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BestTypingTest.me is free typing speed test. Practice typing, measure your typing speed, share your results with your friends.
Tips to increase to your typing skills in 5 steps: www.besttypingtest.me
Learn typing as a fun You can search in Google online typing test games, a huge of list of online games which can be used as tool to improve your typing speed. Typing instructions will instruct on many levels, posing normally misspelled keywords and distant language words in different style. www.besttypingtest.me
Sitting Posture for best typing You should follow basic physical criteria arm’s length 12”-30” inches, in front of your computer screen. Places VDU in correct position so that you do not feel any difficulty during typing. Sit straight on Chair with correct height of table and your feet, either flat on the surface or inside the table support. www.besttypingtest.me
Don't look at keyboard, memorize keys Place transparent paper over keyboard then start typing this way you can avoid the keyboard and improve your typing skills. By following this practice you are able to type with much better speed. www.besttypingtest.me
Practice speed typing Practice makes man perfect. If you want learn anything and you are putting your best possible effort to learn then nobody can stop learn. Start typing 500 words articles on regular basis without looking at keyboard. www.besttypingtest.me
Online chatting can be a good practice Social Media is a good choice to improve your typing skills, online chat with your friends helps to increase your typing skills. Participating in daily typing contest and checking your speed on Online typing test tools can dramatically increase your speed. www.besttypingtest.me