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  1. Incentive Compensation Plan (ICP)Specialist - Strategic Value eligible positions Start of Plan effective date April 1, 2009 Goals listed in this training deck are for example purposes to demonstrate how formulas are calculated. Supporting documents related to this plan including current monthly goals will be listed in i-Connect > Care Home > Consumer/IL Care Initiatives > Customer Care Incentives (Vendor Centers)

  2. What has changed for Specialists from the 2008 ICP Plan? (Tenured Specialists) • Highlight of changes: • Changing quality metric from QAM Issue Resolution to Advanis IR – Issue Resolution • Moving to 3 month rolling Advanis IR results, except for April 09 where results will only be 2 month rolling Advanis IR results (Mar09 & Apr09). • Adding an AHT Qualifier for Specialist ICP Payout • Adjustments to the dollars and ranges in the Strategic Value Payout Scale

  3. Highlight of what is not changing: Strategic Value metric stays the same Specialist eligibility status for ICP is the same as in the 2008 plan Specialist still uses 20+ calls for a payout day, up to 20 days Continue to limit Strategic Value payout to $1,000 if not at or above Issue Resolution target Continue 200 strategic value call qualifier

  4. What is Incentive Compensation? • This Plan is designed to provide Incentive Compensation (compensation as a reward) for meeting certain goals. Goals are set on a monthly basis and the pay is variable on a monthly basis. • This Plan provides a clear direction of desired focus to drive: • First Call Resolution through Issue Resolution • Revenue when issue is first resolved • Efficiency during the call experience • This Plan puts the Specialists in control of their incentive compensation earnings • In addition, top consistent performers can be awarded with additional recognition events • Quarterly Contests also occur to build excitement and awareness of a focused metric or metrics


  6. Skill One Training: Learning to resolve the customer issue is key to building the foundation for the Incentive Compensation Plan. Issue must be resolved first for our customers. Skill Two Training: Sview Offer training is introduced in Skill two training Learning about buying cues provides the foundation to increase Sprint’s Revenue. In addition, Incentive Compensation can be awarded to you for increasing Sprint’s Revenue. Q. Why is the plan using Advanis IR - Issue Resolution as a payment metric for Specialists and Supervisors? A. First Call Resolution is a key indicator of Customer Satisfaction. In order to stress the importance of FCR, this plan includes customer perception of Issue Resolution. This metric is currently the metric found to be the best indicator at a Specialist and Supervisor level that ties to the voice of the customer and the success in driving First Call Resolution. Q. Q. Why does a Specialist have to answer 200 + inbound strategic value eligible calls handled in a measurement month to be eligible for payment? A. This is an incentive compensation plan that stresses the need for Specialists to be handling calls. The minimum requirement ensures that those receiving payment are delivering productivity. Q. Why do Specialists have to be at a minimum Advanis IR – Issue Resolution performance in order to earn a Strategic Value payment? A. The objective of ICP is to ensure that Specialists are providing quality service and enhancing the customer experience by educating them on our products and/or extending a contract once the issue is resolved within strategic value eligible FA’s. “Sales at any cost” or regardless of issue resolution performance is not acceptable. However, if there is no Advanis IR – Issue Resolution surveys because system could not find at least one survey, this will not keep a Specialist from a potential ICP payout for Strategic Value. The 200 call and AHT qualifiers still apply.

  7. Q. Why do Specialists have to be at a minimum AHT Percent to Goal in order to earn a payment? A. Inefficient Specialists are not eligible for ICP payouts until they meet their AHT qualifier. Although providing issue resolution is necessary for payout. If a Specialist is meeting or exceeding his/her Advanis IR – Issue Resolution goal, he/she should work to improve the customer experience meeting established Average Handle Time qualifiers. Requiring a minimum expectation to the Specialist’s AHT goal before he/she is eligible for ICP payment reinforces the importance of efficiency. Q. Why does a Specialist have AHT disqualifiers even if they met their AHT qualifier? A. The ICP plan does not promote inappropriate AHT behaviors in order for Specialist to meet their AHT qualifier. Even if the Specialist met their minimum AHT Percent to goal qualifier, they will disqualify if the requirement was met due to these undesired behaviors that result in a bad customer experience: Short Calls: The percentage of a Specialist’s calls that were handled under a certain threshold defined in seconds. Going over that percentage will disqualify eligibility for incentive compensation payout. The qualifying percentage and threshold will be provided on the monthly Strategic Value Target Sheet. Transfers: The percentage of a Specialist’s calls that were transferred out. Exceeding that percentage will disqualify a Specialist for incentive compensation payout. The qualifying percentage will be provided on the monthly Strategic Value Target Sheet. Outbound Calls: The percentage of a Specialist’s calls that were handled as an outbound call. Going over that percentage will disqualify a Specialist’s eligibility for incentive compensation payout. The qualifying percentage will be provided on the monthly Strategic Value Target Sheet.

