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Wind Horse is an established adventure travel company since 1998. We provide small group journeys and personalized trips to Bhutan, India, Nepal and Tibet. The Bhutan Tourism recognizes Wind Horse Tours as a leading Bhutan travel agent. We have offices in each of our focus countries and regions. Our offices are based in in Minneapolis (USA), Thimphu (Bhutan), New Delhi (India) and in Darjeeling (India). In Dec 2010 we launched new dedicated customer support office at the border between India and Bhutan in small town known as Phuentsholing, Bhutan.
Oneof our pastguests summed up it well. “Igot much morethan whatIpaid.It was trip of mylifetime; it took melot of planning, saving and time to replacefear of unknown with curiosity. Keepingaside thematerialist perspective, the deeper dimension oflifeit added in terms of peace, calm andharmonythatIexperienced was simplypriceless.ThoughIgo back poorer with few thousand dollars, but morerich and enriched in terms ofexperiences and perspective.Inspiringtodo whatIdo best-planning, savingfor thenext visit”. Manytimes it has been asked and lot has been said online.Itgavebirth tomanymyths and preconceived idea aboutBhutan. Theseideas flyingaroundhavelabelBhutan synonymous with expensive destination to visit.Is it reallyso? It’s time togive thesemyths a decent burial. Firstof all let’s start with theBhutangovernment perceptions.It all started30 ormoreyears ago with the concept of“Highyield and low impact tourism”.Inretrospect, it looks now morein line with widelyacclaimed “Gross National Happiness”. Out offour pillars that Gross National Happiness is based onTourism structurally find two to support on – Conservation ofnaturalenvironment and preservation and practiceof tradition and culture, which is unique and extraordinaryin its own way. And initiative and measures areneed of the hourto preservethese cultural heritages and tradition in this fast changingmodern world. http://www.windhorsetours.com/bhutan/ It might appear expensive when per night cost become visible. TheBhutaneseGovernment has imposed an ‘all inclusive’ nightlytariff structure.In our 15years’experiencewe regularly
receive comments from returningvisitors on howgreat the‘valuefor money’genuinelyis.If taken underconsideration that every guest has access to aprivateguide, chauffeur, private foreign vehicle and aland packageincluding all meals, accommodation as strictlyprescribed by Tourism Council of Bhutan, sightseeing,entryfees, transfers, taxes,government royalties&visa fees it is indeed excellentvalue for money.Onethingthat can befrighteningat timeis the airfare ifyou aretravelling fromNorth America, Europeor far offplaces. Onethingthat might comein forefront is lack ofchoicein term oflower tariff packages, which doesn’t fit into canvass as painted byBhutangovernment as most of theinfrastructures are molded in order to cater to the guests who can paythe stipulated amount. Even the most seasoned travelers consideraprivilegeto visit.It is voted asworld’s top travel destination and in bucketlist in everyenthusiast travelers. This is land ofThunder Dragon– Bhutan. Goingbythefeed backsand comments from pastguests, believeus!!!It’sworth everypenny, emotions and feelings. An odysseyinto the land least affected bytime and its furies and surreal ambianceofculture, tradition and natural beauty. Besttime for travelto Bhutan Jakar Dzongin thebackdrop of Jakar town in summer Weareoften asked when is thebest timeto visit Bhutan? Generally,guests do prior research on their own.A senseofconfusions prevails with different dataprojection from various sites and subjectiveideas in theforum and blogs. Some online travel sites havegoneto thelength of projectingtravellingduringlean season to the extremes of grimness. Believeus!!!It’s not at all as black as it’s painted.Thegrimness or lean season consist of July and August dueto monsoon and the onset of winter during December and January. But thegrimness has itsown charms and perks.For instance, when monsoon is in song, it bring joyous rain thatcarpet thevalleys and slopes withgreenness, it injects a new leaseof lifeto vegetation to flourish untamed and blessingforintensive terracedricecultivation.It’savisual treat to seefarmers in motion, be it art of sowing,plough, orthechildren playingin therice