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People drinking water with their meals may be less likely to drink caloric beverages, thereby further reducing caloric intake.
Introduction Drinking water can boost metabolic rate and that people who reported drinking more than 1 L of water a day in a 12 month weight loss study experienced greater weight and fat loss.
Study • Now, the impact of drinking water immediately prior to a meal in individuals trying to lose weight was examined in a randomized controlled trial. The study, by Elizabeth Dennis and colleagues from Virginia Tech, is published in this month’s issue of Obesity. • Adults (n = 48; 55-75 years, BMI 25-40) were radomised to either a hypocaloric diet + 500 ml water prior to each meal (water group) or hypocaloric diet alone (nonwater group). • During the 12 week intervention period, both groups dropped around 2 BMI points, but the water group lost ~2 kg or 44% more weight than the nonwater group. • Premeal water intake reduced energy intake from an ad libitum meal at base line, but not at 12 weeks.
Water Manages Weight • This randomized controlled trial clearly shows, that in people on a hypocaloric diet, consuming 500 ml water prior to each main meal leads to greater weight loss than a hypocaloric diet alone. • While part of this effect may well be a reduction in meal size following water ingestion other mechanisms are conceivable. Thus, previous studies have suggested that water drinking can increase metabolic rate. Also, people drinking water with their meals may be less likely to drink caloric beverages, thereby further reducing caloric intake. • Whatever the mechanism, regularly drinking 500 ml water prior to every meal may well be an easy and inexpensive way to help manage your weight.
About Dr. Arya M. Sharma Dr. Arya M. Sharma, MD/PhD, FRCPC is Professor of Medicine & Chair for Obesity Research and Management at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. He is also the Medical Director of the Edmonton Capital Health Region’s interdisciplinary Weight Wise Program. Dr. Sharma is also the Scientific Director of the Canadian Obesity Network funded through the federal Networks of Centres Excellence program. Dr. Sharma has authored and co-authored more than 250 scientific articles and has lectured widely on the etiology and management of obesity and related cardiovascular disorders. He sends his informative messages through his blog Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes. For more information on Obesity visit; Website: http://www.drsharma.ca/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dr-Arya-Sharma/115328778486319