  8. Metric’s in Specialist’s ICP Qualifier Only Qualifier Only Strategic value eligible employees who exceed targets can earn additional incentive compensation. Complete pay scales that include the additional incentive compensation values are on page 16 & 17 of this deck. (Dollars listed above is for budgeting purposes describing the payout when exact targets are met. Some Specialists in the plan will perform above targets with higher dollar payouts, some perform below targets with lower dollar payouts and some with no dollar payouts.) 8

  9. Specialist Metric: Issue Resolution • Measured through Advanis IR - Issue Resolution IVR Survey • Question #5: “Was your issue resolved on this call?” • Only surveys that are answered with “Yes” or “No” are displayed and feed into the calculation for this metric. “Don’t know” answers to this question are not displayed and are disregarded. • Advanis IR - Issue Resolution Monthly Results are based on a percentage of how many “Yes” answers to total number of surveys • To drive a consistent quality performance a Specialist’s current and 2 previous month’s surveys are collected for more accurate sample size within a measurement month • A Specialist’s CCPM Scorecard will display Advanis IR – Issue Resolution surveys in a rolling fashion so at the beginning of a measurement month the 2 previous month’s surveys will calculate and as new eligible surveys occur in the current month they will add to the result in the display • Due to communication on this ICP change, calculations for April 2009 will only go back one month to March 2009. May 2009 will be the first month 3 months of data will display and so on for future months. • No survey results are skipped or omitted 9

  10. The previous month(s) FA’s goals will be incorporated in with any previous month(s) survey results into the current month’s weighting The call date determines which month the Advanis IR - Issue Resolution surveys are counted on the CCPM scorecards and for ICP Advanis IR - Issue Resolution Goals are set at the Functional Area “FA” level as different results are expected per certain FA’s. If more that one FA is handled the goal is weighted based on FA calls surveyed Advanis IR - Issue Resolution Percent to Goal is Advanis IR -Issue Resolution Monthly Results divided by Advanis IR - Issue Resolution Goal. Percent to goal determines Specialists potential payout

  11. Issue Resolution view on Spec’s CCPM Scorecard Example if April 2009 was current month scorecard view: • CCPM Displays all Advanis IR survey results, current and 1 previous month for April 2009, 2 previous months for May 2009 and going forward • 5 were surveyed in current month, 7 were from previous month. If an additional survey is recorded in April, it would be added. • Overall this Specialist had 10 passing surveys out of 12 with a % to goal result of 102.90% 11

  12. Specialist Metric: Strategic Value • What is Strategic Value? Strategic value improves the Sprint customer experience by educating them on products and services that they may not even know about. Listening to the customer cues and finding how one of Sprint’s products or Simply Everything plans could fix their issues and prevent further issues Strategic Value IS NOT just a Sales approach of “Do you want to buy”. Don’t introduce products into the conversation, such as, “I see you do not have text messaging, do you want to purchase that today?” Strategic Value exists to focus on quality offers, not a “would you like fries with that?” approach. It is about maximizing the customer experience and increasing their loyalty. • What is Product Strategic Value? • A dollar value that is assigned per eligible offer product • Current dollar values will be listed on your monthly Strategic Value Target sheet listed on i-connect>care home and displayed on your CCPM scorecards Sample of Product Strategic values: • Add a Sub = $350 in strategic value • Simply Everything = $80 in strategic value • TEP = $15 in strategic value If a Specialist sold: 2 add a subs, 22 Simply Everythings and 15 TEP’s on 600 calls, they generated: $2,685 in Strategic Value Actual Performance (2*$350 + 22*$80 + 15*$15) $4.48 Strategic Value Actual Performance per call ($2,685 / 600 calls) 12

