits the person. (Straight/curly is cool.) Blue or brown is cool, green is alright depending on the shade. After discussing preferences with a friend awhile back, we figured out I'm into pale skin. Don't know why. Doesn't mean I'm not attracted to those with tan skin, pale skin just tends to look better for some reason. [I'd put some pictures here as an example but there's just way too many styles that look nice. ] [Pictures of individual eyes look creepy.]

  3. Height? Waist Legs I prefer around my height or a bit shorter. --------------------------- Never taller than 2-3 inches. Skinny to kinda chubby but not too much. The fitter the better. ------------------------ Definitely would not date a big girl. Slim? I'm not sure how to categorize it. Again, the fitter the better. -------------------------- Fat on thighs is the grossest thing ever. After watching a video in health class...Never again. Err, chest. Not huge nor 'big'. Defff not huge. For some reason, it seems almost disgusting. It'd be weird to look for pictures of these things, so I won't.

  4. So I guess I'll move onto personality traits. Personality traits I'm into: • Leadership type (As in, she can take charge when needed.) • Risk-taker, not afraid to try new things. (So, courageous) • Intelligent. • Talks enough for the both of us (I naturally prefer to stay quiet.) • As you've said, an extrovert. • Decisive – Knows what she wants and will move to get it. • Independent. • Somewhat rebellious. Personality traits I'm not into: • Super indecisiveness. I can't stand it. • Extreme shyness. • Dependence. (I feel like I'm saying the opposite of above.) • Paranoia. • Dogmatism. • Hard-headed religiousness. • Egotistic.

  5. What would be nice but not required? Hmm. • Being a gamer. • Into sports. • Into guns? Seems like a tough thing to find though. • Likes hiking. • Can sing. • Into zombies. • Already knows what she wants to do in life. • Likes horror films. (Even though I don't, but still. Haha.) • Is artistic. Honestly, I feel like I'm hitting a huge spectrum here – or at least having high standards. One of the two. Oh well.

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