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www.theprsb.org. PRSB Vendor Forum. Working to implement professional record standards. Welcome to the Vendor Forum. Overview of today’s session Please save questions until after introductory talks Introduction to speakers and other PRSB participants Aim and scope of the Vendor Forum

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Presentation Transcript

  1. www.theprsb.org

  2. PRSB Vendor Forum Working to implement professional record standards

  3. Welcome to the Vendor Forum • Overview of today’s session • Please save questions until after introductory talks • Introduction to speakers and other PRSB participants • Aim and scope of the Vendor Forum • Outline of PRSB conformance proof-of-concept work • Introduction to the workshop session • Feel free to blog/tweet: #prsb, #bcs, #ehr.....

  4. Overview

  5. Introduction to speakers • Philip Scott • Senior Lecturer, University of Portsmouth • Programme Chair, SIHI Conference • 15 years NHS IT experience + 5 years academic • Chair, HL7 UK • Vice-chair, UK Faculty of Health Informatics • BCS Health representative to PRSB • HC 2015 Programme Chair • Other speakers...

  6. Introduction to speakers Dave Nurse Marlene Winfield Iain Carpenter Also from PRSB, RCP HIU and HSCIC: Mala Bridgelal Ram Jan Hoogewerf MunishJokhani

  7. Aim & scope of the Vendor Forum For professional standards to be widely adopted, they need to be implemented in information systems. PRSB is a care professionals’ body not a technical body. BCS Health and techUK can offer professional and trade association views, but more is needed. There is currently a wide chasm between published professional standards and anything that can be meaningfully asserted to be compliant. We need to reach a level of dialogue between PRSB and implementers that supports agile development.

  8. PRSB conformance project Patient Summary Extended Dataset Generic model Outpatient letter openEHR archetype CDA template Profile

  9. PRSB conformance questions What does “conformance” mean for implementing professional standards in IT systems? How do you bridge the gap between generic standards and testable implementations? What capabilities would PRSB need to support the level of dialogue needed for agile implementation? Is a certification scheme viable? (even if it follows techUK recommendations) Can a Vendor Forum lead to a consensus on implementation guidance or at least agreeing what the issues are?

  10. Workshop breakout questions (1) What can industry get from PRSB? What can industry give to PRSB? How should the financial model work for industry participation in PRSB? Is it practical to differentiate multinationals and large corporates from SMEs and sole traders? How can vendors advise PRSB about implementation requirements? How can PRSB respond to implementation queries and issues?

  11. Workshop breakout questions (2) What does “conformance” to the standards mean? (e.g. AoMRC headings) What are the barriers to adopting professional standards in IT systems? What educational needs exist to enable professional standards implementation? How frequently should the vendor forum interact with PRSB and in what form (virtual/physical)?

  12. Workshop breakout questions (2) What does “conformance” to the standards mean? (e.g. AoMRC headings) What are the barriers to adopting professional standards in IT systems? What educational needs exist to enable professional standards implementation? How frequently should the vendor forum interact with PRSB and in what form (virtual/physical)?

  13. Next steps • Volunteers for group for methodology (development, implementation, criteria for technical assurance – open and transparent). • Different vendor types have different needs/contributions. • Need both grand plan and incremental use cases: prioritise clinically important content. • PRSB marketing – demonstrate value to vendors to justify participation. • NHS Trust engagement via CCIO network. • Converge with GPSoC.

  14. Conclusion Thank you for participating Follow-up emails also welcomed BCS Health and PRSB will come back with proposals We look forward to building the relationship with industry

  15. And finally... Related events • BCS Health welcomes ideas for HC2015 • New approach for next year • Much stronger keynotes and programme themes • Southern Institute of Health Informatics (SIHI) • University of Portsmouth, 10 September 2014 • http://sihi.port.ac.uk/sites/2014/ • 2nd Interoperability Summer School (UCL, University of Leeds, HL7 UK) • London, 14-15 July 2014

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