  13. Specialist Metric: Strategic Value Continued… • Strategic Value Goal/Target • Targets for strategic value are assigned per call and are set at the functional area level as different FA’s have different opportunities to offer • Strategic Value Goal is set on the calls within a strategic value eligible FA even if there are times when there is no buying cue opportunity exist to educate our customers on our products and or services • The goal per call assigned is based taking that into consideration when goals are set. • Once close rate targets are established by FA by Product, then strategic value per call goals/targets are determined • Final total Strategic Value Goal/Target for the month is not determined until after the end of each month until all calls are handled but each month progress can be estimated as the month progresses Example of Strategic Value Goal/Targets per FA per call: “SVPC” means Strategic Value Per Call 13

  14. Specialist Metric: Strategic Value Continued • What if a Specialist took a mix of strategic value eligible FA calls in a month? • Target is weighted based on that mix of strategic value eligible calls • Calls handled that are not considered strategic value eligible, do not count in total calls for Strategic Value within ICP Example continued: 600 total sales eligible calls with 400 calls from CON – CTP Billing and 200 Con – UBP Business General. Strategic Value Goal/Target is: • 400 calls * $4.20 = $1,680 and 200 calls * $3.50 = $700 • Total Strategic Value Target is = $ 2,380 • And on a per call bases target is = $3.97 ($2,380 / 600 calls) 14

  15. Determining Strategic Value Percent to Goal/Target Specialist sold $2,685 in strategic value products (page 7) Specialist strategic value goal/target is $2,380 (above) Specialist Strategic Value % to Goal = 112.82% ($2,685 / $2,380) On a per call bases their targeted offered rate was $3.97 per call but performed at $4.48 per call

  16. Specialist View of Strategic Value on CCPM Scorecard • This view provides the Specialist a summary of their products sold, the number sold, the strategic value amount assigned per product, and their total actual product strategic value amount. In addition, their total calls handled by FA, their Strategic value per call goal, and their total strategic value goal to get to % to goal. • Specialists can further click on their supporting tabs in CCPM: • “Strategic Value Details” which provides details, such as date sold, BAN #, PTN #, and SOC code. • “Breakage” tab provides detail information about missed sales, such as breakage date, BAN #, PTN #, Campaign Code and SOC Offer Description. • “AHT” tab provides detail on handled calls by FA by day and daily AHT metric performance breakdown. The tab includes total calls handled not just strategic value eligible calls handled. 16

  17. Specialist Supporting Tabs in CCPM Example view of the detail provided in the Strategic Value Details supporting tab: • Strategic value Details provides BAN (Billing Account Number of the customer) and PTN (Personal Telephone Number of customer) sold to, for what date. The corresponding product reporting name listed on Specialist CCPM scorecard and the Sview SOC (Service Order Code) of the product. • The Service Order Code “SOC”is a letter and or number sequence assigned to a product or service when accepting an offer in Sview and provisioning that offer in CSM. • In the Sview offer’s tab, accepted must be entered by the Specialist and then the product must be also be provisioned properly on the account in CSM for the sale to count towards the Specialist’s strategic value results and show up on this “Strategic Value Details” supporting tab. Example view of the detail provided in the AHT supporting tab: • “AHT” tab provides detail on handled calls by FA by day and daily AHT metric performance breakdown. The tab includes total calls handled not just strategic value eligible calls handled of the product. 17

  18. Specialist Supporting Tabs in CCPM - Breakage Example view of the detail provided in the Breakage supporting tab: 18

  19. What is Breakage? When aproduct and/or service is clicked accepted in the Sview offer tab but offer does not have a matching provisioning code in CSM creates an offer Breakage. • View provides breakage tab directly to Specialist. Breakage data will display for current and one previous month only in a month to date format • Specialists should be resolving their breakage immediately • It is in the best interest to our customers to get what they asked for, • In the best interest to Sprint as when it is not fixed most likely will result in a call back from our customers • And in the best interest for the Specialist by improving their incentive compensation payout possibilities by gaining strategic value credit • Breakage tab view is static. However, Specialists have their Strategic Value Details tab to view if their worked breakage appears for strategic value after Specialist worked the issue to resolution. • If issue was worked to resolution, strategic value credit is assigned based on system re-enter date not the original system breakage date. • PTN will be blank on Shared Plans in the display

