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Higgs momentum scale studies. Peter Kluit, MATF/MCP meeting 6 December /11 November/ 24 October. Introduction. Data sets mc12_8TeV.208001.Pythia8B_AU2_CTEQ6L1_pp_Jpsimu4mu4.merge.AOD.e1331_a159_a173_r3549/
Higgs momentum scale studies Peter Kluit, MATF/MCP meeting 6 December /11 November/ 24 October
Introduction Data sets mc12_8TeV.208001.Pythia8B_AU2_CTEQ6L1_pp_Jpsimu4mu4.merge.AOD.e1331_a159_a173_r3549/ mc12_8TeV.147807.PowhegPythia8_AU2CT10_Zmumu.merge.AOD.e1169_s1469_s1470_r3542_r3549/ data12_8TeV.periodE.physics_Muons.PhysCont.DESD_ZMUMU.t0pro13_v01/ data12_8TeV.periodB.physics_Muons.PhysCont.AOD.t0pro13_v01/ Event selection MCP ID track selection For Zs pT > 25 both combined muons period B pT > 25 and pT > 7 GeV -> measure the 10-45 GeV range
Momentum/mass scale conclusions Both MS and ID and CB are about -0.1% off on the Z mass scale In the MS Barrel the shift is less than -0.05% while the EC is shifted with about -0.15% It is not clear that there is room for a dZ mass/ dpT linear component. A scaling of the B field would give a linear component. The MS Barrel looks pretty good. But can we do better? For the MS I think that the observed scale comes from imperfect modeling of the Eloss. To study the Eloss component Ludo suggested to study the p SA – p ID in eta and pT bins. Here I moved to pT SA – pT ID plots (more stable). Requiring 3 or more stations. See next slides.
Eloss pT SA – pT ID To get some feeling for systematics the top sectors (sin(phi)>0) are plotted Transition region has largest “jump”
Eloss pT SA – pT ID Too low stats to say anything In this pT range
Eloss pT SA – pT ID Too low stats… CSC region is off scale
Eloss pT SA – pT ID Sufficient stats Barrel moved 100 MeV EC 200 MeV Trans 200 MeV CSC region moved by 400 MeV
Eloss pT SA – pT ID Sufficient stats Changes take place between pT 15-30 and pT 30-40 GeV
Eloss pT SA – pT ID Sufficient stats Small Changes take place between pT 30-40 GeV pT 40-100 GeV EC ~50 MeV
Eloss conclusions We observe that the Eloss in the different pT region varies when we go from pT 15-30 to pT 30-40 GeV: Barrel Et 100 MeV EC (T) Et 200 MeV CSC Et 400 MeV We might profit from a better Eloss tune. As the study with the “top vs all sectors” shows an Et modeling with a systematic precision of 50 MeV is not easy…