  20. Specialist View of AHT on CCPM Scorecard • Efficiency will now be tracked for ICP through AHT, requiring a minimum expectation of AHT performance. However, The ICP plan does not promote inappropriate AHT behaviors in order for Specialists to meet their AHT qualifier. • Specialists will disqualify if AHT qualifier was met due to these undesired behaviors that result in a bad customer experience: • Short Calls: The percentage of a Specialist’s calls that were handled under a certain threshold defined in seconds. Going over that percentage will disqualify eligibility for payout. • Transfers: The percentage of a Specialist’s calls that were transferred out. Exceeding that percentage will disqualify a Specialist for payout. • Outbound Calls: The percentage of a Specialist’s calls that were handled as an outbound call. Going over that percentage will disqualify a Specialist’s eligibility for payout. 20

  21. Specialist ICP – Plan *Qualifiers * Refer to Monthly Strategic Value Target Sheet if any qualifier # amount changes from this presentation • Must have minimum Advanis IR - Issue Resolution Percent to Goal of 90%+ to be qualified for Strategic Value payment • However if no surveys are found, lack of surveys will not keep a Specialist from qualifying for Strategic Value payment • If Specialist is below Advanis IR goal but between 90%-99.99% of Advanis IR goal, the maximum Strategic Value payment that can be earned is $1,000. • Must have at least 0% Strategic Value Percent to Goal to qualify for Advanis IR payment • Must answer at least 200 inbound strategic value eligible calls handled in a measurement month (200 call requirement not tied to any minimum # of calls per day) • Must have a minimum AHT % to Goal to be qualified for payout as defined in detail on page 13. Exact %age qualifier per month will be listed on the Monthly Strategic Value Target Sheet for overall AHT, short calls, transfers and outbound calls. Below, 50% to AHT goal was used for example purposes. 21

  22. Pay Impacting Metric Results Summary Example continued for Specialist :

  23. Specialist ICP – Determining Payouts • Payment $ is determined based on % to goal performance in Advanis IR and Strategic Value. The higher the % to goal the more $$$ associated. • Four is the minimum number of Advanis IR – Issue Resolution surveys that will be use to determine a Specialist’s ICP payout consideration. However, if there is less than 4 surveys found over the measurement period these contingencies will occur: • If no surveys can be found a Specialist will still have potential payout for Strategic Value but all other qualifiers apply. • If the survey count is at least 1 but less than 4 and all found surveys resulted in yes, potential payout for Advanis IR and Strategic Value is possible, if all qualifiers are met. • If the survey count is at least 1 but less than 4 and all found surveys resulted in no’s, this Advanis IR result is a disqualifier for payout. • If the survey count is at least 1 but less than 4 and there is a mix of yes and no results, a Specialist will still have potential payout for Strategic Value, but all other qualifiers apply. i.e. 2 yes’s out of 3 surveys I 23

  24. CP captures eligibility based on CRO Title Hierarchy, then counts number of days, 20+ inbound strategic value eligible calls were handled. (See “Work Summary” section on CCPM scorecard) For Payment purposes, the maximum number of days eligible for pay in the month is 20 days, although “Days handled 20+ strategic value eligible calls” will not stop counting at 20 days. CCPM continues to display all days a Specialists answers 20+ calls. If you are in a domestic center who handles Advantage FA’s, the strategic value payout range is determined by call mix. Those who have 50%+ Advantage FA(s) in their call mix will be on the Advantage payout table rates, less than 50% call mix will default to domestic table rates.

  25. Specialists Quality *Payout Scale Example *Assuming all qualifiers are met 25

  26. Specialists Strategic Value *Payout Scale Example 26 *Assuming all qualifiers are met

  27. Where to Look on Specialists CCPM Scorecard for Summary Performance tied to ICP payments Example Payout: Based on Domestic rates. This Specialist performance payment to Vendor would be $214.00. $150 for IR @ $7.50 x 20 days (as 102.90% to IR goal is greater than 100% to goal but actual score is lower than a perfect score) + $64 for SV @ $3.20 x 20 days (as 112.82% strategic value % to goal performance falls in SV range of 110%-119.99%) (Specialist met all qualifiers detailed on page 14 including their AHT qualifier.) 20 days was used because according to the “Work Summary section”, Specialist handled 20+ strategic value eligible calls for 21 days. Since 20 days is the maximum # of days for payment, 20 days is used instead of 21 for payment. 27

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